Christopher Straub Hayden

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Christopher Straub Hayden
February 27th 1968 - April 16th 2046

Growing up Christopher was surrounded by family wealth. When Christopher was 16, he found out he was going to be a father, with his girlfriend at the time Lorelei Gilmore. He wanted to marry Lorelei, but unfortunately Lorelei didn't. Once Christopher's daughter - Rory - was born he had limited contact with her due to the fact that Lorelei ran away to Stars Hallow. With his parents on his tail about attending Princeton, he refused to attend. 
As Christopher became an adult he never was really sure how to handle the falling out he had with Lorelei, which caused him to be mostly absent from Rory's life. 
Christoper finally made it to Stars Hallow when Rory was 16, even with some sort of established relationship with Rory, Lorelei doesn't want him to get close to her if he isn't going to be constant presence in her life. Even with Christopher in and out of their lives, he does keep in touch with them. 
During Christopher's second trip to Stars Hallow, he tells the Gilmore Girls that he has a steady job in Boston. Even though he isn't thrilled about his job he is just happy to have a steadiness in his life and that he doesn't want the life of his parents. 
Christopher ends up having another daughter with a women named Sherry - but two years after his second daughter is born - Sherry abandon's Christopher and their daughter Gigi. 
After a few months of not speaking because he caused a problem between Lorelei and Luke, he gets back in touch with Rory and Lorelei as he wants to financially provide for Lorelei and Rory, in the end Christopher ends up taking over paying for Rory's tuition at Yale. 
Lorelei ran to Christopher when things turn sour with Luke, and then they begin a relationship. Lorelei and Christopher go to France together to bring Gigi over to her mother, and while they are in France they get married. Christopher moves in with Lorelei in Stars Hallow. Christopher ends up finding a letter Lorelei wrote to Luke to help him with his custody battle, and then Christopher starts to question if Lorelei actually loves him. When Richard - Lorelei's father - has a heart attack, Christopher is MIA. Then when he arrives Luke is there dropping off food for the family, which causes Christopher to become upset, which eventually leads to Lorelei breaking things off with him. They part on good terms and Christopher proudly watches Rory graduate from Yale. 
Throughout most of his adulthood, he kept in place in the lives of the Gilmore girls. When he became a grandfather for the first time he was over the moon. Then becoming a grandfather four more times - even if one of them wasn't actually Rory's, he thought of him just a much as the others. He even became a Great-Grandfather, which made his life even more complete. 
Christopher never did settle down. He dated on and off, but never made anything permenant, he was still in love with Lorelei, and he had to accept the fact that Lorelei moved on, and that he would just have to love her from afar.
When Christopher turned 70 - his body slowly started to burn out.He pushed himself so much as a teen, and even into his adult year, that is finally caught up to him. He had every possible ache and pain you could have in the human body. He was put on medication for everything - blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritis, blood thinners and so much more. 
The medication he was on, became to much for his body, and two months after his 75th birthday, he had a massive heart attack, which took his life. 

Christopher Shraub Hayden passed away at the age of 75. 
Leaving to morn:
Daughters: Rory (Logan), Gigi (Adam) 
Grandsons: Eli & Xavier Step-Grandson: Joshua (Abby) 
Granddaughters: Anna (Andrew) & Mackenize(Ashlyn)
Step-Great - Grand-daugters: Annabel(James) & Natalie 
Step-Great - Grandson: Nathan (Charlotte)

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