Luke William Danes

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Luke Willam Danes
November 17th 1966 - December 20th 2046

Luke Danes was born and raised in Stars Hallow. He knew Stars Hallow like the back of his hand. Luke lost his mother when he was in his teens - leaving him and his sister, Liz with their father. Luke helped his father run his father's hardware store, until he also passed away. A year or so after his father's passing Luke turned William's Hardware into Luke's Diner. Luke's Diner is located in the middle of Stars Hallow. 

When Luke entered into adulthood he became known as the sweet yet grumpy guy who owns a diner. 

While converting the Hardware store into a Diner, he also turned the office above into an apartment where he lived, alone. Luke lived in that apartment for years and years alone, until his nephew - Jess, who is Liz's son - came to live with him. 

Luke's love life  was crushed by a girl named Rachel who walked out on him, to pursue her photography. Which caused a lot of heart ache for him, until he meet Lorelei. Lorelei was the first woman after Rachel to actually get Luke's full attention. But with Lorelei's only love life, Luke kept his distance. 

While keeping his distance, Luke started dating a lawyer, who he went on a trip - a cruise - who he married. But the marriage didn't last long, because he discovered that she was seeing another man. So the marriage quickly ended in a divorce. 

When Luke finally realizes his loves Lorelei, he starts inviting her to events, such as his sister's wedding. Lorelei doesn't catch on, until the night of the opening of her Inn - when he kisses her. 

Their relationship quickly grows, and Lorelei surprisingly proposes to Luke, who quickly accepts. 

When Luke finds out he has a 12 year old daughter - April Nardini, he begins to push his commitment to Lorelei away, which causes the relationship to become strained. The inclusion of April in his life causes much confusion, because he is unsure how to combine his relationship with Lorelei with his blossoming relationship with his daughter. With all of this happening, it causes Lorelei to give Luke an ultimatum - either marry her or it's over. Luke panic and can not commit, which causes Lorelei to walk away. 

When Luke realizes that he wants to marry Lorelei it's too late. Lorelei sleeps with Christopher shortly after their break up, and when Lorelei tells Luke, it sours the relationship between them. 

A reconciliation occurs, after Lorelei ends her marriage to Christopher and they begin to rebuild their relationship. 

In the end Luke finally ends up with the women was was meant to be with. 

Luke was a health nut - and when he found out he had prostate cancer at the age of 75 - he thought for sure there must of been some sort of mistake. But he kept fighting it for 5 years before it finally took him down. 

Luke William Danes passes away at the age of 80. 
Leaving to Morn: 
Wife: Lorelei Gilmore Danes 
Daughter: April 
Step Daughter: Rory (Logan) 
Step Grandchildren: Anna (Andrew), Joshua (Abby), Eli (Tessa), Mackenzie(Ashlyn), Xavier(Gabriella) 
Step Great Grandchildren: Nathan(Charlotte), Annabel(James) & Natalie

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