Telling the families

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Chapter 30:Telling the families
Friday, December 14th, 2018

Rory went after her. "You stay the fuck out of my marriage," Rory said as Whitney opened the door, only to come face to face with Logan.

Logan was in shock, he wasn't sure what was going on between the two women, but he could see the look in Rory's eyes that she was upset.

"What the hell is going on here?" Logan said in a much louder tone than normal. "You're definitely the last person I thought I would see when I returned to my house."

"I was just stopping by to figure out about Christmas." Whitney innocently spoke.

"Bullshit," Rory screamed. "You came here to torture me."

"Torture you?" Logan questioned Rory while he eyed Whitney.

What the hell happen? Logan thought to himself, but he was sure he would find out very soon.

"Yeah, she came here saying that you don't want me and that you want Odette. That the bridesmaids you slept with when we were fighting back in college was all her doings to get back at her for getting her pregnant. That she wants to spend Christmas with you and Joshua only, so she can convince you to dump my sorry ass. That you will have her moaning your name, while I listen. That the nights you spent with those bridesmaids were the best nights of your life." Rory sobbed. "And that you only married me because you knocked me up and that you're still in contact with Odette."

"Ace." Logan pleaded. "You can't believe any of that shit. You know I was miserable with Odette and that it was the dynastic plan, between my parents and hers. And as for those bridesmaids, it's been years, plus they meant nothing to me. We had a huge fight, and I thought we broke up."

"All I know is that this crazy bitch wants you." Rory sobbed. "But I had enough with her and her craziness. I have to get our daughter up and ready for our supper plans with our parents to tell them that you have a son. You deal with her and get her the fuck out of our lives or I'm done."

"You're done?" Logan said in shock. "You know that's going to be hard to do since she is Joshua's mother, Ace."

"Well, you got two choices," Rory said. "You deal with her now or you get a lawyer to deal with this craziness."

And before Logan could respond, Rory was dashing up the stairs.

Logan whipped around to face Whitney.

"What the hell do you want Whitney?" Logan screamed. "You're ruining my marriage to the only girl I have ever loved more than life itself. What's your motive?"

"I want us to be together," Whitney said seductively, as she stepped towards him. But before she could place her hands on him, he stepped back.

"What the hell?" Logan screamed. "This is enough of your bullshit Whitney. I'm calling my lawyer. I am not dealing with you like this. I'm going to put a restraining order against you, as well. You won't be allowed on my property or within 50 feet of myself, Rory and Anna. I'll get a custody agreement for Joshua through my lawyer."

"Whatever Logan. But you and I both know that you already got another woman on the side." Whitney barked. "You know that you can't just have one pussy for the rest of your life."

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