Bad News

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Chapter 31: Bad News
Friday, December 14th, 2018

They were all chatting away when Anna started gasping for air.

"Logan, call 911," Rory called out, as she held Anna.

Logan made quick work with the phone call, and before long an ambulance showed up and they were off to Hartford hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, Anna was taken right away, while Rory and Logan had to wait until they got her breathing back to normal.

Within a half-hour, Dr. Hudson came out of Anna's assigned room.

"Mr. & Mrs. Huntzberger?" Dr. Hudson asked as he walked into the waiting room.

"Yes," Logan responded for them both as he held onto a sobbing Rory.

"Anna is breathing on her own, but we had to take some blood test, which was just sent to the lab to get tested." Dr. Hudson began. "It seems like Anna has anemia."

"Oh my god." Rory gasps. "W-what does that mean?"

"Well first of all where Anna was a premature baby, she was at a higher risk of getting it." Dr. Hudson explained. "Anaemia is a deficiency in the number or quality of red blood cells in your body. Red blood cells carry oxygen around your body using a particular protein called hemoglobin. Anemia means that either the level of red blood cells or the level of hemoglobin is lower than normal. When a person has anemia, their heart has to work harder to pump the quantity of blood needed to get enough oxygen around their body. Anemia isn't a disease in itself, but a result of a malfunction somewhere in the body. This blood condition is common, particularly in females."

"Is there any treatments?" Logan asked.

"There are many treatment options available, but I would like to get her blood test results back first before I start suggesting treatments because there could be an underlying cause for the anemia." Dr. Hudson explained. "You and your wife can go in and be with Anna, but just you two. I would like to keep her visitors to the minimum right now until we know for sure what is going on."

"Absolutely," Logan said as he looked back at their parents, Lorelei and Shira were a sobbing mess, as they were being held by their husbands. "Thank you, Dr. Hudson. How long will it take for the results of Anna's blood test?"

"It will take about an hour." Dr. Hudson replied. "You two go in and be with your daughter. She was asleep when I left her."

Logan and Rory thanked dr. Hudson once again, before he walked away.

"Go in kid." Lorelei sobbed. "We will be here if you guys need anything."

Rory just nodded at her, as Logan took her hand and went into Anna's room.

When they entered Anna's room, Anna was hooked up to an IV and there were monitors beeping all around her. But she was fast asleep.

"My baby girl." Rory sobbed. "This can't be happening Logan. There's too much going on as it is. Anna can't be ill. She has to be healthy so we can take her home where she belongs. We can't lose her. She is what brought us back together."

"I know Ace." Logan soothes her, as he embraces her in a hug. "Whatever is wrong we will get the best possible care for her. We aren't losing her."

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