Baby Huntzberger

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Wednesday May 16th 2018 to Friday May 18th 2018

Logan and Rory arrived at the hospital around 7:30pm on Wednesday May 16th. It's now Thursday May 17th and Logan as been sat at Rory's bedside now for 18 hours, and still no baby. The doctors stopped the contractions as they didn't want Rory having the baby, since she was only 33 weeks 4 days. They told Logan that she has to stay on bed rest at the hospital until the baby comes. Which means they could be in the hospital up to 7 weeks before baby Huntzberger comes.

"Logan." Lorelei says as she slowly opens Rory's door to her private room. "Go home and get some sleep."
"No, I'm not leaving her." Logan says as he holds onto Rory's hand as she sleeps.
"Logan, I'm not telling you to go and I'm making you go. You need sleep. Your not going to be any good to her when she needs you if you don't sleep. I'll stay here with her, until your back. But I don't want to see you back here for at least another 8-10 hours. If anything happens I will call you." Lorelei demands.

Logan lets out a sigh, and slowly lets go of Rory's hand, gives her a soft kiss on her forehead and leaves the room.


Logan heads out of the hospital alone. Going back to their house alone doesn't feel right, but he knows that Lorelei is right. He won't be any good to her if he doesn't get some sleep. He's been awake now for almost 38 hours.

When he gets home, at 1:50pm, he grabs a quick shower and then jumps into bed around 2:30pm. He twist and turns for the first couple of hours, as his mind keeps thinking about Rory and the baby. He keeps thinking, what if Lorelei doesn't call him, if anything where to happen. But he knows he has to put that thought to the back of his mind, so he can get some sleep. Then with a few more twist and turns he finally drifts off to sleep at 5pm.


When Logan wakes up, it's almost 5am on Friday May 18th. He's been asleep for about 12 hours, and he must say he feels refreshed. He slowly pulls his self out of the bed, pulls on his jeans and a white shirt and heads down to the kitchen to get a coffee.

As he is sitting at the island drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper, his phone begins to rings. First thing to come to mind is Rory so he quickly lays the newspaper down, and reaches into his jeans pocket to get his phone. When he looks at the caller ID, Finn's name appears the across the screen. Why is he calling so early for? Logan asks his self as he answers the call.

"Hey." Logan answers.
"Hey." Finn replies
"What's up man?" Logan ask.
"I need your help man.' Finn asks.
"What's on the go? Where are you?" Logan fires the questions to him, as he is a bit confused as to why Finn is asking for help at 6am in the morning.
"I'm in Las Vegas and I need your help." Finn quietly says.
"Las Vegas!" Logan questions him. "What do you need help with?"
"I'm in a alley with a...." Finn begins before Logan cuts him off.
"Your in an alley, Finn?" Logan questions him in shock. "What's going on, where's Collin and Robert?
"They took off after some biker gang came at us, and well I kinda wouldn't back down, so now here I am standing over a lifeless body in an alley in Las Vegas." Finn quickly says.
"YOUR STANDING OVER A BODY?" Logan yells. "what the hell did you do?"
"I hit him." Finn quietly says. "He was coming after me, and I grabbed a brick that was next to a door and I threw it at him, and it hit him in the head. Then he just fell to the ground and hasn't moved. I'm freaking out here Logan. I need you to come to Las Vegas to help me out of this mess." Finn says in a panic.
"Rory's in the hospital Finn. I just can't leave. She is soon going to have the baby. I can't put this stress on her. Why can't you get Robert and Collin come back? They know where you are, unlike me." Logan sadly says. "I'm sorry Finn but I can't."
"Come on Logan." Finn says. "I've helped you so many times with the crap you used to pull."
"I know man, and I'm greatly thankful for all your help when I needed it. But I just can't up and leave now. Rory is in the hospital because she went into labor early, the contractions have stopped but that doesn't mean the baby won't come." Logan tries to plead with him, and to make Finn understand.
"Fine man, whatever!" Finn says and before Logan can reply Finn has hung up.

Logan just stares at his phone, just in shock. What is he suppose to do, just up and leave his pregnant wife and go to Finn. No, he can't do that. Rory would never forgive him if he did. So instead he quickly finds Robert's number and gives him a call.

