Our Baby

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Tuesday, November 20th, 2017 

Logan and I are sitting in the exam room at one of Paris' clinics. I am lid back on the bed while Logan is sat on the chair next to me. I'm playing with my fingers, when Logan reaches for my hand and holds it. I look at him and he smiles. It seems like forever waiting for the doctor to arrive, but in reality it has only been about 10 minutes since we came into the room, when the door opens and Dr. Avery enters.

"Rory Gilmore?" he asks looking at me with a smile.
"That's me." I say giving a pleasant smile back to him.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm great!" I reply. "How are you?"
"That's great to hear! I'm doing well, thank you for asking." Dr. Avery replies as he takes a seat on the stool on the other side of the bed. "So, I'm assuming you're here because your expecting? First child? And I am going to assume this gentleman is the father?"

"Yes we are expecting our first child." Logan replies with a smile.
"Congratulations! Parenthood is amazing. I have two children. My oldest is 4 and my youngest just turned 1." Dr. Avery says. "How about we do an ultrasound to confirm how far along you are and when your due date is."

"Sounds good Doctor." I reply with a huge smile on my face.

"Just lay back, unbutton your pants and pull up your shirt. I am going to tuck a towel into your top of your jeans so no gel gets on them." Dr. Avery says as he grabs a towel from one of drawers.

Dr. Avery places the towel into the top of my jeans and then places a big blog of gel on my belly. The gel is really cold and I shivered when it first went on. He then gets the convex probe and starts moving it over the gel that is on my belly. I keep looking at the screen, until I finally see a little blob appear.

"There's the baby!" Dr. Avery says as he points to the ultrasound screen. He begins moving the probe all over my belly, digging it in at certain locations of my belly, which I'm assuming is to get pictures of the baby at different angles. Then he begins to speak, "By the looks of the ultrasound and the size of the fetus, your coming in at 8 weeks and 4 days. So your due date will be on June 30th 2018."

I don't reply, as tears spill from my eyes.

"Thank you Dr. Avery." Logan says in a cracked voice.

I look up at him, as tear are brimming his eyes.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" Dr. Avery ask.

We look at each other, "Yes!" We say at the same time.

Dr. Avery moves the probe around on my belly for a little while, until suddenly we get a very fast thump-thump through the ultrasound machine. I begin to sob. Logan wraps his arm around me and I feel his tear fall from his eyes to my shoulder.

"The baby's heart beat is 142 beats per minute." Dr. Avery says as he puts the probe back into the dock where it belongs and rubs the excess gel off my belly. "The baby looks great and is growing as it should. Keep taking your prenatal vitamins, folic acid, and keep away from the coffee."

"Thank you!" I say as I button up my jeans.

"Here's a couple photos of the baby for you." Dr. Avery says as he passes me three ultrasound photos. "When you leave, make sure you book an appointment for another ultrasound at approximately 18-20 weeks. The front desk will be able to determine when it will be. Take care and we will see you then."

Dr. Avery leaves the room.

Logan and I are both speechless. We seen and heard the baby today for the first time as a couple. Life couldn't get any better than this.

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