A Huntzberger or two!

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Chapter 41: A Huntzberger or Two!
April 30th 2020

After finding out she was pregnant just six weeks after Eli was born, Rory was in shock for weeks. Logan couldn't believe he was going to be a father again - for the 4th time.  But they accepted the pregnancy. When Rory went for the first ultrasound, they were shocked again when they found out they were expecting twins. It was too early to tell the sex of the babies, but regardless of the sex, they were going to be loved. Rory's due date for the twins is June 3rd - but her OBGYN told her with twins that if she got to 35 weeks she would be doing good. 

By time Rory hit 25 weeks she was put on bed rest, and it was hard when she had two young children that needed their mom. Thankfully Lorelei and Shira was there to help in anyway they could, but also the live in Nanny that was hired when Eli was born. But with twins on the way, they decided it would be good to hire another one. It wasn't what Rory wanted, but she knew that she would need the help with all four children, and then with Joshua's senior year coming to an end. They had to make sure they were all available for his graduation in June. He applied to several universities around Connecticut. Joshua applied to Yale, Connecticut College, Eastern Connecticut State University, Fairfield University, Southern Connecticut State University and Wesleyan University. All the Universities he applied for was four years - he decided to go into publishing like his father. 

Rory was now 35 weeks 1 day. Her belly was so big and the twins were taking up so much space, and it seemed like her belly was going to combust if they didn't arrive soon. She made it to 35 weeks, without any major complications, besides being put on bedrest. 

Logan's days at the office, became shorter and shorter. But he knew that he needed to be home to make sure Rory and the children were taken care of. Logan did most of his work in Rory's office whenever he had any meetings, but most of his meetings have been happening over zoom or by phone. 

It was just a regular day, Logan was up with the children - including Joshua - who was off to school. Rory got to stay in bed, but she didn't stay there long. She spent most of her days on the couch while the children played. Anna was now 7 months in remission. She went back last month for a check up and everything came out clear. If she can make it to the year mark - she would be in the clear. Anna would be two in a few weeks and Eli would be one in a couple of months. And now she was expecting twins any week now. Life was getting hectic for Logan and Rory, but they had a big support system behind them. 

Around 10am, Rory was up for the day, and settled on the couch she decided it was time to finish up the final chapters to her novel. About an hour and half into writing, she felt a gush of water, and that's when the pain started. 

"Logan!" Rory screamed out. "Logan!" 

Logan came running. 

"Ace." Logan said out of breath. "W-What's wrong?" 

"I think my water just broke." Rory calmly states. 

"Oh." Logan says, "I guess we should go." 

"Yes, we should." Rory replies. 

An hour later, 12:30pm,  Rory is settled in the case room, contractions every five minutes. The doctors couldn't stop the labour, those two little Huntzbergers were on their way, wether it was time or not. But Logan and Rory knew that they would get the best possible care. 

At 4:30pm, four hours of labour, the doctors decided it would be best to have the twins via a c-section.

Unfortunately, the C-section couldn't be done right away.

It was seven hours later before Rory would able to go in for a c-section.

It was now 11:30pm and the doctors were finally able to get Rory in for her section. With Logan holding her hand, as the doctors did what they had to do, they soon would be welcomed their twins into the world.

Welcome to the World: 
Mackenzie Honor Huntzberger 
April 30th, 2020 
4lbs 10oz 

Xavier Logan Huntzberger 
April 30th, 2020 
5lbs 1oz 

Life just got a little more exciting for the Huntzbergers!

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