More News

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Chapter 36: More News
December 25th, 2018

After a great Christmas morning, Logan, Rory & Anna headed back to the hospital, but they dropped Joshua off at his place first. The car ride was quiet between their house and Joshua's house. After Joshua got out and they made their way to the hospital, Logan was the first to speak.

"What happened this morning between you and Joshua?" Logan asked without taking his eyes off the road.
"We just talked," Rory said, she didn't really want to go into great detail until Joshua was able to speak to Logan.

Rory believes that taking full custody of Joshua is the right thing to do, but she wasn't going to be the one to bring it up to Logan.

"What were you talking about?" Logan asked her again.
"I don't think it's my place to talk about it." Rory calmly states. "Joshua wants to talk to you about it, but he wanted my opinion first before he talked to you. Just give him time and he will come to you about what we were talking about."
"Why are you keeping it from me?" Logan questioned her.
"Logan, I am not keeping it from you," Rory stated. "Joshua asked me not to say anything and I am going to keep my promise to him. Once Anna has had her treatment, why don't you give him a call and meet up with him so you both can speak."
"Fine." Logan huffed. "But can you answer one question."
"Depends on the question," Rory responded with a smile.
"Is it bad or good?" Logan questioned.
"I believe it's good," Rory responded.

The rest of the drive was in silence. Anna was asleep for the whole drive, especially after the eventful morning, and she was exhausted.

Before long they were at the hospital for chemotherapy.

Once Anna was done and settled Logan excused himself so he could give Joshua a call and hopefully be able to meet up with him before Anna's next treatment at 3 pm.
Logan pulled out his phone, dialled Joshua's number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello," Joshua answered.
"Hey," Logan answered.
"Is everything is alright?" Joshua asked. He wasn't expecting to hear from his father so quickly. They only dropped him off a little over an hour ago.
"Yes, everything is fine. Anna is settled away and Rory is with her." Logan said. "I was hoping we could get together for lunch. I know there aren't many places open on Christmas Day, but I figured we could..."
"Sure," Joshua replied. "I'll be ready at 11:30?"
"11:30 sounds good," Logan replied. "I'll see you then."
"See you then," Joshua said.

Both men hung up.

Logan was relieved when Joshua agreed to meet for lunch. Logan looked at the time on his phone, and he still had an hour before he had to leave to go pick up Joshua. So he headed back towards Anna's room. He spent the morning with his girls, and then lunch he was planning to spend it with his son.

Rory was sat in the big comfy chair, curled up with a book when Logan returned to Anna's room. Anna was asleep, as usual after her chemo.

Rory looked up from her book when she heard the door click shut.

"I'm sorry," Logan said as he walked towards her. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
"No worries," Rory said with a smile. "I'm after reading this book before. How did your phone call go?"
"I'm picking Joshua up at 11:30," Logan responded as he gave Rory a quick kiss to her temple.

Before long Logan was leaving the hospital to have lunch with Joshua.

After picking up Joshua, they decided on Denny's for a quick lunch.

After settling into a booth, and placing their orders, both men sat in silence. Neither one of them knowing what to say, but finally, Joshua spoke.

"I believe I know why you wanted to speak to me," Joshua says breaking the silence. "I'm sorry I went to Rory first, but I wanted to see what she would think about the situation before bringing it up to you."
"What would that situation be?" Logan asked, as he honestly didn't know what could possibly be going through Joshua's mind that he had to speak to Rory about first.
"Well, I asked Rory if you guys would try to get full custody of me," Joshua announced. "I just want a better life, and I know you both can give me a better life. But if you don't want to, I understand."
"Full custody? But what about your mom? How will she handle it? She has taken care of you for the past 16 years." Logan drilled him with questions.

Logan was so confused as to why Joshua wanted them to get full custody of him, it's only been a few weeks since they met, and now all of a sudden Joshua wants them to have full custody of him.

"May I ask why the sudden change?" Logan questioned him.

"All I know is that mom doesn't know anything about raising a child. She never has. I was taken care of, until I was able to be alone, by nannies. She spent her time at parties, coming home with a different man every night. She never wanted me, just kept me because my grandparents wouldn't let her have an abortion. But I know that within the last 16 years, she is after having at least 5-8 abortions. I saw the pregnancy test, and I'm still an only child, well sort of." Joshua explains. "Once I was old enough to be home alone, she would just leave me. Sometimes leaving me for days, without a word from her. Times she would come home, with a guy and sometimes two guys at a time. She doesn't make me go to school, she keeps saying it's up to me on what I choose to do."

Logan was in shock to hear all this new information about Whitney, but he needed proof. He just couldn't take Joshua's word for it. He really had to sit down with Collin, to get the ball rolling on the custody case.

"Well, I'm shocked," Logan said since there was no other way to put it. "I really don't understand all of this now, but I will try my best to get to the bottom of everything, and hopefully everything will work out in my and Rory's favour."

"Thanks, dad. I just want to know what it feels like to have a real family, and I see it with you and Rory." Joshua replied.

Logan just nodded his head.

Before long, Logan was dropping Joshua off and was heading back to the hospital just to make it just in time for Anna's chemotherapy.

Once Anna was once again settled, he knew he had to speak to Rory.

Rory and Logan were sat in the chairs in Anna's room, Rory was reading a book while Logan was checking emails.

When Rory noticed Logan was just sat back, staring off he knew she had to ask him about his lunch with Joshua.

"So how did lunch go?" Rory asked as she closed her book, and placed it on the table next to Anna's bed.
"It was good," Logan replied. "Lots to think about."
"What is there to think about Logan?" Rory questioned him, with a look on concern on her face. "You know we have to do it, don't you?"
"Are you for real?" Logan exclaimed. "It's all too much Rory. Here we are with Anna going through chemotherapy, and now we have another child on the way. Then Joshua throws this at us. He wants us to have full custody."
"I know Logan." Rory sighed. "I was shocked when he asked me too. But you know it's the right thing to do. He needs a stable and loving family that will be there for him, and we can give him that."
"I know we can." Logan sighed. "Are you sure it's not too much? I don't want you to be stressing out too much."
"It won't be too much," Rory promised him. "I really think it's the right thing to do. Just get in contact with Colin and hopefully, he can make the casework in our favour."
"I've already spoken to Colin and he is going to get down to business. He is going to dig up whatever he can on Whitney, to prove that Joshua belongs with us." Logan said with hurt but also with a sense of love. "I just feel bad about taking Joshua away from her, she raised him for 16 years, and now all of sudden she won't have him."
"Logan, she didn't raise him." Rory semi-shouted. "That boy was neglected. She spent her time partying, hooking up with men, while Nannies raised your son until he was old enough to be on his own. Then she just left him alone."
"I know, but she is his mother. Father's normally don't get full custody of their child or children." Logan explained. "Colin told me it's going to be a battle unless he can get some real evidence on her."
"He will," Rory replied. "Colin always comes through."

Logan nodded, just hoping and praying that Rory was right!

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