The Night Before

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Chapter 17: The night before
Monday November 19th, 2018 

After an eventful day of preparing the house for the reception, getting the boys settled into the newly decorated pool house and then finally getting Anna down for the night. Anna was handed around to everyone today. She spent most of the morning with the boys while Shira and Lorelei was here to help preparing the Foyer and living and dining room. They set up many tables along with buffet tables along one wall for all the finger foods. While Anna was having her morning nap at about 11am, the boys got ready and went out for a little get together and to have a few drinks while the girls fussed over dresses. Anna woke from her nap around 1pm, once she was up, changed and feed. Lorelei and Shira took her to the playground just up the street, so Rory could do a little work on her book. Anna came back home around 3pm, as Lorelei had to get back to Stars Hallow to get Luke, and to drive back to Hartford for tomorrow. Shira had to return back to her house to prepare the house for family that was arriving for the reception. Once they left it was just Anna and Rory, but it wasn't for long though. Before Rory it knew it, Logan and the boys were back again. They all sat for supper and talked about the glory days. Then it was bath time for Anna. At about 7:30pm, Anna went down for the night. Logan took the boys out to the pool house for the evening, he had a drink with them, but returned back to Rory, where he found her in Anna's room doing another feeding at about 9pm. Rory was exhausted and couldn't wait to get to bed. They were in for another busy day in the morning. 

After getting Anna down once again for the night, they walked back to their room, holding hands but in silence. There was so much to discuss, but they both knew it would have to wait until after tomorrow. They climbed into bed, Logan was lid on his back, while Rory lid on her side with her back to him. She was still mad at him for keeping the secret of the accident the boys had in Vegas from her. But she pushed it to the back of her mind all day, but now as she lid in bed with only Logan's heavy breathing and her thoughts.

"Ace?" Logan questioned, hoping that she wasn't mad that he kept such a large secret from her. "Umm..." Rory responded, not really in the mood to talk, even though she knew she had to talk about the issue.
"Are you okay? Are you mad at me? We haven't spoke about what happened with the boys since they told you yesterday." Logan asked as he pulled his self up onto his elbows to see if he could see her face, and what he seen was not what he wanted to see. "Why are you crying?"
"I'm okay Logan." Rory said wiping away the tears. "Just go to sleep okay, we got a big day tomorrow."
"I'm not going to let you cry yourself to sleep, Ace." Logan said a little bit worried. "Talk to me please."
"What's there to talk about, Logan?" Rory snapped. "Let's just go to sleep."
"There's a lot to talk about, Ace. You can't pretend that yesterday didn't happen. There was a secret that I didn't tell you, and now you know about it. I want to know how your feeling." Logan pleaded with her. "I am not closing my eyes until we talk this through. I know your hurting, I could see it in your face every since I walked into our living room yesterday."
"Yes, Logan I am hurt. I was embarrassed." Rory sobbed. "The boys thought I knew and I sat there like a fool, because I didn't know nothing about the trouble they were in. I can't believe you didn't say a word to me."
"I'm sorry that it was embarrassing and I am sorry that it made you feel like a fool. I know I should of told you, but I didn't want to add any more stress on to you. You had enough going on as it was. With going into labour early with Anna, then with Anna having to stay at the hospital while you were released. Then going back and forth to the hospital for six weeks, and spending the entire day there with her, alone. Then once we got home, we had visitors pretty much every night for about a month. Then you started planning our wedding reception. I just didn't want to add any more stress to your already stressful life. I did it to protect you, not to hurt you. I know how much you love those boys, they are like brothers to you, and you would of been hurt, devastated and so much more if I had to tell you as soon as I knew." Logan said, as he let out a sigh as soon as he finished, relieved that he was able to get all that in without Rory interrupting him.
"Okay, I understand that you were trying to protect me from not getting stressed out. But really Logan, I am a grown ass woman. I can handle anything. Look at all the crap you put me through when we first started seeing each other, but I got through it all and it made me stronger. So please, I am begging you not to keep anything else from me. If you do you will regret it." Rory said as tears fell down her face. "I love you Logan. But we are in this together, we tell each other everything - the good and the bad. Because together we are stronger and we will get through anything, but only if we are on the same page. This isn't a one sided marriage."
"Thank you for understanding. I love you Ace with every thing that I am. You and Anna are my world. I promise to not keep anything from you. We are in this together, forever." Logan replied as he pulled Rory into his arms.
"Forever." Rory replied with a smile looking deeply up into his chocolate brown eyes.
"Oh, But I do need to do this." Logan said with his famous grin, as he begins kissing down Rory's neck, while his hands began roaming her body. Logan's hand catches the hem of Rory's shirt, and he slips up her shirt to her covered breast, causing Rory's breath to quicken. His free hand quickly reaches to her back as he unclips her bra. Rory's hands where on his body, feeling every toned inch of him, as he quickly tossed Rory's shirt and bra to the floor. Rory lid there with her bottoms still on, as Logan begin to take Rory's nipple between his teeth, Rory groaned as Logan began to suck to bring her nipples to a harden bud, as he made one nipple hard he quickly done the same on the other nipple. Then he slowly began kissing down the centre of her body, planting kisses all over her stomach, until he reached the waist line of her pants. Logan slowly pulled them down a little, catching a sneak preview of a pair of red lace panties, just like the lace bra she was wearing mere minutes ago. Rory's hands were now interweaved into Logan's dirty blond hair, tugging at the roots. Logan took Rory's pants to her mid thigh, before kissing back up Rory's body and to her mouth. When Logan's lips touched Rory's lips, his hand slid between Rory's thighs to her soaked panties. 

