Anna's Results

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Chapter 39: Anna's results
January 15th 2019

The three weeks flew by, and before they knew it, the day had come for Anna to get checked, to see if the chemotherapy was working.

It's been a crazy 6 weeks, and they were hopeful. Anna was improving so much. After her chemotherapy on New Year's Day, Anna's energy started to improve and by the end of the first week of January she was starting to feel like herself.

The week before her check up, she was able to return home. Chemotherapy got pushed down to two times a day. The first treatment at 10am, and the second at 6pm. It was a big relief for Logan and Rory.

Heading to the hospital was a little hard on the nerves for them both, but they knew they had to remain calm, everything was going  great and that they were hoping to get the results they wanted to hear.

The morning started out as any normal day, well as normal as it could be.

Sitting as a family for breakfast. Logan was reading the newspaper, one of the HPG local newspapers and Rory was feeding Anna.

All of a sudden the front door flies open.

"Logan!" Colin calls out.
"In the kitchen." Logan replies.

Rory looks at Logan, "Did you know he was coming?" she asked.
"No." Logan replies. "Maybe it's something about the custody case."

"Logan, we got a problem." Colin huffs.
"A problem? What kind of problem?" Logan questions him.

What else can possibly cause a problem to their case.

"Whitney and Joshua are missing." Colin states. "We believe she has left the country and has taken Joshua with her."
"I don't see how that's even possible, Colin." Logan states. "I was speaking to Joshua, like..." Logan looks at his watch. "...thirteen and half hours ago. He was in his room, studying for an exam."
"Are you for certain he was in his room?" Colin huffed. "Because, they are both gone."

Colin couldn't believe what was going on, he knew something was up with Whitney in the pass couple of days, she was staying in, avoiding parties, and keeping a low profile. Colin should have known she was up to no good. Whitney was bad news, and this has made everything even more complicated for Logan and Rory.
"So what do we do?" Rory questioned. Both men just looked at each and then turned to Rory, and shrugged their shoulder.
"Honestly Rory, I have no idea what to do." Colin finally said, as he took a seat at the table with them. "We got a really good case, and it's in your favour, but if they are MIA then we don't have a case at all."
"Maybe I can call Joshua." Logan suggested.
"You could." Colin replied.
"But?" Logan questioned him.
"But, I'm going to say he either don't have his phone on him, or it's turned off. If Whitney doesn't want to be found, that's what she is going to do. And my best bet is that she knows she isn't going to win this case, and fled."
"So what do we do now?" Rory asked. She was completely shocked. How could a mother deny her child of their father. She couldn't imagine, Anna not having Logan in her life. It's all bad enough that Whitney kept Logan in the dark for 16 years, and after a month of allowing Joshua to get to know his father, she kidnaps him.
"We just have to wait and hope that they come back." Colin replied. "I just wanted to let you know. I'm going to see if we can do anything to track them, and I know you guys have to be at the hospital in 45 minutes for little miss Anna's appointment. So I'm going to head out."
"Okay, let's wait it out. But we aren't waiting too long." Logan replied as he stood and walked Colin to the door.

Logan wasn't gone long, before he was back in the kitchen.

"So?" Rory asked.
"So?" Logan asked back as he took his seat.
"What do we do?" Rory asked him.

She was a little upset that Logan didn't say much about it. She figured he would be fuming, that he would want to chase them down. But he was calm about it. Did he know something that she didn't.

"We just wait. Just like Colin said." Logan replied.
"That's all?" Rory questioned him. "Your not going to try to find them? Is there something your not telling me?"
"Where am I going to look, Rory." Logan shouted. "What the hell would I not be telling you. Whitney took off with Joshua. I don't know anything about it."
"You don't have to shout at me." Rory calmly said, as tears began to sting her eyes.
"I'm sorry." Logan replied. "It just seemed like you were blaming me for their disappearance."
"I'm not blaming you." Rory quietly said. "I just figured you would be more upset that what you really are."
"I'm upset," Logan calmly stated. "But I also have to remain calm, for you and Anna. We got a big day, and I don't want this looming over us. Colin will do what he can for now, and then we will help, once we get out of this appointment."
"Okay," Rory replied with a smile. "Now let's get a move on, or we will be late."

Returning to the doctors office, has been hard each and every time. But this time it seemed harder, especially with the test that Anna had to get done. They were trying to be positive that the results were going to be good, but they didn't want to get their hopes up.

They arrived at the hospital, and before long Anna was called in for her blood work. Blood work didn't take too long, and they were back out in the waiting room again.

"What do you think will happen?" Rory asked Logan, who was holding a sleeping Anna in his arms.
"Do you mean with Joshua?" Logan questioned back.
"No, with these test results. Do you think we are finally going to get good news. That our little girl is fighting this and is going to win this battle?" Rory said holding back the tears that she knew wanted to fall.
"I'm keeping a positive mind. I am hoping that these results will be a step forward in the right direction for her." Logan responded as he placed his hand on Rory's belly. "We will make it through this and whatever else is thrown at us in the months or years to come."
Rory just smiled, she was overwhelmed with how much Logan has matured and how he puts his family first above everything.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the Huntzberger's were called back in to see the doctor and to get the results.

Rory held onto Logan's hand for dear life. She was so nervous with what the doctor would be telling them, and how much it would affect the future of their family.

"Good morning." Dr. Hudson said as Logan and Rory entered his office. "How are we all today?"
"We are good." Logan replied. "A little nervous about these results but, overall we are good."
"Well, I believe what I am about to tell you both, will relieve a little bit of those nerves and will lower your stress level." Dr. Hudson replied with a huge smile on his face.
"Are you saying what I think your saying?" Rory said as she gripped Logan's hand harder.
"I'm saying that Anna's blood test came back with only 2% of the leukemia cells remaining.  But this doesn't mean it's the end. She will have to continue the first round of treatments for another two weeks and then we will do another blood test. If that blood test comes back with no leukemia cells remaining, then by the beginning of March we will begin phase 2 of treatments."
"That's good news." Logan said with a huge smile on his face.
"It's great news." Dr. Hudson replied. "We caught the cancer cells early, and we began treatments right away, and that's why it has reduced the cancer cells so quickly. But we will continue with the two treatments each day, and we will book another blood test for two weeks time."
"Thank you so much Dr. Hudson. It means so much to us that you are helping our daughter fight this battle." Rory said as silent tears ran down her face.
"Your very welcome." Dr. Hudson replied. "Now let's get her appointment made for two weeks time and to get her to her chemo appointment."

Within no time, they were heading out of Dr. Hudson's office and heading to chemo. The next appointment was made for January 29th.

They headed to chemotherapy. Anna was doing great with her treatments, and it was working. They were both looking forward to telling everyone the news but they wanted to wait until the end of the month, after her next appointment.

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