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Monday, November 19th, 2017

I am lid back in bed, reading over the text that I just sent Rory, hoping that it's not too late, hoping that she feels the same as I do. I can't marry Odette; I say to myself as I glance at her as she sleeps peacefully next to me. I hate to have to hurt her like this, but I can't marry her, I need to be with Rory. She is the love of my life.

I am deep in thought when my phone begins to ring – it's 3AM – and to my surprise it's Rory calling. I quickly answer before it wakes Odette.

"Ace?" I answer in shock.
"Logan - we need to talk." Rory quickly says as if she has been crying.
"Yes, we do Ace. I am assuming you got my text." I whisper as I sit up in bed trying not to wake Odette.
"Logan I'm..."Rory begins to say but she stops before finishing.
"Your what Ace?" I question her hoping to get an answer.
"Logan, please don't get mad. I know how it happened and if you don't want anything to do with me that is fine, I can do this on my own. I really can but I'm– "Rory begins to ramble.
"Ace – Come on, I won't get mad. And what do you mean if I don't want anything to do with you, and that you can do it on your own. Rory, didn't you read the text. I want to be with you. I want us to be together, get married, have children and build a life together. So, whatever you have to say, I can handle it. Just tell me." I reply as I begin to sit up in bed while putting my feet to the floor.

"I'm Pregnant Logan. I'm about 7-8 weeks. We conceived when we stayed together in New Hampshire" Rory replies and then the phone goes dead.

I froze for a moment as I let what she said sink in. She hung up on me before I had the chance to answer her. I quietly got off the bed, and headed for the bathroom, just so I could call her back without Odette lying next to me. As I make my way to the washroom, Odette speaks.

"Is everything okay Logan?" Odette asks sleepy. "Who just called?"
"Everything is fine. It was just work-related stuff back in the US."I say, "Go back to sleep. Just got to use the washroom and I'll be back to bed."
"Okay." Odette says as she lies back down.

I head into the washroom and close the door. I take my phone and press Rory's number to call her back hoping to get more information on what she just told me. The phone rings - and it continues to ring until it goes to her voicemail.

"Sorry, I am unavailable to answer, please leave a short message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Rory's voicemail says. Then there is the beep, indicating I can leave a message.

"Ace. Please answer the phone. We really need to talk. Your pregnant? Why didn't you tell me sooner? I would have been there in a heartbeat, and you know that. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be lying next to Odette for the rest of my life – I want to be lying next to you. I want to be with you Ace. I have only ever wanted to be with you. I let my parents talk me into this. I should have never walked away 8 weeks ago in New Hampshire. I shouldn't have walked away from you 10 years ago. We are meant to be together, we both know that. Please call me back when you get this. I am supposed to get married in two weeks, but if you tell me that you love me and that you want to be with me, I will call it off and tell everyone the truth. I will tell them all about the last two years. I don't regret those two years. I just wish it was the last 10 years and that Odette wasn't involved. I rather be marrying you in two weeks. Please Ace, call me. I love you more than anything. I should have told you this 8 weeks ago, but I was being stupid. All I was thinking about was pleasing my father. I wasn't thinking about my feelings when I walked away from you, I just figured this is what you wanted, even though I know it wasn't want I wanted. Just call me back Ace. I Love You!"I say and I hang up.

After leaving the message for Rory, I try to call one more time before going back to bed, and still no answer. I don't leave another message I will just call her later when I am alone.

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