Finding the house

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Chapter 11: Finding the house
Tuesday, February 12th, 2018

Life as been pretty hectic for Rory and Logan. They have been trying to get a house but everything just doesn't feel right. Even the houses in Stars Hallow.

They have been living with Lorelei and Luke now for 11 weeks - which puts Rory at 20 weeks pregnant  - and it's starting to cause issues between Rory and Logan. 

The past few weeks all they have been doing is fighting over things that happened in the past. The cheating with the bridesmaids, Logan's trip that almost killed him, when he came back from a trip and Jess was with Rory, Logan's drinking after his business went belly up, the Vegas agreement they had and Odette even come up.

It's like something is bothering Logan but he won't talk about it.

It's been another long day of looking at houses in New Haven, Hartford and Stars Hallow and still nothing.

"I can't do this anymore Rory." Logan says as he shuts the door to my room.
"What's that suppose to mean?" Rory question him a little worried.
"These accommodations. I can't do it anymore. We need to find something or..." Logan says as he paces back and forth.
"Or what?" Rory yells. "You'll leave?"
"No, I didn't say that Ace." Logan yells back. "Then what Logan?" Rory cries out.
"We need our own place. Your half way through the pregnancy and we are still living  with your mom and Luke. I don't want to be moving into a place when your about to give birth. I want to be settled, I want to have our own place. To be able to come home after a long day at the office, to put my feet up, hold our child and to snuggle up with you on the couch." Logan says as he places his hand on Rory's cheek, while taking his thumb and wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Nothing seems right." Rory replies in a whisper. "All of the houses doesn't feel right."

"Ok, but why? We have seen hundreds of houses in the last 11 weeks and still nothing is making you fall in love. But I want us to have a house of own, I want us to move out of your mother's house." Logan said calmly.

"I want to move out too, but nothing feels right Logan." Rory says looking down at her hands. "I'm sorry."

"What will feel right to you, maybe we could tell the realtor what we are looking for exactly." Logan said has be lifted her face with his finger under her chin so she was looking at him.

"I'm looking for a house like Grandma & Grandpa's house. It's where I started my book until grandma put it on the marker for sale." Rory relied with a smile.

"Do you know if it's still on the market, Ace?" Logan questioned her, as he slipped his hand into his pocket for his phone.

"I don't know Logan." Rory said suspiciously. "Why does it even matter?"

Logan was on the phone, and just held up his hand, so he could continue the conversation on the phone. When he was done, he reached for his jacket.

"Where are you going?" Rory questioned him.
"Grab your jacket and come with me." Logan said with a huge grin. "I got something to show you."
"Tell me Logan." Rory said as she grabbed her jacket, and grabbing Logan's hand.
"I'm not telling you anything." Logan said dragging Rory out of the bedroom and out to his car.

The ride to where Logan was going was quite. Rory just looked out the window, and wondered where they were going, she knew they were heading for Hartford, but she didn't know where.

As they got closer to the destination, Rory started to become familiar with her surroundings.

"Logan, why are you heading to Grandma's house?" Rory questioned him.
"Because it's still on the market Rory." Logan said with a smile. "And I know this is what you wants."
"Are you serious Logan?" Rory said. "But how can we afford my grandma's house. Plus it's too big for just the three of house."
"Yes I'm serious Ace." Logan said as they pulled into the driveway way. "It may be too big right now, but this is the start of our family."
"The start?" Rory asked shocked. "Are we planning to have more children?"
"God I hope so Ace." Logan said as he got out of the car.
Rory just smiled.

Logan opened the door for Rory, and helped her out. Then they walked over to the front door, and then the realtor opened the door, before they had the chance to knock.

"Mr. Huntzberger," the realtor said. "It's great to meet you. Please come in and take a look around. And you must be Mrs. Huntzberger?"

Rory just smiled as they stepped inside. Rory was in awe. It was a little outdated but she knew that they could do a simple remodel and make it more modern, but all she thought about was if they could afford this place.

"Logan, can we afford this?" Rory whispered into Logan's ear.
"Ace, don't worry about it." Logan said as she went into the office/library, which she knew was her grandfathers before he passed away.
Rory stopped in her tracks, "Logan, I - I can't." Rory begins to say, as she begins to back away.
"Ace, please. This is what you want. This is where we need to be. I know it brings back memories, but this is what your grandpa would want for you. All of this can be yours. All you got to say is yes." Logan told her as he cupped her face.
"I want this so bad Logan." Rory cried.
"Then it's settled." Logan said. "I'll let the realtor know."

Logan left Rory in the office as he went to look for the realtor. They didn't need to look at the rest of the house. They know what it looks like. They just wanted to sign the papers, and get some renovations started and be moved in before Rory is 36 weeks. Which gives them 16 weeks. The house was vacant, so it shouldn't be too hard getting a closing date within the next week or so. Then they had to figure out what they wanted to change and update and then hopefully get everything done in no more than 10-12 weeks time and be fully be moved in, in 16 weeks time.

As Logan was speaking with the realtor while Rory just looked around the room, and just thought about the endless possibilities they could do with this house. It was an amazing house, but if most definitely needed an upgrade.

Rory wanted the hard cold marble flooring replaced with a dark hardwood floor. She wanted to open up the kitchen into the dining room, along with the living room. She didn't want everything closed off. She wanted something that was open, airy and welcoming. The 6 bedrooms had to be all repainted. The bathrooms needed a full makeover. The kitchen was in pretty good shape, just needed some updated appliances and the cabinets needed new hardware. The office/library just needed a fresh coat of paint and the wooden shelves needed to be sanded and stained to match the new flooring.

As Rory was thinking about everything that she wanted to get done, Logan came back, and just admired her from the distance of the doorway, as she went around the room talking to herself. He heard pretty much everything she said and what she wanted done with the house. All he had to do was get her ideas onto paper so the contractor he already hired can start tomorrow.

"Ace," he said as he leaned against the door frame.
"Oh hey Logan." Rory said as she turned towards him. "So What did the realtor say?"
"The house is ours, closing in one week - but since it's your grandma, we can start moving items in tomorrow."  Logan said with a huge smile.
"I don't think I want to move in right away." Rory said. "This place is going to need some work. Can we discuss what needs to be done before we move in."
"I heard everything you said, Ace." Logan said as he walked towards her. "Let's get those plans down on paper, so we can give it to the contractor in the morning."
"You already got a contractor?" Rory asked surprised.
"Absolutely!" Logan said as he slipped his hand into hers. "Now lets get going so we can get those ideas on paper."

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