Bringing Anna Home

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Chapter 14: Bringing Anna Home

Friday June 29th 2018

Before Logan and Rory could bring Anna home, she had to be at least 7lbs.

During Anna's time at the hospital it was difficult on Logan and Rory, especially after Rory was able to return home, but without Anna. Returning home everyday without her really bothered Rory, but in the end she knew that it was best for Anna to stay in the hospital until she was ready to come home.

The days were the same for Logan and Rory as they waited for the news that Anna could leave with them at the end of day. They would start their day together with a shower, then some breakfast together, and a drive to the hospital. Once they arrived at the hospital, they would go up to the nursery to be with Anna. Logan didn't get to spend much time in the hospital with his two girls, as he had to be at work. But he would always go in with Rory and leave with Rory at the end of the day. But Rory would stay the entire day with Anna, and after 6 weeks of doing the same routine, Anna was able to go home.

The day that Rory got the news, was the first day that Logan didn't come with her, as he had a meeting at 9am and visiting hours didn't start until 9am. So Logan just dropped Rory off on the morning of June 29th. Gave her a kiss and told her to give Anna lots of love from her Daddy. Rory got out of the car and went into the hospital alone, for the first and very last time.

When Rory arrived at the nursery, the nurse that was assigned to Anna since the day she was born, was there giving Anna a bath.

"Hi Nurse Ashley." Rory said as she walked into the nursery. "How's my girl doing today?"
"Hi Mrs. Huntzberger." Nurse Ashely said with a smile. "She is doing great! Just giving her a bath now, so she is fresh and clean for her arrival home."
"A-Arival Home?" Rory stumbled in shocked. "And please it's Rory!"
"Yes! Little Anna gets to go home this evening." Nurse Ashley smiled, then looked around the nursery, "Where's Mr. Huntzberger?"
"Oh my God! I can't believe she gets to leave today and finally come home!" Rory beamed with happiness. "Oh, Logan had a early meeting this morning so he couldn't come. But he is going to be so happy to hear the news about Anna being able to come home."

As Nurse Ashley and Rory prepared for Anna's departure, Doctor Avery arrived.

"Good morning, Rory!" he said with a smile. "How is everything?"
"Great!" Rory beamed. "Especially since our little girl gets to come home with us!"
"Yes, that is great news." Dr. Avery said. "Can we talk for a little bit before we get her release papers."
"Of course, is everything alright?" Rory questioned him, as she handed Anna back to Nurse Ashley and left with Dr. Avery.
"Yes of course everything is fine." Dr. Avery said. "Just want to ask how you are feeling? It's been 6 weeks since you had Anna. So I want to talk about birth control. What are you thinking about using?"
"I actually didn't even think about birth control since I had Anna. I wasn't on any when I conceived her, because Logan and I would always use condoms besides that faithful night we conceived her." Rory told him truthfully.
"Well I think it would be best if you went on something, and if you decide in a couple of months time to stop taking it, then that is up to you. Since giving birth those hormones are a little out of balance and the birth control with help balance those hormones out." Dr. Avery explains.
"Okay." Rory says. "What would you recommend?"
"I would either suggest the pill or the injection." Dr. Avery says. "The pill is taken orally and must be taken everyday! It is 93% effective, which means 7 out of 100 people get pregnant a year. Your period is predictable and more regular and it's effective in preventing pregnancy after one week of use. The injection is a needle and is taken every 3 months. It is 96% effective, which means 4 our of 100 people get pregnant a year. You have lighter to no periods and it's effective in preventing pregnancy after one week of use."
"Oh wow!" Rory says. "That's a lot of information to consider. What would be my best opinion?"
"I would consider the injection, because it gives you 3 months of protection, and if after those three months you decide you don't want to continue then you don't have to, but you would have to decide by the end of the second month." Dr. Avery explains. "But it's up to you."
"Let's do the injection." Rory says, " When can it be done or do I have to make an appointment?"
"I can do it now actually." Dr. Avery says.
"Really?" Rory says surprised.
"Yes, just give a few minutes." Dr. Avery says as he leaves his office.

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