Dirty Plans

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Chapter 28: Dirty Plans 
Monday, December 10th, 2018

After the doctor gave Logan the news that Joshua was his son, Whitney was excited. She and Joshua knew it was the truth, and now they had to get their plan underway. They have been talking about it every since Joshua was told about Logan. They were hoping that, once Logan got the news about his son, that he would come back to them. But they had to work out a plan. 

On the way to clinic, they made a plan. They were going to convince Logan to have a meal with them, the both of them, and then Whitney was going to make a move on him, then she would go to his wife to say that he came onto her. All the little details wasn't planned out yet, as they didn't have much time to sort them all out. 

When the Dr. McRoy gave Logan the results of Joshua being his son, the plan was to be put in motion. Even though Whitney knew that Logan was the father, she was flooded with relief when Dr. McRoy said it out loud. 

The walk out of the clinic was dead silent, until they almost reached their vehicles, when Joshua spoke. 

"Well..." Joshua began. "Now that I know the truth about my father, I guess we have to get to know each other. Maybe, we can get together some day this week?" 

"We?" Logan asked. "Just me and you?" 

"I mean, you, mom and me." Joshua said. "You guys have a lot of catching up to do, you guys will be together now." 

"Wait a minute here." Logan semi-shouted. "We didn't go through all of that, just so your mother and I could be together, Joshua. I did it because I wanted the truth. Now, that I know your my son, I will take responsibility. But I also have a responsibility to Rory and Anna. Rory is my wife, and that's not going to change." 

Whitney was watching Rory, she knew those words shook her to the core, and she couldn't be more happier when she seen Rory slip her hand out of Logan's hand, and began to walk away. Whitney figured she would go and just sit in their car, but she didn't she just kept walking towards the street. The best part, was that Logan didn't even realize she was gone right away, so how much could he really love her, if he didn't feel her hand slip from his. 

All of sudden, Whitney was broken from her thoughts when she heard Logan call out for Rory, who he calls Ace. 

"ACE." Logan called out, and he kept calling out until he couldn't see her. 

Maybe this was it, maybe she let him go, but that thought was quickly broken when Logan turned to her and Joshua. 

"Just leave." Logan said angrily. "I'll be in contact Whitney. Joshua you had no right to say what you just said. I may not have been in your life for the past 16 years, but that didn't give you the right to say what you just said." 

"I just thought that maybe you guys could be happy together." Joshua replied. 

Whitney was so proud of him, he was doing his share in trying to get Logan back to her. 

"Joshua, I am happy, with Rory." Logan said. "I've been in love with her for a very long time, like 13 years. She is my true love, and nothing is going to change that. But I got to go and find her. We have to go to my parents house." 

"I'm sorry." Joshua replied. 

Whitney just looked at them both, and then pulled Joshua by the arm towards her car. 

As she pulled Joshua by the arm to the car, she whispered to him. "Good try son. But we will have to work out another plan. Not sure what that will be, but we will have to figure something out." 

Joshua just nodded his head as they reached the car. 

When they were both inside, buckled and pulling out of parking spot, Joshua spoke. 

"Why don't you go and threaten Rory." Joshua replied. 

"How the hell am I going to pull that one off, Joshua." Whitney replied as she waited to pull onto the street. 

"Well, I've been watching them. I know that Rory is home all day alone with Anna. Logan goes to work at 8am and usually doesn't get home until 5:30pm. I also know that Anna has two naps a day. One at about 10:30am until about 11:30am and then she has another one around 1:30pm until about 3pm. Rory usually is in her office when Anna sleeps or she is preparing supper." Joshua said. 

"How did you manage to get all that information?" Whitney asked, a little shock by her son's knowledge of his father's wife. 

"I've been sneaking around their place during specific times of the day." Joshua shrugged. 

"Well, that's good, then." Whitney replied. "Now we have to figure out how to get to Rory without Logan being there." 

"It's a plan." Joshua replied. 

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