Shira Anne Prescott Huntzberger

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Shira Anne Prescott Huntzberger
June 29th 1957 - July 29th 2037

Shira left home when she was 16 years old. She didn't have the greatest parents, or really anyone that really cared. Shira spent most of her time on the street begging for money just so she could get something to eat. When she ran away from home, she just took whatever she had with her, which wasn't much, stuffed it all into a backpack, and hopped on the bus out of California and headed East. She didn't know where she was going to head up, but she knew that she would have to make many stops to earn some money in order to make it across the states.

Shira made it to Florida two years after leaving California. But she visited most of the states, and made a good amount of money to be able to get some fancy clothes. She wanted to make herself look like she had money, even though she didn't. When the bus pulled up in Florida, she had one thing in mind, to find someone that was going to support her. As she was getting up from her seat, she looked out of the window and she couldn't believe her eyes. It was Mitchum Huntzberger. She knew who he was, she has seen his face plastered all over the magazines to being the youngest most successful man because he was walking into a gold mine by inheriting his families newspaper company.

Walking off the bus, she knew she had to look hot. She pulled down her white spaghetti strap tank top so her breast were on full display, but also covered somewhat. She hitched up her skirt, just so it barley covered her bottom, and pulled out her stilettos and placed them on. She was the last to step off the bus, and when she did she knew all eyes would be on her. But she wanted one set of eyes on her, and she knew that she caught his attention.

They spent Spring Break together, but unfortunately he didn't ask her to go back to Connecticut with him.

So she went on her way, a little down on herself, but she knew others out there with money, it was just tracking them down.

It was about four months later, when she ended up in Cuba. But what shocked her the most is  that Mitchum Huntzberger was also at the same resort she was at. By the end of the trip, she was heading back to Connecticut with him. She made sure that she rocked his world. She gave him the best week of his life, with endless blowjobs and sex.

Going to Connecticut wasn't really in the plans for Shira when she went to Cuba, but she didn't know Mitchum Huntzberger was going to be there.

Shira moved in with the Huntzberger when they arrived back in Connecticut and needless to say Mitchum's mother wasn't all that please. Now Mitchum's father was joyed that he found someone that was willing to stay at home, to join the DAR with Mrs. Huntzberger. To provide Mitchum with children, but Shira was eye candy to Mitchum's father.

Shira, was still 18 when she arrived in Connecticut. She was never there, so whenever Mitchum would go to the office, Shira would explore. But she didn't explore the town, she explored other men. Blowjob after blowjob just to get money. Mitchum wasn't allowing her to have access to his banking information, and it pissed Shira off. So she had to make money her own way. If cheating on her boyfriend was what it took, it's what she did. But little did she know, she wasn't the only one cheating.

After Shira turned 21, Mitchum made her sign a prenup before he allowed her access to his banking. That's when everything fell in place for Shira. She was finally happy, and stopped hooking up with random men just to make some money. She now had the bank on her back.

But Shira still wasn't happy, with her life. She was ready to get married, and settle down. She wanted it all. After 5 years together, Shira found her self pregnant with their first child. Honor. Then two years after Honor was born, she fell pregnant again with their son Logan. Lucky enough for Shira, she hardly lifted a finger when it came to her children. "That's what Nannies are for," She would tell her friends. "They don't need me around all the time."
She was young, and the money that Mitchum was bringing home, filled Shira's head with nothing but greed. She wanted everything her way.

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