The Unknown 1

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Chapter 23: The Unknown 1
Sunday, December 9th 2018

"I'm Joshua Logan Huntzberger Smith. Your my father." Joshua says.

Logan is standing there in shock. "T-that's impossible. How old are you?" Logan asks nervously.

"I turned 16 on November 6th." Joshua replied. "I was born in 2002."

"And your mother?" Logan questioned him.

"Whitney." Joshua replied, leaving out the last name.

"Whitney?" Logan asked, hoping to get a last name.

"Whitney Smith." Joshua replied.

Logan didn't reply, he was just trying to remember a girl name Whitney, from back when he was in college. But nothing was coming up, he can remember a Whitney, that he took to Finn's birthday when he and Rory were just fooling around. But that's the only one he can recall. He must of been totally wasted to not remember her. But he would of known if someone got pregnant with his child, back in college. But nothing is ringing a bell.

"I know, this may be a stupid question, but how old is your mom." Logan asked because he couldn't understand why he didn't remember her.

"Mom turned 31, two days before I turned 16." Joshua answered.

Logan really had to do the math, if Joshua just turned 16 and Whitney is 31, that would mean that Whitney was only 14, when she got pregnant, by Logan. That's a 5 year age difference between them, because Logan would be turning 36 in just two months. If she was 14 and he was 19, that means it had to happen shortly after Logan turned 19. How did he not know, that she was only 14 years old. He really had to figure out when this happen. It must of been a party, but why would a 14 year old be at a college party. Why would Logan even hook up with a 14 year old. God, Logan's head was hurting him, but he really had to get all the details from Joshua to actually believe that he is his son.

"Let's go to the living room," Logan said, as he looked at Joshua, but also at Rory who was now holding Anna, but also who had a tear stained face.

"I'm just going to go up stairs with Anna, you can talk to your son alone." Rory replied harshly. Rory was heart broken. She knew that Logan slept around before she even came into the picture, but also while she was in the picture, and even after she left again. But this really hurt. It hurts her, knowing that Logan already has a child, and that Anna isn't his first. But it also makes her hurt for Logan, because he had a child he didn't know about for the last 16 years of his life.

"Please, don't go." Logan begged. "I need you by my side through this. I need you Ace."

"I can't do this right now, Logan." Rory weeped as tears fell down her face.

"Please Ace." Logan begged. "Please don't turn your back on me right now."

"I'm not turning my back on you Logan. I just need a few minutes to collect myself." Rory said as she headed the stairs.

"Ace." Logan called after her, but Rory was already halfway up the stairs.

He couldn't believe that she just left him. It's not like he knew there was another child in his life. If he did he would of told her, but he honestly didn't. He is just as blindsided by this as she is. After collecting his thoughts on what just happen with Rory, he turned to Joshua.

"So, shall we go to the living room to talk?" Logan asked gesturing towards the living room.

"Do you really think thats a good idea?" Joshua asked. "Your wife just walked away. Don't you think you should go up to her."

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