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November 18th 2017/November 19th 2017

On the way back from the Gazebo, all I can think about is what that voice message says. By the time I reach the house it's 11:30pm, I took my time walking home, taking in my hometown as I walked. When I walked into the house, I called out to mom, with fingers crossed, hoping she would be home and that I didn't miss seeing her off for her honeymoon. 

"I'm up here,"she calls out from her bedroom, "Luke and I are packing for our honeymoon. We leave at 1am for the airport."

I go up to see them.

"Is everything alright?" Luke asks, when he looks up from the suitcase he was packing.
"I'm pregnant." I reply as tears start streaming down my face.
"Don't cry." Luke says as he wraps me into a hug. "We will get through this. Who's the father? Do he know?" he asks.

"Logan. Yes, I just told him, but I hung up before he could say anything about it."I say wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Kid, we don't have to leave if you want us to stay, we can plan the honeymoon for a later time." Mom says as she walks out of the ensuite.
"No Mom. You and Luke deserve this. Go on your honeymoon. I think some time alone would be great right now. I need to wrap my head around this, and maybe speak with Logan again so we can figure out what we are going to do. He is supposed to get married in two weeks. Plus, you're only going to be gone for a week. Before I know it you guys will be back." I say hoping they will still go, just so I can be alone for a while, giving me time to let everything sink in.

"Okay, but if you all of a sudden realize that you want us to come back, please call us. We would be back in a flash." Mom says as she gives me a hug.

"Thanks mom! I will let you guys finish packing. I am going to head to bed. Have a safe flight. Send me a text when you land in Mexico." I say as I walk out the door.

"Night kid." Mom calls out as I am walking down the stairs to my bedroom.

I get down stairs, and head to my childhood bedroom. I open the door and look around the room. Not much has changed in the last 10 years. I walk to my bed and just flop onto it, taking my phone out of my pocket to check the voicemail from Logan.

"Ace. Please answer the phone. We really need to talk. Your Pregnant? Why didn't you tell me sooner? I would have been there in a heartbeat, and you know that. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be lying next to Odette for the rest of my life – I want to be lying next to you Ace. I have only every wanted to be with you. I let my parents talk me into this. I should have never walked away from you 8 weeks ago in New Hampshire. I shouldn't have walked away from you 10 years ago. We are meant to be together, we both know that. Please call me back when you get this. I am supposed to get married in two weeks, but if you tell me that you love me and that you want to be with me, I will call it off and tell everyone the truth. I will tell them all about the last two years. I don't regret those two years. I just wish it was the last 10 years and that Odette wasn't involved. I rather be marrying you in two weeks. Please Ace, call me. I love you more than anything. I should have told you this 8 weeks ago, but I was being stupid. All I was thinking about was pleasing my father. I wasn't thinking about my feelings when I walked away from you, I just figured this is what you wanted, even though I know it wasn't want I wanted. Just call me back Ace. I love you!"Logan says in the voicemail.

I lay on my bed and keep listening to the voicemail over and over.

I lay there thinking about what he said, that he doesn't want to be there in London. That he rather be marrying me in two weeks instead of Odette. Everything he said is on rewind. But what does that actually mean for us? Is he going to move back to the US for his child, for me? As I think about what he said in his voicemail, tears start to flow, and I begin to think about our last night together – 8 weeks ago as I drift off to sleep.

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