Mitchum Eli Hubtzberger

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Mitchum Eli Huntzberger
May 25th 1953 - August 20th 2028

Mitchum was almost 22 when he met Shira, who was only 18,  while he was on Spring Break during his last year at YALE. They were all partying it up in Florida, when Shira was walking off a bus. Mitchum didn't know much about her, but he knew he wanted to get into her pants. And he did. They spent the rest of Spring break together, but before long Mitchum had to head back to Connecticut to finish out his last few months at YALE. He didn't think he would see Shira again.

Once Mitchum finished YALE, he headed out for a little summer getaway before his life got serious with HPG. During his trip to Cuba, he couldn't believe his eyes, when he came face to face with Shira. They hooked up, and when Mitchum left Cuba to head back to Connecticut Shira went back with him. They became a couple, but Mitchum quickly realized that she was a gold-digger. Shira knew about Mitchum, and that he came from money, and that was right up her alley.

When Shira turned 23, she announced to Mitchum that she was expecting their first child, so the first thing they did before Shira started to show, was got married. Then shortly after Mitchum's 27 birthday they welcomed their daughter, Honor,  into the world. As the years went on they welcomed their son, Logan, into the world, when Mitchum was 29.

Mitchum became a father young, and he didn't understand the meaning of what being a father was. All he knew was work, just like his father. Shira started to become clingy and needy. Shira didn't work and she was all "i want this" or "I need that". It was all about her, which caused a big tear in their relationship. Mitchum started to stay at work later, but not for work, he would be seducing his secretary. But it didn't concern Mitchum, because he would get a little something while at the office, but then go home and get a little something as well.

The upbringing of Honor and Logan was rough. They were raised by nannies even though Shira never worked. But she was always at the Country Club, going to the Spa or doing DAR meetings or parties.

As their children became older, they went down hill. Partying and drinking. But neither one of them could do anything about it. Their children were running the show. But when Logan brought Rory to dinner, Shira wanted to put a stop to their relationship. Logan was so angry with them, that he rebelled against his father. Logan hated Mitchum for everything that was wrong in his life. Mitchum knew he wasn't the world's greatest father and he knew he failed his children.

When Honor announced that she was expecting her first child, Mitchum was horrified. He was about to become a grandfather at the age of 56 to Kylie in 2009. He didn't know how to show his own children that he cared and loved them, how was he suppose to show his grandchild. And you may guess it, he didn't show his first grandchild that he loved her and when the second one came along two years later, when Mitchum was 58 to JJ in 2011 and it was the same thing.

Mitchum was all work. He wanted money. He loved the feeling of power that money brought him, and it went to his head. When Logan returned back to Connecticut after being in London for almost a year, he started to push Logan more and more. He pushed him that far, that Logan went behind his back and used money belonging to HPG to buy a company, which fell through causing HPG to lose a lot of money. When that happened Logan walked away from HPG, and Mitchum was crushed.

Mitchum kept at Logan, to come back to HPG, but Logan refused. Mitchum knew he went to California to get away from all his memories of Rory. He knew Logan wanted a fresh start. After four years of living in California, Logan returned to HPG, but not because he wanted to, it was because Mitchum became ill and was told to slow down. Logan told Mitchum that he wasn't staying in the states, but he was going to head to London to take over the London branch. Eventually, Mitchum moved to London, along with Shira to be closer to Logan, but also he found a newspaper in Paris that he wanted to be partnered with. The only way the merger of HPG and The Lafleur Group or TLG was going to happen was if Mitchum could get his son to marry the daughter of TLG. It was the dynastic plan.

They were set to be married in 2017, but Mitchum knew it wasn't want Logan wanted. He knew that Logan hooked up with Rory shortly after Odette and Logan started seeing each other. Mitchum had to get Logan away from Rory. Mitchum stressed about Logan's affair with Rory for years and even in the end  the dynastic went out the window, but both Logan and Odette left on good terms.

When Logan returned back to London after a weekend back to the states, Mitchum could see that his son was broken hearted. He knew something went down between him and Rory while he was in Connecticut. Mitchum started to feel bad for his son, and that for everything he did to Logan he knew that making him stay with Odette and not being with the actual love of his life was wrong, but he couldn't let the dynastic plan slip or he would be losing so much. Mitchum kept his mouth shut about knowing that Logan was having an affair, and just left things as it was. But that all changed when Logan called his father one morning, about two weeks before he was suppose to be married to tell him that he needed to speak to him and Shira. Mitchum didn't know what Logan was going to tell him, but he knew something was on his son's mind for him wanting to meet up with both of them. When they met up, Logan came clean to them. Logan told them both about the affair with Rory, but also that he was about to become a father. Logan up and left London, letting his father know that if he didn't transfer him back to the states he was walking away from the family business.

Mitchum started to realize that family was important and that they need to be there for each other.

Mitchum transfer Logan back to the states, and before he knew it, Mitchum was welcoming his third grandchild into the world in 2018. Mitchum became very fond of Anna, and he formed a bond with her, that he didn't form with his other two grandchildren.

Mitchum also found out that he had a 16 year old grandson, Joshua in 2018.

After a trip back to the states, he made the final decision it was time to up his game, to step up and to be the best grandfather he could be to his grandchildren. As time went on Mitchum's heart grew with so much love for the family he turned his back on for many many years.

In 2019 Mitchum was blessed with another grandson - Eli.
In 2020 Mitchum was blessed with two more grandchildren. Mackenzie and Xavier.

Which gave him seven grandchildren before he was 70.

Then in 2023 - Joshua welcomed his first child - Nathan - and now at the age of 70 he was a great grandfather.  Four years later - Joshua welcomed his second child - Annabel - giving Mitchum his great grandchild.

Leading up to his passing, Mitchum had three mild heart attacks and open heart surgery after his last heart attack to repair an artery that was blocked.

Mitchum was a few months pass his 75th birthday when he took his fifth heart attack. Unfortunately, that heart attack took his life.

Mitchum Eli Huntzberger
passed away at the age of 75.
Leaving to morn:
Wife of 48 years: Shira
Daughter: Honor (Josh)
Son: Logan (Rory),
Grandsons: Joshua (Abby), Eli, Xavier, JJ
Granddaughters: Anna, Mackenzie, Kiley
great -grandson: Nathan
great - granddaughter: Annabel.

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