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CHAPTER 10: Confessions
Tuesday, November 27th, 2017

Logan's POV
"ACE" I call out. "Where are you going?"

She walks out of the bedroom and out through the door in the kitchen before I am able to even understand what is going on. I look down on the bed, and notice she has taken off her rings.

Oh, this can't be good. I think to myself as I grab the rings and started to head for the door, but I end up bumping right into Lorelei.

"What's going on Logan? Where's Rory?" She asked.
"I just want to get this off my chest." I begin to say. "I know you don't like me and you don't want me to stay here, so when you and Rory were talking in the car, and after Luke and I brought in the luggage, I started to pack my bag to head to my parents house in Hartford. That's when Rory came in the room. I told her why I was leaving. But she got upset, thinking I was bolting. But I'm not. I just don't want to be here if I'm not welcomed. She didn't believe me and got upset and took off."

Lorelei just stared at me.

"Where would I find her?" I ask hoping she would give me some idea on where I would find her.
"Logan, your right. I don't want you here because like I said to her, I'm afraid your going to hurt her again, but I know that you love her. But it hurt me when she told me that she got married, within 28 hours after you showing up. Isn't that a little fast?" Lorelei said. "Before you say anything, I want to make myself clear. If your here because you want to be, then I will support you both but I don't want to see her hurt. But if your here just because you feel like you have to be because she is carrying your child, then I won't support you. She is carrying my grandchild and I don't want anything to happen. Understand?"
"Lorelei I'm here for the right reason. Rory is the one. She always was the one. When she called off our Vegas agreement I was hurt, broken hearted, shocked and completely stupid for not saying anything. I'm  here because I love her and I'm beyond happy she is my wife. We let a lot of time slip by when we both knew we were meet to be together. But we are together now and I want to keep it that way. So can you please put the pass behind you, and forgive me for all the heartache I caused her throughout the years. I really need to go find her." I say in hopes of finding Rory before it's too late.
"The gazebo." Lorelei said with a smile.
"Are we good?" I ask before I head out the door.
"We're good! Now go." Lorelei says with a smile.

That's all I wanted to hear as I headed out the door to get my girl back!

I got to the center of Stars Hallow and noticed the gazebo, I didn't notice anyone there, but I continued towards it, as I got closer I started to hear a faint cry. I picked up my pace, and as I rounded the corner of the gazebo, there she sat with her knees pulled up into her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees, sobbing.

"Ace." I say is a whisper.

She didn't budge from where she was, she didn't even look towards me. I walked towards her, and sat next to her. I slowly laid my hand on top of hers and I begin to speak.

"Ace, what's going on in that head of yours." I say with a smirk. "Whatever is going on I'm sorry if I did or said anything to hurt you. Can you please forgive me."
"Logan, when I seen you packing, I knew all of this was too good to be true." She said gesturing between us sobbing. "You made it clear that when we don't agree on something, or you don't like how the situation is that you are going to bolt. So why don't you do myself and the baby a favour and just leave now before he/she is born. I don't want my child only having a part time father, I want him/her to either have a full time father or no father at all. We can't do this together Logan. The marriage was a mistake and we are a mistake."
"Rory please don't say that we are a mistake. I love you and I love our child. You know how much I love you, don't you?" I say as tears begin to sting my eyes. "Your my everything Ace! I want and I'm going to be a full time father to our child. I want us to be together. I only want you and the baby."
"You sure about that?" Rory replies without looking at me.
"110% sure." I say as I take my hand and cup her face, turning her head towards me. "We been through so much over 13 years but we both know that this is where we belong. The universe keeps putting us together. If we weren't meant to be together we wouldn't of crossed paths in Homburg and started the whole "Vegas" thing and you wouldn't have gotten pregnant. All the signs are there and have been there for 13 years. Everything happens for a reason Ace and you know that."
"Maybe." Rory says with a small smile on her face.
"Maybe?" I question her. "Are you saying you regret the last two years?"
"I'm not saying that I regret them, I just wished I wasn't the other woman for those two years. I wish we had a engagement like a normal couple. Then gotten married and started our family." Rory says. "I don't regret any of last two years or even our first three years together. But one of my biggest regrets and mistakes is not telling you how much I loved you two years ago, maybe things could have worked out differently. But the one thing I hate most about our relationship happened 10 years ago when I said no to your proposal and let you walk away."
"Ace, normal is not us, normal is not why you love me." I say with a smile.

She just smiles back.

"Those are your mistakes and regrets?" I ask her in shock.
"Yes! I regret not being with you the last 10 years, I regret saying no and I most definitely regret letting you walk away." Rory says in a whisper. "Do you have any mistakes and regrets about the last 10 years?"
"I do." I say in shock that all this is coming from her now.
"And?" Rory says after I don't say anything.
"My regrets are the same as yours. I regret not communicating with you when I got the offer in San Francisco and just thinking that you would be okay to just up and leave with me. I regret walking away after you turned down my proposal. I regret not calling or making any contact with you after I walked away." I confess. "But my biggest regret is not telling you how I really felt after our night in New Hampshire. I should have told you that my heart belonged to you only and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."
"We have the same regrets, so why was it so hard for us to tell each other what we were actually feeling?" Rory asks
"I was honestly afraid." I replied a little embarrassed.
"Afraid, but why?" Rory asked.
"Afraid of being rejected again by you. Afraid of getting my heart broken again. As much as it hurt to walk away from you in New Hampshire, I knew I had to respect your wishes of you letting me go - but that didn't mean I didn't love you." I confess. "I was told that if you love someone you must let them go and if they come back then that's how you know."
"Logan..." Rory begins to say as tears fall down her face. "Can we promise each other that we will communicate better, tell each other what is on our minds before we make any decisions that could possibly hurt each other?"
"Promise! But you have to put these back on." I say with a big smile as I hold out her engagement ring and wedding band!
"Of course." Rory says with a smile.
I slip them back onto her left ring finger and said, "Promise me you will never take those off again?"
"Promise!" Rory says.

I lean in and give her a very passionate kiss.

"Let's get back to the house." Rory says as she stands up and grabs my hand. "And your staying here with me, mister."

I just smile at her as we head back to her childhood house!

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