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Chapter 26: Whitney
Monday, December 10th, 2018

After getting off the phone with Whitney and his parents, Logan went in search for his girls.  He had an idea on where they were too, since it was getting close to 11am, which meant it was soon time for Anna's lunch and then her nap. But today her nap would probably happen on her drive to her grandparents house, since they would be picking her up around 11:30am.

When Logan walked into the kitchen, sure enough, Rory was heating something up while Anna was sat in her high chair with books surrounding her. She is definitely going to be a book worm just like her mother, even though Logan likes a good book every now and again.

Logan just stood in the archway watching his girls. He's not sure how this meeting will go with Whitney, but he knows for sure that if he loses those two girls standing in front of him, his whole life will crumble before him. They are his universe and without them he honestly don't know what he would do. He lost Rory before and now that she is back, and is his wife, he plans to keep it that way. Whatever happens at this meeting with Whitney, he just got to make sure that Rory knows that he is still 100% committed to her and Anna. There is nothing that will ever change that. If Joshua is his son, they will get through it and it will make them stronger and if he isn't his son then they will put this behind them and move forward stronger than ever!

As Logan is going through his thoughts, Rory is watching him from the corner of her eye, just enough so he doesn't notice that she is watching him. All that is going through her mind, is this freaking meeting with Whitney. How could something like this happen to them. They had enjoyed an amazing year of marriage. Welcomed Anna into their hearts and lives, even if the first 6 weeks were tough, but they pulled through that, but will they pull through this if Joshua is Logan's son. Will their love be strong enough to help keep their marriage together, of course it was. They been in love with each other since their college days, it's been 10+ years of love floating around, even when they weren't together they were connected by their hearts, wether they knew that or not. Their love was built to last.

All their inner and unspoken thoughts were interrupted when a knock came to the door.

"I'll get it." Logan said. "It's probably my parents here for Anna."
"Okay, I'll just get her cleaned up. Her bag is in the foyer, with everything she will need for a few hours." Rory said as she went over to Anna and took her out of her high chair. "Let's go and get ready for grandma and grandpa Huntzberger." Rory spoke to Anna as she carried her into the living room.

Rory changed Anna's diaper and got her cleaned up from lunch, while Logan answered the door.

Logan reached the door, and opened it. But to his surprise it wasn't his parents it was Joshua.
"Hey," Logan said a little shocked to see Joshua standing there, when in only a few minutes time his parents will be here.
"Hey!" Joshua answered back.
"What are you doing here?" Logan questioned him.
"Just wanted to pop by." Joshua replied. "Are you meeting with mom today?"
"Yeah, she is coming at 1pm." Logan replies.
"Oh, do you want me to stick around while you talk to her, maybe I can get to know my stepsister." Joshua said.
"His stepsister?" Mitchum said as he approached the front door, where Joshua and Logan stood.
"Hey dad!" Logan replies. "Where's mom? She didn't come with you?"
"Logan what's going on?" Mitchum questioned him, ignoring the question about his sons mother.
"Nothing serious dad." Logan replied. "Rory is getting Anna ready, she is probably on her..."

Logan got cut off, "Why is Joshua here?" Rory asked, not noticing Mitchum there.

"He just popped by." Logan replied. "But he is leaving now."

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