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Chapter 42: Custody
February 3rd 2019

Joshua was settling in really well, it has been  five days since he packed most of his items and moved in with Logan and Rory. They were finally getting the final details done on his room.

Logan had a local artist come in and paint a mural on one wall and to make the ceiling look like the sky. Then they painting the remaining walls grey, while painting all trims black. They had a custom bed designed for him, that consisted of storage in the bottom, and led lights all around it. They found a rug, that looked like grass that went almost the full length of his room. Then on the other side of his room, they had a custom desk with a lot of book shelves designed to fit the full length of the wall. Then they added LED lights around the desk area as well. 

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Joshua was getting into a routine with the Huntzbergers, and everyone was settling in to having Joshua around

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Joshua was getting into a routine with the Huntzbergers, and everyone was settling in to having Joshua around. 

Whitney was upset when Joshua left, but Joshua told her that it was for the best, and once the custody hearing was completed, she would be leaving to go rehab. 

The morning of the custody hearing, it was a bit crazy at the Huntzberger house. They had to be at the Court House by 9am. So everyone was up bright and early. Lorelei was coming in to stay with Anna, while Logan, Rory and Joshua went to the hearing. 

Rory was the first up. She lid in bed for the longest time just staring at Logan. She couldn't believe that after all this time, she was still madly in love with him. After a while, she realized that she had to get up to shower. As she got out of bed, she slipped out of her satin nightgown. She wasn't wearing a bra or panties, so she just had to pull the nightie over her head. She slowly walked to the ensuite, naked. 

Little did Rory know, Logan was wide awake as well. He seen her slip out of her nightie, and walk to the ensuite, naked. When he heard the shower turn on, he pulled the blankets from himself, slipped his feet over the edge, and slipped off his boxers. 

He made his way into the ensuite. He just wanted to be close to her. 

When Logan opened the door to the ensuite, the glass shower doors were steamed up, limiting Logan's visibility of Rory's naked body. Opening the door, Logan steps into the hot water. Rory turns and looks at Logan over her shoulder. Logan is rewarded with a killer smile. 

Logan steps closer, his chest touching Rory's back. Logan takes the loofah from Rory's hands, dropping it to the floor. Rory turns to face him, but Logan stops her. Logan's intend was to come in and shower with her, but all Logan could think about was Rory being covered in soap, which turned him on.

Logan steps forward until Rory's pressed against the glass. Rory's hands are spread out, steadying herself. When Rory is like this she looks vulnerable, but Logan knows better. Rory can rock his world with just one look. There's a glint in Rory's eyes when Logan places his hands on either side of her face. The water cascading down over them, making it almost impossible to see each other. 

Logan thinks about turning the water off, but he really likes the steam it creates. 

"Good Morning," Logan says as his lips meets hers. Rory's hands tangle in Logan's hair, holding Logan closer. Logan's hands slide off the wall and cup Rory's arse, pulling her against his aching cock. Rory breaks free of Logan's mouth, much to Logan's displeasure. Rory's lips move across his cheek, to his ear, and down his neck. Rory's fingernails trail over Logan's chest, pinching his nipples in their wake. Rory licks the water that has pooled below his navel. Logan's cock jumps, begging for attention. 

Rory looks up and winks. 

Rory's hand wraps about Logan's erection, moving up and down. Logan tucks her hair behind her ears, his fingertips caressing her cheek. Rory's tongue snakes out, touching the tip of Logan's cock. Logan leans against the glass when Rory takes him fully in her mouth. Rory's hands grab his thighs, her nails digging into his skin. 

Logan's hips move at her instruction. Logan glances down in time to see Rory looking up at him. Logan pulls her up from the shower floor, as she releases his cock from her mouth with a smirk. Logan turns Rory around, pushing her breasts into the glass. Logan thrusts into her, pulling her hair as he does. As Rory begins to scream Logan's name it spurs Logan to go faster. 

Their skin slaps together. The glass squeaks every time Logan slams into her. Logan can't seem to get enough of her. 

Grabbing Rory by the hips, Logan slams them into himself over and over. Rory slides down the glass, bending at the waist to give Logan a better angle. Rory cries out and Logan knows she's close. 

