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Chapter 15: Vegas
Sunday, November 18th, 2018

It's been half a year since Logan and Rory got married and became parents. Those six months have been amazing. Especially experiencing all of those first with Anna. She began sleeping a solid eight hours a night at about five and half months old, which was a first and a relief for both Logan and Rory. Anna's eyes had stayed the beautiful baby blue from the day she was born. Also, she started eating some baby cereal. They witness Anna's first smile, laugh and her babbling. She even would say 'ma-ma' and "da-da'. Rory would spend hours a day, just sitting with Anna propped up in her arms, reading book after book to her. There would be many evenings when Logan would come home from work, and would find them in Anna's nursery reading. The hardest part, for Logan, was when she began to cry for him when he would leave in the mornings to go to work. Logan hated leaving his girls, but he knew that if he wanted to provide nothing but the best for his growing family, that he would have to work. But he also knew that Rory wanted to work to, so during the evenings, he would let Rory go into the study to work on her book, but also do some freelance writing as well, while he got to spend some time with Anna. Another milestone for Anna was the day she turned 6 months old, she sat up unassisted for the very first time.

The first week, when Anna was home, they had many visitors.
Nana Lorelei & Grandpa Luke - Lorelei was tickled pink when she got to hold her granddaughter for the first time. Luke was a little uncomfortable at first but quickly warmed up to Anna, and now he is crazy about the little girl, almost as much as Logan is.
Uncle Jess - fell in love right away, and promise both Logan & Rory that he would protect the little girl forever, and that's when Rory & Logan knew that Jess had to be her godfather.
Aunt April - couldn't believe she had a little cousin, and didn't want to give her back to Rory and Logan, she just wanted to cuddle her forever.
Sookie, Jackson & kids - Sookie brought many baked goodies for Rory and Logan, but also made many meals so they wouldn't have to worry about cooking anything for at least a couple of weeks. They all took turns holding baby Anna, and fell in love with her right away.
Aunt Lane, Uncle Zack & boys - Lane was beyond excited that her best friend finally had a child, and that now they could talk about children together. They all held Anna and took in her beauty. Rory asked Lane to be Anna's godmother and Lane accepted immediately.
Aunt Paris, Uncle Doyle & kids - Paris was just being Paris when she finally came to see Anna. Reminding Rory that she had to be feeding Anna every two hours, and to make sure she pumped between feedings to keep her milk supply. But she was so excited and happy for her best friend. Rory asked Paris to be Anna's godmother as well, and Paris was honoured!
Aunt Honor, Uncle Josh & boys - Honor was so happy to finally have another girl in the family. It was only her in the Huntzberger family, besides her mother, since she had two boys. When Honor arrived she came bearing gifts for little miss Anna. Between little pink outfits, that was of all sizes to little booties in every possible shade of pink. They also brought diapers for them as well.
Great Nana Emily - Emily just cried. She couldn't believe she was a great-grandmother and that Richard wasn't here to see what an incredible woman Rory had become and what an incredible mom she is!
Poppy Christoper & Aunt GiGi - Christoper just stared at the little bundle in Rory's arms. He couldn't believe his little girl was now a mother. Christoper looked at Logan, and told him to protect them both with everything he had or he would be after him. Logan promised that he would protect them forever. GiGi was excited to get to see her sister again after many years of being in Paris, but was finally excited to see her little cousin, but also a little jealous, because now she wasn't the baby anymore. But Rory told GiGi that now since Anna was here she would probably be looking for a babysitter and that whenever she would be in town that she would want her to come and babysit, which cheered GiGi up.
Grandpa Mitchum & Grandma Shira - This was the biggest surprise of all. When Logan opened the door that day, he was in shock. Mitchum and Shira stood in the door with arms fulls of gifts for their first granddaughter. Mitchum and Shira flew in from London to see their granddaughter but also to tell Logan that he would be taking over the company, as Mitchum decided it was time to retire, spend time with his wife. But most importantly to spend time with their children and grandchildren. When they meet Anna they fell in love with her, and they even apologized to Rory for how they treated her all those years ago, but also they accepted the fact that Logan made the right choice by calling off the engagement with Odette and going after what his heart wanted and loved. Rory accepted their apology but still wouldn't be in the same room alone with them.
Uncle Finn, Uncle Robert & Uncle Colin - After weeks of visitors in and out of their home, Rory was a little sadden and shocked that Finn, Robert and Colin didn't come to meet Anna. She even asked Logan if he spoken to the boys, but all he told her was he spoke to them the day Anna was born, well during the early morning before she was born. He end up calling all three of the boys later that evening after Anna was born with no answer, so he left a message to all three of them, letting them know that he had a daughter, and giving them all the information. And he also called them once they arrived home, but once again there was no answer, so he left another message letting them know that Anna was doing great and that they were home if they wanted to come visit.

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