Back to normal or is it?

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Chapter 22: Back to normal or is it?
Tuesday, December 4th 2018 to Sunday, December 9th 2018

Tuesday, December 4th, 2018
After an eventful night after returning home from their honeymoon, Logan and Rory decided it was best that they stay in Stars Hallow for the night. By the time they got up to their room at the Dragonfly Inn, Anna was once again asleep in Logan's arms. Lucky for Rory, Lorelei already set up Anna's play pin for them in their room. Logan laid Anna down in her play pin. Then sat on the bed next to Rory. 

"What a day!" he says as he looks at Rory. "I can't believe everyone done this for us. We are truly blessed." 

"I know. It's been a crazy first day back. But after tomorrow, it's back to reality." Rory says with a small smile. 

"Something wrong?" Logan asks, as he notices his wife's sadden face. 

"I just don't want this to all come to an end tomorrow. We had an amazing two weeks together, but tomorrow, your back to work and then it's just me and Anna all day. Don't get me wrong I love spending time with Anna, but I just wish you could be there with us, and I know it's impossible since you have to work, in order for us to have the life that we want. And I can't wait to get back to work myself." 

"Awe Ace." Logan says as he pulls Rory onto his lap. "I don't want to go back to work, and you know that I would rather spend the day with you and Anna. But we will make it work. I promise that I will always be here for you both, you guys come first and my job comes second."  

Rory laid her head on his chest. "Thank you for being here for us." Rory replied. 

"Always." Logan smiled. "But we should get to bed." 

"Agree." Rory says as she climbs off Logan, and climbs into bed. 

Before long they are both asleep. 

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018
The next morning, Anna is up bright and early. But she is a little confused on where she is, especially not being around her parents for almost two weeks. But as soon as Logan spoke to her, she was fine. 

After spending the morning at the Dragonfly Inn, with Lorelei, Luke, Mitchum, Shira, Honor, Josh, JJ, and Kyle, they head back to Hartford. 

Rory and Logan spend the day with Anna playing in the back yard, playing with Anna's toys, reading books and watching cartoons. By the time bedtime comes, everyone is exhausted. Anna goes to sleep fairly quickly, as does Logan and Rory. 

Thursday, December 6th, 2018
Logan is back at office today, and he dreaded getting out of bed that morning, while Rory was asleep. After a quick shower, getting dressed and giving his beautiful wife a kiss he was out the door. But he made a promise to himself to be back home by 3pm. He didn't want to spend the entire day at the office. There wasn't much going on, since Christmas was only 3 weeks away. But he had to go in, and make sure everything was running smoothly after being gone for two weeks. 

Rory started her day as usual. She got dressed and went to get Anna. Then they would go and have breakfast. After breakfast, Rory would give Anna her bath. Then after bath time, Rory would read to Anna and they would go out in the backyard for a bit. Then Anna would go for her first nap. During nap time, Rory would work a bit on her book and take her shower. After Anna would get up, they would get some lunch together, and then go for a walk, which would always lead to going to the playground. But today at the playground, was a bit weird for Rory. There was a teenage boy - about 15 years old there. He would keep watching Rory. So they didn't stay for long. But unfortunately, the teenage boy followed Rory after she left the playground, but when Rory turned into her driveway, the boy kept walking. Rory took a mental note that she would have to mention this to Logan when he got home. After returning home, Rory got Anna settled for another nap, while she worked on her book. As Rory was working on her book, there was a knock on the door. Rory leaves her office and goes to the answer the door. When they moved into the house, they decided that she didn't want a full time maid. They decided to have a cook full time, but mainly to cook their suppers in the evenings. And they would have a maid to come in three times a week to do the cleaning. When she opened the door, she was shocked. There stood a blonde hair, brown eye boy - the boy from the playground. 

"Hi, can i help you?" Rory asked.

"Yes, I am looking for Logan Huntzberger?" the boy replied. 

"I'm sorry, but he isn't here." Rory replied. "May I ask why you are looking for my husband?"

"No, that's okay." the boy replied and quickly left before Rory could ask any more questions. 

Rory shut the door after she couldn't see the boy no more, and went back to her office. She was confused, could that be Logan's son? No way, he didn't say anything about having a son, and if it was his, this boy had to be at least 15 or 16 years old. Which would of happened during his Yale years, and before we were together. But Rory couldn't think about it, she just pushed it to the back of her mind, to bring up to Logan once he returned home. 

After another hour of writing, even though she didn't get much done, Anna was awake. 

After getting Anna, she came back downstairs and went to the Living room. She wasn't sat long before the door open. She looked at the clock on the wall and it was 3:30pm. It couldn't be Logan already, he usually don't get home until about 5:30pm. Maybe it was her mother. 

"I'm in the living room, mom!" Rory called out as she sat on the couch while Anna played with her toys on the floor. 

As Rory waited for her mother to come in, she turned on the TV, when she turned around she was shocked to see Logan standing in the archway. 

"What are you doing home so early?" Rory questions him. 

"I only went in to make sure everything was running smoothly. Made a few calls on some contracts and clued for the day. I didn't want to spend the entire day in the office. It's pretty slow at the office, with Christmas only 3 weeks away." Logan explains. 

Rory is speechless. She can't believe that Logan wanted to be home here with them. But she is so happy that he is putting his family first over work. 

"Come and join us?" Rory finally says with a smile. 

"Can I change out of this suit first?" Logan says as he pulls his tie from his neck.

"Okay, be quick!" Rory says, turning her head back to the TV. 

A short while later, Logan returns dressed in a plain t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He looks so relaxed as he sit on the sofa with Rory, and pulls her into his laps. 

"So what did my girls do today?" Logan asks as he places a soft kiss to Rory temple. 

Rory tells Logan all about their day. Breakfast, bath time, outdoor time, and nap times. 

When she tells Logan about their trip to the playground, she tells him about the boy.

Logan has no idea why a teenager would be looking for him, maybe it was a mistake he tells Rory and that she shouldn't worry about it. 

After a while, Rory decides she is going to leave Logan to have some alone time with Anna while she gets more done on her book. 

Before long, Logan is tapping on the office door, letting Rory know that it's supper time. 

Rory couldn't believe she just spent almost two hours writing. It felt good to get some lead way with her book, because since Anna was born, Rory didn't get much time to do so, or didn't have the will power to write, but she is thankful now, that she can get into the mood to write. 

They all sit for supper, and just chit chat about the weekend, and what's happening within HGL. 

Before long, supper is finished and they are getting Anna ready for bed. And not long after Anna is settled for the night, Rory and Logan make their way to bed as well. 

Friday, December 7th, 2018

Friday was just another regular day. Logan spent most of his day in the office, trying to finish up any important dealings before the holidays. There wasn't much happening, but enough to have him at the office and away from his girls. 

Rory's day always started the same way. Getting up, getting Anna. Breakfast. Anna's bath. Reading. Outdoor play. Anna's nap. Rory would work on her book and take her shower while Anna napped. After nap they would have lunch and then go for a walk. Usually would end up at the park or the playground. But today they just did the walk. After returning from their afternoon walk, Anna went for another nap, and Rory worked on her book. When Anna woke from her second nap, Rory would start preparing supper. 

Logan would usually get home from the office around 5:30pm. But with it being December and so close to the holidays, he told Rory he would try to be home by 4:30pm. And on his word, he walked into the door at 4:30pm. 

Rory would finish preparing supper, and while Logan spent some time with Anna she would go and work on her book. 

Logan would come get her when supper was ready and then they would all sit for supper. 

After supper they would get Anna ready for bed. Then they would have a little alone time, and go to bed themselves. 

Saturday, December 8th

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