Breaking the News

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CHAPTER 9: Breaking the News
Tuesday, November 27th, 2017


It's been a crazy week. Thank god mom and Luke were gone on their honeymoon, but they are due back this evening. Logan is still here with me and we have been looking at houses in Hartford but also here in Stars Hallow. We found two we both really like, but we just got to decide on what is best for us. Either take the one in Hartford because it's closer for Logan or to take the one in Stars Hallow where Logan will have to travel an hour a day, which isn't overly bad, but the least amount of travel time would be best especially closer to my due date and also once the baby has arrived. But I also would like to have my mother and Luke close by. There is so many decisions to make over the next couple months.

Mom and Luke's plane is set to land in Hartford around 4pm, and I am going to the airport to pick them up, Logan will also be coming. We decide to leave Stars Hallow around 3pm, so we can get there and get parking. We rather be waiting for them instead of them waiting on us.

"You ready to go Ace!" Logan calls out from the living room.
"Yes, just got to grab my coat." I call back from the bedroom.
"Okay, it's 2:55pm. So let's get a move on." Logan calls back.
"I'm coming!" I say as I walk out of bedroom towards Logan in the living room.
"Ace, you look nervous?" Logan says to me when I reach him.
"Do I?" I say nervously.
"What's going on in that mind of yours?" Logan questions me.
"A lot!" I say while I look down at the floor, "But we don't have time to chit chat right now. We have to get going."
"Let's talk in the car, Okay?" Logan replies as he grabs my hand and we head out the door.

We head out of Stars Hallow towards Hartford to get mom and Luke at the airport.

I am staring out the window, when the silence is broken. 
"Ace, please talk to me?" Logan asks concerned.
"I don't feel like talking Logan." I reply without turning away from the window.
"If this marriage is going to work Rory, we got to communicate. You can't keep everything bottled up. Just talk to me, please." Logan begs as he places his hand on my upper leg.
"I'm just afraid on how mom is going to react." I say as I turn to look at him.
"Why sweetie?" Logan questions me.
"Because..." I begin to say, but I really don't know why. "Actually I don't know why I am afraid."
"Maybe your afraid that she won't agree to the fact that I came back and within thirty hours, we were back together, engaged and then married? But you know I told you to call her and tell her. But you didn't." Logan says.
"I know I didn't call her." I say as I look back out the window.
"Why didn't you call her?" Logan questions me.
"Because I was afraid she would talk me out of marrying you. I wanted to marry you. I want this marriage and our relationship to work this time. I don't want to have regrets like I did after you proposed the first time. I regretted that decision every day and I hated myself for it. But I knew I wasn't ready to be marry, but that didn't mean I couldn't be engaged. I was afraid that I would get engaged and then would be pressured into marrying you right away, and I didn't want to get married right away. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to go ahead with my career choice. It wasn't because I didn't want to be with you, because I did. I was just afraid of getting pressured into something I didn't want right away and that I wouldn't be able to work towards the career I wanted." I say as tears begin to fall down my face.
"Why didn't you say this to me? I wouldn't of pressured you into getting married right away. I just wanted to know that I had a future with you. That one day you would become my wife and we would start a family together. That's all I ever wanted." Logan says as his eyes begin to become glossy.
"It was my graduation day Logan. It was suppose to be a happy day, but in the end it turned out to be a sad day, where I got my heart broken into a million pieces. I should have called you, I should have explained everything to you. I should of told you what I wanted. But I was afraid and scared that you wouldn't speak to me after I turned down your proposal." I say as the tears kept falling.
"All of this would of been great to know 10 years ago Ace." Logan says with disappointment but with that cocky grin on his face. "But that's the pass, this is the future. Let's get your mom and Luke and we will take it one step at a time, okay?"
"Okay." I say with a small smile.

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