Exciting news?

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Chapter 33: Exciting news?
Monday, December 24th, 2018

As Rory sat on the bathroom floor of their ensuite with a positive pregnancy test in her hand, it seemed like everything around her was beginning to get even more complicated.

She was going to be a mother again, and Anna was only seven months old, but not only was she only seven months old, but she had cancer. How was Rory suppose to stay stress-free when all she was going to be doing during this pregnancy was trips to the hospital for treatments with Anna.

After she pulled herself together, she picked herself up off the floor, headed for the bedroom, grabbed her phone and got into bed.

"Hey, you should be sleeping?" Logan responded when he picked up the phone.

"Hey, I'm in bed," Rory replied. "But I got something to tell you."

"You know it could have waited, Ace," Logan replied. "I'll be seeing you again around 8:30 pm when you get back here."

"I know," Rory replied. "But with everything going on with Anna, I need to get this off my chest before I go to sleep."

"Ace, what's going on? You're freaking me out a bit." Logan replied.

"Logan, I'm pregnant," Rory said. She didn't want to go back and forth between them, she just had to rip the bandage off as quick as possible.

"Y-your pregnant?" Logan stammered. "H-How far along? H-How long have you known?"

"I'm not sure how far along, maybe a couple of weeks," Rory replied. "And I just found out myself. I was feeling nausea all day but just pushed it aside, thinking it was just my nerves and the stress level we are under, with Anna. But when I got home, I went to my office, and I was just going through my planner, and realized that my birth control shot was up at the end of September, and I never did go get another one."

"Wow!" Logan replied. "We're having another baby."

"Never a dull moment in the Huntzberger household." Rory giggled. "I'm not telling anyone yet. I want to confirm the pregnancy with my OBGYN before we tell anyone."

"Okay," Logan replies. "But you need to get some sleep before you head back. You know we are going to be fine. Anna is going to be fine. We will get through this, Ace!"

"I know." Rory sighed. "It seems like this month everything has been thrown at us. Between finding out about Joshua, Anna having cancer and now finding out about this pregnancy."

"I love you, Ace," Logan replied with a smile on his face. He knew Rory was having a hard time with accepting Joshua, and now trying to get over the shock of finding out their daughter had cancer. But now she has to go through Anna's treatments while pregnant. Let's hope these treatments help Anna so she can move ahead to stage two of treatments by mid-January. Well, she won't start them for two-four weeks after the last treatment. "Get some sleep, and I'll see you in a couple of hours."

"I love you," Rory replied. "I'll see in a couple of hours."

They both hung up the phone. Rory headed to bed while Logan sat next to Anna, while she slept.

While Anna slept, Logan pulled out his computer and began going over some paperwork. He knew his days at the office were going to be limited but he still had things that needed to be done. While going through his work, his cell rang. He quickly answered it, as he didn't want it to wake Anna.

"Huntzberger here," Logan answered quietly.
"Hey, it's Joshua," Joshua replied.
"Hey, Joshua," Logan replied. "How's everything?"
"Good. I just wanted to see what the plans are for Christmas?" Joshua asked.
"Oh!" Logan replied, a little shocked since he hasn't heard from him since then. "I actually haven't had much time to think about Christmas to tell you the truth. After Rory and I told our parents about you we ended up in the hospital with Anna. And we have been here ever since."
"What's wrong with Anna?" Joshua asked with a concerned tone. "Is she going to be ok? Do you need anything?"
"Anna has leukemia," Logan answered. "She is currently doing chemotherapy. She got diagnosed on December 14th and started chemo on the 18th. As of right now, the treatments are taking its toll on her, but we have high hopes that she will be just fine. And as of right now there really isn't anything we need. Thank you though."
"Anna has cancer? H-how did it happen?" Joshua choked out. He couldn't believe that his step-sister was really sick, and after everything, he tried to do to get his father and Rory to end their marriage and family. He felt so bad. He really had to make it up to both of them and to tell his mother that she had to back off.
"Yes, it's a rapidly growing cancer, but we are lucky that they caught it in time. So the doctors believe that after the first set of chemotherapy that she will hopefully be in remission, and then if all goes good, she will bring the second round of treatments by the end of February." Logan began explaining. "As for how it happened, that's a million-dollar question."
"Dad, I'm so sorry." Joshua cried. "Would it be okay if I came to visit her. I don't know her well yet, but I really want to get to know her, Rory and you. I don't know anything about coming together as a family, because it's not what I was used to seeing. Growing up, the sitter always took care of me, while mom worked or partied."

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