Figuring Us Out

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CHAPTER SIX: Figuring Us Out
Monday, November 19th, 2017/Tuesday, November 20th, 2017


I'm wide awake, as Ace is sleeping next to me as I think about the past two years, I spent with her. I didn't think this would ever happen. When I arrived here a few hours ago, I thought for sure she would just kick me out, but instead we talked and here I am lying next to her while she sleeps. Thank god Lorelei isn't home, she and Luke went on their honeymoon just before I arrived, which is a bonus for both of us, cause now we can just talk and see what the future holds for us.

Logan's thoughts:

It's been a crazy two years with Rory, with the whole "Vegas" arrangement we had. It hurts to know that we pushed each other away twice in the last 10 years. Once when she graduated college 10 years ago, and also 8 weeks ago. I don't know how we managed to end up back together after being apart for 8 years. But I guess the heart knows what it wants - but our circumstances are different - we known, well at least I known - for years that Rory was and still is the love of my life.

June 2007-She turned down my proposal and I just walked, because I wanted it all - but she wanted to start her career and didn't want to be settled down in one location.

June 2008- After a year without her, I knew I should have been looking for her. But I didn't - I just drank and partied and had a lot of one-night stands - until my father told me to smarten up or he would cut me from the Huntzberger fortune.

July 2008- So I smarten up, started working with the company - still had my occasional one-night stand here and there but didn't commit to anyone.

June 2014- After about six years of just working my ass off my parents introduced me to Odette.

February 2015- We dated for about eight months when I asked her to married me, even though I knew I didn't love her, I did it because I was forced into it because of my parents. I told her that we weren't setting a date right away, I just wanted to be engaged for a while.

April 2015 - After of being engaged for about two months my mother was on me about setting a date for the wedding. So, we set the date for December 9th, 2017.

August 2015- I ran into Rory in Homburg and sparks flew, all we did was look at each other, and before we knew it, we were in bed with each other. That's when we started the "Vegas" agreement.

September 23rd, 2017- We kept the "Vegas" agreement going for almost two years - when she ended things - just two months before I was to get married. I wanted to tell her so bad to tell me not to marry Odette, like I did when I finished college and was forced to move to London. I believe I was afraid she was going to say she couldn't do it, so I just let her walk away after that night in New Hampshire. I kept lying to myself about my feelings towards her and that I had to stick to the dynastic plan set out by my parents.

November 18th, 2017- After ending the "Vegas" agreement two months prior she calls me up and told me she was pregnant with my child.

November 19th, 2017- Now I am here with her cuddled into me fast asleep.

I finally fall asleep around 6am after of spending two hours just staring at Rory while she slept and while I thought about the last 10 years of my life and how much things could have been different if I didn't walk away from her when she turned down my proposal.

When I woke, I am in bed alone. Rory is gone. I begin to panic, so I quickly get out of bed and pull on a pair of pants and head out of the bedroom where I stop dead in my tracks to find Rory sitting at the kitchen table staring at me.

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