"Oh, Logan." 

Logan can barely hear her over the water, but Logan knows what she wants. Logan reaches around, brushing Rory's already swollen clit with his thumb. 

"Oh God." Rory says as her body goes rigid around Logan's cock. Logan thrust faster, deeper, until Rory is milking everything out of him. 

Pulling Rory's body flush with his, Logan stands them under the lukewarm water. They are breathing heavily. Logan holds Rory with one arm under their child, the other between her breasts with his hand holding her face. Logan kisses her cheek, her ear and nuzzles into her wet hair. 

"My God, Ace, what did you do to me? I came in here to take a shower with you so I could be close to you." Logan says. 

After an eventful shower, they both get ready and head across the hall to get Anna, and then they head to the door next to Anna to get Joshua. 

Joshua is sitting on his bed, when they open the door, after knocking first. Joshua is ready in a suit. 

They all head down to get breakfast before Lorelei arrives. 

At 8am, Lorelei arrives to take care of Anna. Then at 8:15am Logan, Rory and Joshua are out the door to make it to the Court house on time. 

When they pull into the parking lot of the Court House, it's 8:45am. They have 15 minutes to get in and to find which Court room they are in. 

It didn't take to long finding the court room. They sit on the bench waiting to be called in. Whitney arrives just  as they are called into the Court Room at 8:55am.

When they arrive in the Court Room, Colin is already inside. Logan goes to the front and sits with Colin, while Rory and Joshua sit behind them. 

Whitney is on the other side with her lawyer. 

"All rise." the Bailiff states. 

Everyone rises, as Judge McDonald takes his seat. 

"You may be seated." Judge McDonald states once he is seated. 

Everyone sits. 

"Mr. McCrae, your opening statement." 

"Thank you, your honour." Colin states as he stands. "We are here today so Mr. and Mrs. Huntzberger can get full custody of Joshua Smith, the biological son to Logan Huntzberger and Whitney Smith." 

Whitney's lawyer does the same. Stating that Whitney is here, so she can keep custody of Joshua. 

The case goes on for hours, both sides going back and forth. 

Colin goes over Whitney's history and the fact she is leaving to seek help for her addiction. Whitney agrees that she has a problem with drugs and alcohol, which was good for Logan and Rory's case. 

After several recesses, they are back in the court room for the final verdict. 

They aren't sure how it's going to play out, they both have strong cases, but Colin told Rory and Logan that it seems like it will be in their favour because Whitney is leaving Connecticut for rehab, and doesn't know when she will be back. Which points to the fact that Joshua still needs a guardian. 

As they take their seats, once Judge McDonald takes his seat. 

"Mr. McCrae, your final statement." Judge McDonald says. 

"Yes your honour." Colin states as he stands. "On behalf of the Huntzbergers, I believe it would be in the best interest of the child, Joshua, to be placed in the custody of Logan and Rory Huntzberger until Joshua turns 18, and he is able to make his own choices." 

Judge McDonald asks Whitney's lawyer for his final statement, and everyone is shocked to hear what he had to say. 

"Yes your honour." Whitney's Lawyer states. "On behalf of Ms. Smith, She believes it is best that her son, Joshua, to be placed in the care of his father, Logan Huntzberger and his wife, Rory Huntzberger until he turns 18. She want to straighten out her life and get back on her feet, so she can be there for him in the best way possible in the future." 

Once Whitney's lawyer takes his seat, Judge McDonald clears his throat to get everyones attention. 

"I now called court to order," Judge McDonald begins. "I believe it's the best interest of the child, Joshua Huntzberger Smith, that he be placed in the custody of his biological father, Logan Huntzberger and his wife, Rory Huntzberger, until he turns 18. 

Judge McDonald takes his gavel and hits the sounding block while stating "Court is adjourned." 

Logan, Rory and Joshua look at each other with a smile on their faces. They are happy everything worked out and Whitney agreed that Logan should have custody of Joshua, while she goes to rehab. 

Logan grabs Rorys hand, and grips it tightly, and turns to Joshua. 

"Are you ready to go home son?"

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