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Chapter 16: Apologies
Sunday, November 18th, 2018 

"Vegas?" Logan semi-shouted as he stood in the archway of the living room.

Logan was fuming with anger at those boys. Coming here and talking about Vegas to Rory.

"Mate." Finn says as he stands up to greet his best friend.
"Don't you dear 'mate' me." Logan shouts at him.

Finn sits back down, hanging his head low.

"Logan Eli Huntzberger, that is no way to speak to your best friend." Rory shouts as she stands up, with her hands on her hips.
"Don't you go defending him. He has no right to be here." Logan shouts. "None of them do."
"What is going on, Logan?" Rory questions him. "They are your best friends. Friends you would do anything for. Friends that went above and beyond for you and for me as well. If it wasn't for those three, we probably wouldn't have Anna."
"Ace." Logan begins.
"Don't you Ace me, Logan." Rory says.
"But - " Logan begins again.
"No Logan. I know what happen the day Anna was born. Why didn't you tell me the boys were in trouble." Rory says looking Logan in the eyes.
"I didn't want to put any stress on you. We were going through enough as it was. With Anna arriving early, and then planning the wedding reception." Logan pleases as he walks towards her.
"No, Logan. You could of told me. No, you probably didn't have to tell me in so much detail as the boys just did. But you could of told me they were in trouble, instead of ignoring me every time I mention them. They are family Logan. We don't betray family that like." Rory shouts at him.
"Ace, I am sorry I didn't tell you. But please understand that I did it for your own good. I did it to protect you. I didn't want any harm brought towards you or Anna. You girls are my life." Logan says as he cups Rory's face. "Please forgive me."
"I forgive you, but please don't keep anything from me every again, you hear me mister." Rory says as she gives him a quick kiss.
"Promise!" Logan says.
"I'm going to go check on Anna. Please make it right with the boys." Rory whispers in Logan's ear.

Rory dismisses herself from the boys and heads up to check on Anna.

Logan, Finn, Colin and Robert all sat in the living room in an awkward silence. It seemed like forever before anyone spoke, but finally Finn spoke.

"Mate." Finn says looking towards Logan, " I am so sorry for what I did to you six months ago. I should have never gotten mad at you, I should of understood. But I do understand now. But you were the first person that came to my mind when the gang member fell to the ground. I knew you were someone I could count on but I over reacted when you said you couldn't come, but I know if the situation was different and if Rory wasn't in the hospital ready to have Anna, you would of been on the next flight to Vegas. And I'm sorry that we told Rory. That was your place to tell her, but I really thought you would of told her. It's been six months since it happened."
"Finn," Logan says looking at his best friend, "Apology accepted! And yes, I would of been on the next flight if the situation was different. And thanks for telling Ace, I really did need to tell her but every time I went to tell her something came up, Anna being in the hospital for six weeks after she was born, all the visitors that came after Anna came home including my parents and then the wedding reception she has been planning on top of caring for Anna while I returned to work. It's been a crazy six months to say the least and we definitely didn't need any extra stress. But why didn't anyone call me to let me know what happened afterwards."
"We wasn't sure if you wanted to speak to any of us after what we pulled." Robert says. "And to be completely honest we were kinda scared to call."
"Scared to call?" Logan questioned them.
"Yeah, we knew you would be pissed but we wasn't sure how pissed you would be." Colin said. "Especially with everything you had going on with Anna."
"Yes I would of been pissed. But I was even more pissed when I didn't hear from any of you to let me know what happen afterwards." Logan said with honestly. "So what happened afterwards?"
"Yeah, I would like to know as well." Rory said as she entered the room with Anna on her hip.
"Da-da." Anna said holding out her arms to Logan as Rory approached him. 
Logan quickly stood and took his daughter from Rory. Then they both sat next to each other as they waited for the aftermath of the Vegas ordeal.
"So?" Rory said looking between the three men waiting for an answer.
"Can we just meet Anna first, so she can get to know her uncles." Finn asked.
"It takes her a while to warm up to anyone lately even her grandparents - and that is all 6 of them. She has become very clingy to me and Rory the pass couple of weeks." Logan explained. "So, are you going to explain?"
"After we returned, which was after I got off the phone with you Logan. Finn was sat on the ground with his legs pulled up and his arms wrapped around his legs." Robert begins to explain.
"You called Robert?" Rory asks as she turns her attention to Logan. 
"Yeah, I called him just before I left to come back to the hospital." Logan explains once again caught in another secret. 
Rory just shakes her head at him, without even replying. 
"Well, that's when I called the police." Colin begins. 
"And what did you tell them?" Logan questions Colin. 
"I explained who I was. Then I explained the situation that we were in. Telling the police everything that happened. That the biker gang came after us, then went after Finn with a knife and that Finn threw a brick at him. I also explained that we left and so did the other seven members of the gang. But that we came back because we knew that Finn needed us." Colin explained. 
"So did the police come to the alley?" Rory asked, a little curious on what happened if or when the police showed up. 
"Yes they came and it didn't take them long to get there either." Finn replied. "I was taken to the police station, questioned and was put behind bars." 
"How long were you in jail for?" Logan asked a little shocked, since Finn can usually talk his way out of anything. 
"It was about 48 hours." Finn replies. "Colin and Robert, was put in jail to. Since they witness the ordeal go down. But after some more questioning, they were released after 24 hours. But they had to do more investigating before they could release me." 
"So what allowed you to get released?" Rory asked. 
"The investigation of the body and the biker gang checked out to be true. The police found the other seven members, who was brought in for questioning. Once the police had their statements, and their statements followed up with ours I was released to leave, but I wasn't allowed to leave Vegas for four month, none of us where." Finn explained. 
"But it's been six months since that happened? Where were you guys for the last two months?" Logan asked a little confused. 
"We, uh, we...well...Finn went back to Australia for a month. Robert hid in New York and worked his butt of for the last two months. I also hid, but I hid in LA with Juliet." Colin said. 
"What about the last month Finn, where have you been?" Rory asked a little concerned. 
"I was in New York." Finn admitted. "I wanted to come see you guys so bad. I even been back and forth to Hartford, trying to drop by to see you both and to meet little Anna. But it didn't feel right to come back with all this floating around. But I am so glad that Colin and Robert talked me into coming and speaking with you both." 
"Well we are very glad that you all came. You boys are family. Anna needs her crazy Uncles to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble, she is a Huntzberger after all." Rory said with a huge smile. 

After the apologies were all given and accepted. They spent hours talking, the boys got to hang out with Anna before she went to bed. And finally the LDB boys were all united again. 

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