Moving In

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Chapter 12: Moving In
Wednesday, May 16th, 2018

Over 13 weeks, Logan was at the house every morning bright and early so he could let the contractors into the house. He would explain to the foreman that everything has to be ready by the end of May or earlier, every morning.

The list of things that needed to be done wasn't overly big projects, probably the biggest was redoing all the bathrooms - 4 in total not including the half bath.

Renos started on February 13th by tearing down the walls between the kitchen, dining room and living, and removing the flooring, which took two weeks to complete. On February 28th the bathrooms were started, everything was taken out and new floors, tiling, painting were done, and then the fixtures were all put back in - toilet, tubs, showers, sinks and cabinets. The bathrooms took two weeks as well. On March 15th they removed all the hardware from the cabinets in the kitchen, sanded and repainted all cabinets. Appliances, countertops, and backsplash were also installed. This project took a week to do. On March 23rd they began the sanding of the shelving in the library/office. Between sanding and re-staining all the bookshelves it took almost two weeks to do. On April 6th painting started on the entire house. It took the painters three weeks to complete the painting. They had to do trims, ceilings and walls to do. Last but not last they started the last project on April 28th, which was installing flooring. The last project took the longest because there was a mix up with the hardwood, but in the end they finished on May 12th. Which left Logan and Rory with 7 weeks before Rory's due date to get everything into the house and settled. They also decided to redo the pool house as well, but decided to wait until later on to do so. 

The renos have been done now for about a week, Logan and Rory began ordering their furniture mid April, so make sure everything would arrive by mid May.  Now its been a week since renos have been done, and their furniture still hasn't arrived. Logan has been on the phone everyday this pass week with the furniture store, trying to figure out what is happening, and he keeps being told that there was a delay. This is beginning to stress Rory out. She was hoping to be moved in by the end of next week, but with no furniture that seems impossible.

After another stressful day at the office, Logan heads back to the house at 6pm to see if anyone has showed up with the furniture, before he heads back to Stars Hallow. But when he pulls into the drive, he is surprised to see Rory's car parked there. He quickly gets out and rushes inside.

"Ace." Logan calls out. "Rory are you in here?"

He doesn't notice all the empty boxes. 

He calls out a little louder, "Rory, are you here?"

Finally Rory calls back.

"I'm up here." Rory calls out.

Logan heads up the stairs to where all the bedrooms are. He opens up their bedroom door, and is stopped in his tracks when he notices the furniture all set up, and empty suitcases scattered all over the floor, but still no Rory.

"Rory, where are you?" he calls out again.
"In the room across from ours." Rory calls out.

Logan crosses the hall, and pulls open the door, where he sees Rory sat on the floor with a bunch of baby items. The crib is all set up and now she is organizing baby items, such as shampoo, body wash, towels, facecloths, diapers, etc. into bins.

"What's going on Ace?" Logan asks.
"The furniture store called this morning shortly after you left, so I meet them here at 10am. Then mom and Luke came out to help me get everything set up. And this is the last of the things that has to be put away, everything else is done. So we are staying here tonight and forever." Rory rambles with a big smile.
"Really?" Logan smiles with his signature grin.
"Yes Logan and we are 2 weeks ahead of schedule." Rory says as she stands up.

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