Anna's Results Part Two

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Chapter 41: Anna's Results Part Two
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

After the talk with Joshua, and then taking him to what would be his room, Joshua headed back to his mothers house, to start packing while Logan and Rory took Anna to her appointment. They planned to pick him up on their way back.

They had high hopes that the results would be good and that chemotherapy would stop for a while.

Parking at the hospital, Logan turned to Rory.

"I love you." Logan said as he admired her. He couldn't believe how strong of a women she has been during everything. Anna arriving early, finding out about the boys in Vegas, writing a book - which made him realize that she needed to get back to writing -, planned a reception, Anna getting sick, Joshua, and all the bullshit that went on with Whitney. She stayed by his side, and they fought for their everlasting love. After this appointment, they had to get through the custody court hearing, and then prepare for their second child.

Rory sat staring into Logan's deep chocolate brown eyes, in awe of the man that was sat before her. He is incredible, smart, loving, and beyond anything else he is the man that she is deeply in love with. She has never loved anyone like she loves him, and it all started at a coffee cart so many years ago. They have been through so much, and after everything their relationship is stronger than ever. She knows nothing is ever going to tear them apart, regardless what is pushed into their path.

"I love you." Rory responded, as she leaned over the middle console of their car and pulled Logan into a deep and passionate kiss.

When they pulled apart their eyes were glazed over with lust.

"Mama," Anna cooed causing Logan and Rory to snap out of their current lust, and get out of the car.

Logan takes Anna out, places her on his hip, while his free hand reaches for Rory's hand, as they walk into see Dr. Hudson.

Arriving at Dr. Hudson's office, causes them both to tense up. They both are praying that there is good news again today. As they sit waiting for Dr. Hudson, Rory takes a look around the waiting room, when her eyes land on a familiar face, but a face she hasn't seen since they had their reunion at Chilton.

Tristian DuGray. His hands are intertwined with a beautiful women with a swollen belly but who has her head covered with a shawl. Right away Rory knows that whoever she is to Tristian, that they are going through something similar to them, but they or Rory assumes, are having a baby.

Rory smiles and Tristian smiles back.

"What you smiling about, Ace?" Logan asks breaking her gaze away from Tristian.

"Him." Rory answered as she nodded towards Tristian.

Logan looked in the direction that Rory nodded, and all he could see was red. Why was his wife smiling about another man? Did she know him? Was she cheating?

Logan leaned in towards Rory's ear, "What the hell?" he whispered-shouted at her. He was fuming with anger.

Rory quickly snapped her head towards Logan, there was no way in hell she had to defend herself. She haven't seen Tristian in almost two years, and he was an old friend from High school. Yes sure, he had a crush on her, but it's been years and besides he is here with his wife, or so she is assuming.

"What?" Rory asked shocked.

"You know what, Rory." Logan snapped. "Your smiling at another man."

"Logan, you're getting worked up over nothing." Rory responded, trying to keep Logan under control. She knows how jealous he can get, but he had nothing to worry about.

"Worked up over nothing." Logan replied with anger in his voice. "Your a married women, and you're flirting right in front of me."

"He's an old friend from High School. I haven't seen him, since our High school reunion. There is no need for you to be so angry." Rory replied as tears begin to form in her eyes.

She couldn't believe Logan was acting like this in the waiting room of the cancer centre.

Before Logan could reply, Anna's name was being called.

They walked into Dr. Hudson's office together even though Logan was still angry.

When they sat in the office, Dr. Hudson had a huge smile on his face.

"How is everyone today?" Dr. Hudson asked as he pulled Anna's chart out.

"We are good." Rory replied with a smile, even though she knew that Logan was angry for absolutely no reason whatsoever. "Hoping for good results today." 

"Well, I guess I should give you the good news." Dr. Hudson said as he opened Anna's chart. "After her treatments yesterday, we did some blood work. We are very pleased with what we seen in those results." 

Logan and Rory was on the edge of their seats, they just wanted the news. There was a lot going on in their lives, and if they could get pass the first stage of treatment, it would be one less thing on their plate for now. 

Dr. Hudson continued, "Well, right now her CBC is normal, which means that Anna's cancer is almost completely gone. So we are going to stop treatment for three weeks, and once those three weeks are up, we will bring Anna back in for blood test to check the cancer cells, and if everything is still the same as they are now, we will do a low-dose chemo and steroid treatment as an outpatient for two months. This will give Anna a higher chance the cancer will not come back." 

Rory was speechless and tears were stinging her eyes, as she grasp Logan's hand and held Anna in her arms. Rory could see the happiness in Logan's eyes as they received the news. 

"I can take it that you both are happy with the news." Dr. Hudson asked. 

"We are really happy." Logan replied for the both of them. 

"Well, we are all good here, unless you guys have any questions. And if not, just head to the front desk and make an appointment for three weeks time." Dr. Hudson said with a smile. 

Logan looked at Rory, "I think we are good." Logan replied. 

All three of them stood and shook hands. 

When they got to the front desk, Rory made quick work, and made an appointment for three weeks time. February 19th, 2019 was Anna's next appointment. 

As they left the clinic, Logan called Joshua to let him know that they were on their way for him, as Rory placed Anna in her car seat. 

Rory was sat in the car, before Logan sat begin the driver seat, and she knew exactly how the car ride was going to go. 

As Logan slipped in the driver seat, Rory turned to face the window. She didn't want to see the scowl on his face. 

Logan started the engine and pulled out of the parking space, before he spoke. 

"What the hell happened in the waiting room?" Logan semi-shouted at Rory. 

"Nothing happened." Rory replied without looking towards Logan. She was angry with him, for his behaviour. He had no right to be jealous of Tristian. All they did was smile at each other, they didn't even speak. 

"Like hell it didn't. You were flirting with that guy in there, like I wasn't even in the room. Your a married women, didn't he see your rings." Logan shouted. 

"Logan, you really need to chill and stop shouting at me." Rory said as she whipped her head towards him. "Tristian, was a friend in High School. Then he left and went to the military and I didn't see him no more until my High School Reunion." 

"Bull shit!" Logan replied. "Your cheating on me, aren't you?" 

"Cheating?" Rory shouted. "Are you crazy Logan? I don't leave our place, and when I do I only go to the cancer clinic with Anna, and to go to my OBGYN. And most of the time I am with you when I leave our house." 

"What do you do when I'm at work?" Logan shouted. "He probably comes to our house while I'm at work. Then he is gone before I gets home." 

"Logan, are you listening to yourself." Rory screamed-cried. "You are crazy, if you think that I would cheat on you. You are the only person I have ever loved. You're the only person I ever want to be with. You're the only person that I want to have children for. Is that too hard to understand." 

By the time, Rory had her screaming fit over with they were pulling into Joshua's. 

"I don't want to fight with you in front of Joshua. So before you go and get him, let this be known. I hate fighting with you especially when you know that what we are fighting over isn't true." Rory said before Logan got out of the car. 

"I'm sorry." Logan replied. "I know you wouldn't cheat on me. You know that I am a jealous person especially when it comes to you. I shouldn't of accused you of cheating and I should know better. I love you." 

"I love you." Rory replied as Logan leaned over the center console and pulled Rory in for a kiss. 

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