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Chapter 19: Pre-Honeymoon
Wednesday, November 21st, 2018

When Rory woke the next morning, Logan was already out of bed. 

She slowly gets out grabbing her robe that was hung on the door hook and went across the hall to Anna's room. As she approached Anna's room she heard a soft voice coming from inside. She peeked inside to see Logan sat in the rocking chair, with Anna in his arms, while he softly talked to her. Rory stayed quiet in the doorway while Logan spoke to his daughter.

"Anna, my beautiful little girl." Logan was saying when Rory appeared in the door way. "I can't imagine my life without you or mommy. You both mean so much to me, and I am going to live the rest of my life showing you both how much you both mean to me. I will stand by the both of you until my last breath. You are daddy's little girl and will always be daddy's little girl, even when you believe you are too old to be. I want to protect you from all those crazy boys out there, and if they were as crazy as I was, then I am going to be in a heap of trouble, trying to keep them away from such a beautiful girl like you. You have your mother's crazy blue eyes, and they shine so bright. Dream big princess, and I will be right behind you supporting you all the way. I will never stop loving you. I hope you know that."

As Logan finishes, he notices Rory standing in the door way with tears in her eyes.

"Ace." Logan says a little startled. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Oh, not long." Rory sniffled.
"Are you okay?" Logan asked as he stood up placing  Anna on his hip and walked over to Rory.
"Your amazing, Logan. You know that don't you?" Rory said as she wipes her eyes. "You have grown and changed so much since I first meet you all those years ago. I never thought we would be standing here today, married and with a child. I love you so much."
"I love you." Logan replied as he used his free hand to pull her into his side, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Anna starts calling out to Rory.
"Ma-ma." Anna calls. "Ma-ma, ma-ma."
"Good morning beautiful." Rory replies as she holds out her arms to take Anna. "You want to come to ma-ma, while Da-da makes breakfast."
"Ma-ma." Anna replies with a giggle.
"I'm going to take that as a yes, daddy." Rory says as she looks at Logan.
"Well, I guess daddy is on breakfast duty." Logan smiles.

They all head downstairs to their kitchen, and is surprised when they walk into the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rory asks in shock."
"Is there something wrong?" Logan questions.
"Everything is great. We got to enjoy an amazing night with our children, our granddaughter, family and friends. Now we want to show you both how much you mean to us." Mitchum says, as he starts flipping pancakes on the grill.
"But Mom and Luke, why are you guys here too?" Rory questions
"We came because Mitchum and Shira told us about what they were planning to do, so we agreed that we would join them." Lorelei replies with a smile.
"Well I'm in shock!" Logan exclaimed. "I never thought I would see the day where both my parents are standing in my kitchen cooking breakfast for my family."
"Well son, we decided that it's about time that we make up for all the time we loss with you, and this is a fresh start." Shira says as she begins to pull plates, mugs and glasses from the cupboard.

Logan and Rory just look at each other in amazement. They couldn't believe what was happening in front of them. Mitchum, Shira, Luke and Lorelei was standing in their kitchen, working together to make breakfast for everyone.

Mitchum was making pancakes, Luke was frying eggs and bacon, Shira was setting the table and Lorelei was getting toast and coffee. This is truly a miracle if they ever did see one.

"Go take a seat you three." Shira says as she walks back into the kitchen. "Breakfast will be served shortly."

Logan just nods, while he places his hand on the small of Rory's back and guides her to the dining room.

Once they are seated, it doesn't take to long before Luke, Lorelei, Mitchum and Shira arrive with breakfast.

They all sit and enjoy a peaceful breakfast together with some small talk about future grandchildren, about business, and just everyday things.

When everyone is finished. They all stay seated, while the grandparents get to have a little cuddle with Anna.

"Well this was amazing." Rory says as Anna is handed back to her. "Thank you all so much for this."

"No problem." Shira says. "But there is more."
"More?" Logan questions his mother.
"Yes there's more son." Mitchum replies. "On behalf of myself, Shira, Luke and Lorelei we have decided that you both need a little time to yourselves. This last year you both have been through so much." Mitchum reaches into his inside pocket of his jacket and pulls out an envelope. "We got together early this morning, and bought you both a flight to Bora Bora for a 10 day honeymoon. Myself, Shira, Lorelai and Luke will take 5 days each and watch Anna while you are both gone."

Rory and Logan look at each other in shock. They were both speechless.

"Well I believe the cat got their tongues." Lorelai says with a little giggle.

Lorelai was a bit surprise by the grand gesture of Mitchum and Shira, but took the opportunity to finally be able to get to know Rory's in-laws. And she was surprised to find that they aren't so bad, money and making sure they kept up the Kardashian's was what made them the way they were, until they both realized that their son was miserable and that they lost mostly all contact with Honor, Josh and their two grandsons. They knew they had to change, and to be the parents they should of been a long time ago.

"Well, you two, how about Shira and I take little miss Anna here, while you two get your bags back, since your flight leaves in approximately," Lorelai says as she glances at the clock, " five hours."

"Five hours?" Rory exclaims. "That's not enough time to do a pro and con list on what I should take or not take. It doesn't give me time to plan things to do." Rory rambled on.

Everyone just stared at her.

"Rory dear, you worry about getting a suitcase packed for a sun filled honeymoon, and don't worry about the little things." Shira said.

"Okay, okay." Rory said with a smile. "Logan, can you get the suitcases from the closet in the spare room, while I start getting together our clothes."

Rory rushes off up stairs, as Logan looked at the people standing in front of him in just aww. He couldn't believe that his parents and Rory's mom and Luke did all this for them.

"Thank you." Logan said as he heading up the stairs to get the luggage for Rory.

Meanwhile in the master bedroom, Rory was going a little crazy trying to decide what to bring. 10 days in Bora Bora she thought. She most definitely needed some bikinis, sundresses, shorts, tank tops, maybe a few fancier dresses, some nice heals, some sandals, sunglasses, hats, sunscreen and most definitely she needed a few books. Then she started to think about what Logan would need, some swim trunks, a few sleeveless shirts, some fancier clothes, sandals, some dresser shoes, sunglasses, and a hat.
Rory had it all laid on the bed in neat piles when Logan walked in with a huge grin on his face.

"You got everything there Ace?" He asked when he noticed the amount of stuff she had chosen.

"Yes I believe so." Rory said without looking up at him. "I can't believe we are going to Bora Bora for 10 days and all thanks to our parents."
"I know. I can't get over how much has changed in the last year. We got a whole adventure waiting for us." Logan said as he wraps his arms around Rory.
"In deed we do." Rory replies as she sank into Logan chest.

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