"hello." Robert answers.
"what the hell is going on?" Logan screams into the phone. "Why did you and Collin leave Finn alone in an alley with a body?"
"Calm down Logan." Robert calmly says. "We are on the way back to the alley now."
"Keep me posted. I have to go back to the hospital with Rory." Logan replies. "And don't do anything stupid."
"Rory's in the hospital?" Robert questions him. "Not making any promises about not doing anything stupid, but we will try our best."
"Yes, she went into labour. The doctors stopped the contractions, but now she is on hospital bed rest until the little one decides to come." Logan says. "I'll let you know if baby makes an appearance. Just get this mess cleared up before it gets worst."

Logan hangs up from Robert.

Logan is refreshed and ready to face whatever today as in store for him. Weather that's just sitting next to Rory or welcoming their child into this crazy ass world. Grabbing his phone, wallet and his keys on the side table in the foyer, at 6:30am, he heads to his car to head to the hospital. 

A 15 minute drive back to the hospital seems like forever, there's so much traffic. When Logan is about 5 minutes from the hospital his phone rings, and without looking at the caller ID he answers on the second ring. 

"Hello." Logan answers.
"Logan, where are you?" Lorelei asks in a panic.
"I'm 5 minutes away. what's going on?" Logan asks a little concerned. "Is Rory okay?"
"Rory has gone into labor again. The doctors tried to stop the contractions but they won't stop. She is about 6 cm dilated. So hurry and get here." Lorelei explains.
"I'll be there soon. Tell Rory I love her and that I am on the way." Logan says as he ends the phone call before Lorelei could reply. 

Within minutes Logan is pulling into a parking spot at the hospital. Jumping out of the car and rushing into the hospital to the case room.
As he approaches Rory's room, he hears Rory screaming, "I can't do this. It hurts to much."

Logan begins to panic and thinks something has happened to the baby. He quickly opens the door to find Rory bent over the bed with her mother rubbing her back, as she works through another contraction. When the contraction has stopped, Rory looks up to see Logan standing in the doorway.

"Are you coming in or not." Rory barks at him.

Logan was just about to answer when another contraction started, so he quickly moved over to where Lorelei was standing and starts rubbing Rory's back.

Contractions where 2 minutes apart. Rory's nurse has been coming back in every half hour to check on Rory. The last time they checked her was at 8:30am and she was 8cm dilated. It's now hitting 9am, when the nurse comes in again for another check. As the nurse began to check her, Rory's water broke. 

"How far along is she?" Logan asks the nurses, as she removed her glove. 
"She is 10cm. I have to go get the doctor so she can start pushing." The nurse replies as she leaves the room to get the doctor.

Logan looks at Rory, "Your doing great Ace." He says with a smile.

It isn't long before the nurse comes back followed by the OBGYN.

"It's time to start pushing, Rory." The doctor says as he takes a seat below her. "Take a deep breath and push on the count of 3. 1, 2, 3. Push!"

And with that Rory begins to push.

After about 10 minutes of pushing, the doctor to tells her to stop, because the baby is crowning. But she didn't stop for to long, when the doctor tells her to give one big push. And just like that she gives it all she has, and pushes. After the one big push the baby's head is out, the doctor cleaned the baby's face, and then told Rory to give a few more pushes. Before she knew it, they hear the baby cry.

The doctor looks at Rory and Logan, "It's a girl!" He says with a smile. "Dad, are you cutting the cord?"
"A-Absolutely!" Logan said as tears fell down his cheeks.
Logan took the scissors from the doctor and cut the cord. Then they laid the baby onto Rory chest.
"Ace, you did amazing!" Logan said as he gave Rory a kiss on the forehead. "What will we name her?"
Rory looked up at Logan, "Lorelei Anna Huntzberger," Rory said "but we will call her Anna."

Welcome to the world:
Lorelei Anna Huntzberger 
May 18th, 2018 
4lbs 10oz.

Lucky enough there was no life threatening issues with Anna, just that she has to have a feeding tube until she is able to feed on her own and to gain some weight before they bring her home!

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