"Oh so wet, Ace." Logan said between kisses and with a grin on his face.
"Only for you." Rory breathlessly replied.
Logan palmed Rory through her panties, before slipping his hand in, causing Rory to moan as soon as his soft hand glazed across her swollen clit.
"Logan, please." Rory moaned.
"Say it Ace." Logan whispered in her ear.
"Touch me. Tease me. Make me come with just your touch." Rory moaned.
Logan slid two fingers into Rory, as his thumb was gently laid on her clit. He pushed in and out of her at a very slow rate at first but quickly picked up the pace, as his thumb make circles on her swollen clit. Rory was panting, as her stomach began to knot up, she was getting close to her release and Logan knew it.
"L-L-Logan." Rory moan, "I-I-I'm s-so c-close."
"Come for me baby." Logan whispered into her ear.
And with just those four words, Rory came undone by Logan's fingers.
But Logan wasn't finished. He was hard as a rock. As Rory came down from her high, Logan withdrew his fingers and began sucking on them, tasting Rory's orgasm. Logan stood up at the end of the bed and quickly took off Rory's bottoms and panties.
"Mmmm...that's better." Logan said as he slipped out of his boxers and pulled Rory to the edge of the bed.
Rory's legs quickly went around Logan, and Logan bent down and pulled Rory in for a kiss. Their tongues met and Rory's arms were around Logan's neck within minutes, pulling him closer to her, as she tangled a hand in his hair while her other hand ran down his back. Logan shifted slightly so he was propped on one arm, while his other hand explored Rory's body. His fingertips were gently grazing over her body, touching everywhere besides that one spot. His fingers grazed over her neck, down to each of her breasts, down her sides and over the stomach then slowly grazing over her thighs and down her legs and all the way back again. The next time it reached her stomach she grabbed his wrist, and lowered his hand between her thighs.
"Please, L-Logan, touch me." Rory moaned.
Logan didn't say a word, he simply inched his way towards Rory's center. With every inch, Rory would arch her back upward, until he finally came in contact with her wet and hot center. Logan groaned as he glazed over, he couldn't believe how his touch done this to her, even after all these years. He began slowly stroking her, but Rory kept pushing her hips towards him. She wanted more and Logan knew. He took his hand away from her, and brought it to his harden member and gave it a few pumps, before placing it at her entrance. Rory watched as he tugged his self, and she bit her lip to keep the moans muffled. Very slowly, Logan inched into her. Rory's body arched her back upwards and started to move her hips, she needed him. Her hormones were going crazy and she needed him, she needed to feel him sliding in and out of her, she needed to hear him moan her name as he spilled inside of her.
Logan placed his hand on her belly, and gently pushed her back to the bed, he began rocking his body in and out of her. She felt amazing wrapped around him, and she looked even more amazing as she laid under him, with her dark brown hair all over the place, her bright blue eyes squeezed shut and her top teeth nippling on her bottom lip. As he watched the love of his life, enjoying this intimate moment, he started to quicken the pace, as he could tell that she was on the edge of another release. He slammed into her harder and harder as her moans got louder and louder. Then her legs began to shake and he knew that she was mere seconds away. He pulled her close to him, and he kept pounding into her, and soon they were both screaming each others names, as they both came undone.

As their breaths steadied, and they both came back to reality, he pulled out of her, and fell onto his back next to her. Rory just laid there, her chest rising and falling, until she turned on her side, and spoke.

"That was amazing Logan." Rory said with a big smile on her face.
"Making love to you is always amazing, Ace." Logan said as he pulled her near him and kissed her forehead.
Rory just looked up at him and smiled.

Soon they were both entangled in each others arms and fast asleep.

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