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Chapter 29: Confronted
Friday, December 14th, 2018

After a crazy week of work and trying to get things figured out about Joshua, even though Logan or Rory haven't heard from Whitney since Monday, they spoke between themselves as to what they was planning to do, to make Joshua's introduction into the family go as smoothly as possible. They also decided that they would turn a bedroom into one for him if he ever decided to spend the night with them. They were hoping to get in contact with Whitney to make plans for Christmas, as well.

It was finally Friday, but the worst thing about this Friday was that it was time to tell Mitchum, Shira, Lorelei and Luke about Joshua. Mitchum has been calling Logan all week, and even showing up at the office to see him. Logan kept pushing him off the topic and kept telling Mitchum that he would talk to him about it Friday night at supper.

Lorelei didn't know anything about the Joshua thing since Rory didn't mention anything to her. So all this was going to new news to Lorelei and Luke. Rory didn't know what her mother and step-father were going to say about this, but Rory is hoping for a peaceful conversation with everyone.

Supper was being held at Logan and Rory's place.

Rory spent all Friday morning preparing for her guest that evening. At Anna's first nap, Rory worked on her book. Then during Anna's second nap, there was a knock on the door.

When Rory answered the door, to her surprise it was Whitney. Rory welcomed her in, but if Rory knew what was to follow she would have told her to come back when Logan was home.

Everything was calm when Whitney first came inside. They spoke as if they have been friends for years, but then Whitney turned on her.

"So what're your plans for Christmas?" Rory asked, which caused Whitney to turn.

"Why does that concern you?" Whitney said in a harsh tone.

"I'm just trying to keep the conversation going, " Rory replied. " I told you about our plans this Christmas."

"Well honestly Rory, " Whitney began. " I am hoping to have Logan spend Christmas with just me and Joshua. It would be Joshua's first Christmas with his father, and maybe I might be able to convince Logan to dump your sorry ass."

Rory was in shock. She didn't understand. Logan told Rory that he told both of them that he didn't want anything to with Whitney in that way. That she was just the mother of his son, and that Rory was what he wanted.

"Excuse me?" Rory finally spoke, after the shock wore off. "Logan is my husband. He has no intention of leaving me or his daughter. You're the one that kept his son away from him for 16 years. You got no-one to blame but yourself."

Rory was fuming with anger at this woman. When will Whitney understand that Logan isn't going to abandon his family?

"We will see about that?" Whitney replied with a smirk on her face. "I'll have him moaning my name, while you listen to us."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Rory screamed. "You got another thing coming to you if you believe Logan would ever cheat on me."

"He did it before didn't he?" Whitney snickered.

"What do you mean, he did it before?" Rory asked.

"With the bridesmaids?" Whitney questioned her. "Weren't you the other women for two years. So what makes you think he is loyal now?"

"H-How did you know about the bridesmaid and Odette?" Rory Whimpered, as tears filled her eyes.

"How do you think he managed to sleep with all those Bridesmaids, in a matter of a few weeks?" Whitney asked. "That was my doing. I know those girls, and actually one was my sister. So she helped me get back at Logan for getting me pregnant at 14. And you know what he enjoyed every moment he had with those girls, and he made them scream his name. He made them cum like no one else ever has. And they gave him the best nights of his life."

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU BITCH." Rory screamed. 

Whitney stood and begin to walk away, before she turned around. "You know he doesn't really love you. He is only with you because he knocked you up. So he felt that he had to marry you, and be responsible. Odette is the one he wants to be with. He still calls her everyday." Whitney snickered, before walking to the door. 

Rory went after her. "You stay the fuck out of my marriage." Rory said as Whitney opened the door, only to come face to face with Logan. 

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