Baby Huntzberger #2

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Chapter 44: Baby Huntzberger #2
August 3rd - 4th 2019

It's been six months since Logan and Rory got custody of Joshua. The first few weeks was a little rough for everyone. It took Joshua a while to get use to having strict rules. Rules that needed to be put in place in order for Joshua to have a routine that he needed. Growing up he never had a routine, never had someone around all the time telling him he had homework to do, that he had to go to school, and that getting a solid nights sleep was what a growing boy needed. But by the end of February he was getting used to the routine and the chores that he was given. He started going to school everyday, and spending his evenings doing homework, and playing with his step-sister.

Rory was now 39 weeks pregnant, and she was so ready for baby Huntzberger to come. It had been a stressful nine months, with Anna's cancer, dealing with Whitney and getting custody of Joshua.

Over the last six months, Anna has been back to doing treatments, but only once a day which only lasted for four months, when they did another test, resulting in results they all wanted - that the cancer had almost cleared up. But they weren't out of the woods yet. After two weeks of no treatments, Anna had to go back to finish up her final round of treatments, but lucky enough it was only once week. Anna was now in remission - which means she is cancer free but has to go back every month for test to make sure the cancer was keeping its distance.

"Ace." Logan calls out as he walks into the house, after his day at work.

But there is no answer. Logan heads to her office to see if she was in there working on her book, he knocks on the door, but no answer so he opens the door, only to find it empty.

Then he heads into the kitchen, which is joined to the dining and family room. It's empty. He takes a look out the back door, and the backyard is empty. It's just the bedrooms left to check. Logan quickly darts towards the stairs, when he hears a loud scream. 

Logan races up the stairs towards their master bedroom, he swings open the door to find Rory bent over, gripping onto the bedrail. 

"Ace." Logan clamly says. He knows what is happening. He actually figured she would have went into labour weeks ago. But each day he would come home from work, she was up and about with Anna, helping Joshua with school work, with no signs of baby coming, until now. 

"Baby is coming." Rory says after the contraction ends. "I have been having contractions since ten this morning." 

"Why didn't you call?" Logan asks as he wraps an arm around Rory, and starts walking her out of their room. 

"They were ten minutes apart." Rory says, just as another contractions starts. 

Logan rubs her back, as she pushes through her contraction. The contraction last no more than a few minutes and Logan knows that they got to get out of the house and to the hospital. 

"Where's Anna and Joshua?" Logan asks as they begin to walking again. 

"Joshua is in his room and mom came and got Anna at Noon." Rory replies. 

"Okay. I will call Joshua once we are in the car to let him know that we have left." Logan replies. 

After two more contractions, they finally make it to the car. After Rory is in the car, and Logan is settled in the drivers seat, Logan shifts the car in drive, he calls Joshua to let him know that they are headed to the hospital, and that he would be in touch when Rory gets settled at the hospital. 

A fifteen minute drive to the hospital, and then ten minutes to get in to the case room, Rory is settled. When they checked Rory, she was 7cm dilated but her water wasn't broken. Logan called Joshua to let him know that they will probably be at the hospital for the night, and if he didn't want to stay at the house for the night, that Logan could call his father to come get him, so Joshua could stay with them. But Joshua was fine with staying at the house alone. 

The evening was long, with arriving at the hospital just after 6pm. Rory's contractions was still strong and every three minutes apart, but it seemed like she wasn't progressing much. 

Midnight - After six hours in the hospital, Rory was still only 8cm dilated. They set up a drip for Rory, to hopefully help her dilate. 

4:00 AM - After four more hours of contractions it was finally time to begin pushing. Both Logan and Rory were excited that baby Huntzberger was on the way, even though both we exhausted, they knew they both had to get through this together, to welcome another miracle into the world. 

With 45 minutes of pushing, baby Huntzberger was born. 

"It's a boy!" the doctor say as he laid the baby onto Rory's chest. 

Logan cut the cord. 

Both Logan and Rory had tears flowing down their faces. They were so happy. Their family was complete. They had Anna, Joshua and this little guy. 

Welcome to the world: 
Eli Richard Huntzberger
August 4th, 2019
7lbs 10oz

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