New Years Part One

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Chapter 37: New Years Part One
December 31st, 2018

After an eventful Christmas, Logan and Rory wanted a peaceful New Years. Anna was once again able to come home for the night but had to be back for her first chemo appointment in the morning. They both knew that life was going to be like this for a while, but hopefully on January 15th, they would get good news that Anna's chemotherapy was working and that it was shrinking the cancer, so they could move onto the next stage. The next three weeks, were going to be long, but together they knew they would get through it.

For New Year's Eve, they planned for the family to join them at their home. They were telling everyone about the new baby, but also that they were in the works of getting custody of Joshua. Colin was doing a great job at getting some information about Whitney. And it seemed like everyone he spoke to, knew about her and her ways. Which was a good thing for Logan and Rory.

Logan and Rory spent most of New Year's Eve at the hospital, but before they knew it they were heading home, with Anna.

Rory had everything taken care of for that evening, but she knew there was a few things that still needed to be done before anyone arrived. All the food was prepared by their cook, and they hired a maid shortly after Anna got admitted to the hospital, so Rory knew that the house was clean. She just wanted to make sure that a few surprises she had planned was ready.

Upon arriving at their house, Rory rushed off to one of the bedrooms, while Logan brought Anna inside.

Logan didn't know what Rory was up to, but whatever it was he was excited to find out.

They were home for almost an hour when the doorbell rang. They both thought it was going to be their parents, but they were sadly mistaken, when they heard the persons voice.

"I NEED TO SPEAK TO HIM," the voice shouted at the maid.

This caused Logan and Rory to stop in their tracks, and look at each other.

Rory looked at Logan and mouthed, "why is she here?" Logan just shrugged his shoulders, as to say he didn't know. They both headed towards the door, while Anna played in her play pin.

"I'm sorry Mr. & Mrs. huntzberger." The maid said as she seen them coming.

"That's okay, Grace." Logan reassured her. "We will take it from here. Can you keep an eye to Anna. She is in the living room in her play pin."

"Of course, Mr. Huntzberger." Grace replies, as she slipped away into the living room.

Grace left, leaving Logan and Rory to deal with the woman who barged into their home, once again.

"What the hell do you want?" Logan snapped as soon as Grace was out of ear shot.
"Who do you think you are?" Whitney shouted. "Do you really believe that I wouldn't find out what you two are up to? I know all about the lawyer, the way he has been asking questions about me and my lifestyle. But you won't be getting custody of Joshua."

"And who says we won't?" Rory questioned her. "There's a lot of dirt on you, and we will make sure that Joshua gets the life he deserves. Plus Joshua is 16, he has a say in this too."

"You guys are all talk." Whitney barked. "Logan, I know all about your days at the office, taking your Secretary into your office, and fucking her over your desk. She sucking you off, during business phones calls. But it's not just in your office. You have fucked her up against the bathroom wall as well."

Logan just laughed in her face, he knows everything that she is saying is bullshit, and that she is only doing it so she can get a rise out a Rory.

"Your fucking sick." Rory shouted. "You really think I'm going to believe the lies you are spilling. Logan hasn't been at the office for weeks. We have been spending the last several weeks at the hospital with our daughter."

"Where do you think he goes to, when he leaves the hospital?" Whitney questions. "He heads to his office, instead of coming here to sleep. He goes to the office, just to fuck his secretary."

Before Logan is able to speak, Rory threw herself into Whitney, knocking her to the floor. Rory grabbed Whitney's arms, and held her to the floor, as Whitney tried to kick herself free.

Logan was in shock, but he had to get Rory off of Whitney, before anything bad were to happen.

Rory was screaming, "You lying bitch. Logan would never cheat on me. I know he coming home, Grace always greets us at the door each time one of us comes home."

"Ace." Logan shouted. "You have to get off Whitney. If you don't something might happen."

Logan didn't want to say anything about the baby, in front of Whitney.

Finally it clicked in Rory's head, what Logan was talking about. She knew this wasn't the way to go about this, and putting her unborn child's life at danger wasn't a good choice.

Rory climbed up off of a Whitney, but she was furious, she just wanted this woman out of their life, and she is really hoping that Colin pulls through with the custody case soon.

Logan reached for Rory's hand, as she stood up. Rory was huffing and puffing, and he knew he had to calm her down.

"I think it would be best if you leave now." Logan said as he directed his attention back to Whitney. "This was uncalled for. The next time you will be seeing us, will be in court."

Whitney climbed to her feet, and went towards the door. As she reached the door, she turned back around, "I'll win in the courts, and I'll make sure to take whatever I can from you both. I ain't done with messing around with your little family." As she said the last word, she flung open the door and stepped outside into the chilly winter air.

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