The Unknown 2

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Chapter 24: The Unknown 2
Sunday, December 9th, 2018 

Logan and Rory joined Joshua in the living room. It was a dead silence before anyone spoke. No one knew how to bring the topic at hand up. But everything had to be put out into the open, or everyone was going to combust with either knowing to much or not knowing anything. 

Rory was the first to speak, she just couldn't handle the silence anymore. 

"So, Joshua, how did you find out about Logan being your father?" Rory asked as calmly as she could, even though she was burning with rage. 

"After I turned 16, my mother sat me down and told me who my father was." Joshua answered. 

"But how do you know for sure Logan is your father?" Rory questioned him. "She just told you that Logan Huntzberger was your father, and that was that. Was or is there any proof that he is your father?" 

"Mom told me that Logan was the only person she had sex with before she found out she was pregnant with me. She was 14 years old when it happened and it was the first time she ever had sex. She was a virgin before that faithful night. Mom used to be one of those bad girls, she hung out with the wrong crowd, and they were usually older than her. During the night that I was conceived, she went to a college party with a few of her older friends, who were in their first year of college. As far as I know there is no proof that I am his son. I am just taking my mothers word for it, and I have all his features." Joshua explained. 

"Hold up a minute." Logan says as he places his hand in the air. "Your mother was a virgin when we slept together that night." 

"Yes, she was." Joshua said. 

"And she told you all this when she told you about Logan being your biological father." Rory asked. 

"Yes, she went into great detail about that night." Joshua replied. "I wasn't expecting her to go into as much detail as she did. But she gave me all the details, from the time she enter the party to the very next day." 

"Does your mother know that you been looking for me?" Logan asked. "Would you be willing to tell us about that night, because I can honestly say that I don't remember that night." 

"Yes, she knows I was looking for you, but she doesn't know that I have found you." Joshua replied. "I really don't feel comfortable about talking about that night with you, as it isn't my story to share. I just told you the main points about that night. I believe that you should talk to mom about that night, and not me." 

"Fair enough." Logan replied but was cut off before he could continue. 

"Fair enough?" Rory shouted. "Why would you even say that. This teen comes to our home, disrupts us from our family meal, to cause a riff between us because his mother told him that your his father without even proof. This is ridiculous."

"Rory." Logan semi-shouted. "Just stop. You aren't helping this situation at all." 

Logan couldn't believe what he was hearing coming from Rory. He understood that she was upset, but that was a little bit to much. All that was going through his mind, was this was going to tear apart their marriage, because of something that happened 17 years ago, and also it was something that he knew nothing about. If he could go back to that night and undo this, he would. But its's the past and she has to see it that way. Nothing is going to change what happen in the past, she has to realize that she and Anna are his future. 

"Joshua, I think it's time for you to leave." Logan said as he stood. 

"About time." Rory huffed. 

"Enough." Logan said as he turned his attention back to Rory. 

Joshua hasn't spoken a word since he said he wouldn't tell Logan and Rory any details on the night his mother got pregnant for him. He just sat there as Logan and Rory went back and forth with each other. This wasn't what he wanted to happen. He just wanted to meet his father, explain why his mother didn't tell Logan about him, or anyone else for that matter, due to the fact that she was only 14 and he was 19. And maybe get to know them. He knows that he has a little sister, named Anna. But if things keep going the way they are going, he figured he won't have much of a relationship with them, if they can't work it out. 

"That's okay, Logan." Joshua said as he stood. "I understand this is a lot to take in. But I can give you my number, and maybe we can get a paternity test done, so we can confirm that you are my biological father." 

"Yes, let's do that." Logan replied. 

Logan took Joshua's number but also he got Whitney's number as well, so he could contact her about all this, and so maybe himself and Rory could meet with her, to get the remaining details. 

After exchanging numbers, Joshua left. 

When Logan returned to the living room, Rory was sat on the couch, sobbing. 

"Hey." Logan quietly said as he walked towards her. "I know this is a lot to take in. But you got to believe me that I didn't know about Joshua. If I knew about him, you would of known to. And don't go getting any ideas in your head, thinking that I will leave because I a son, because I'm not going anywhere. My place is right here with you and Anna. You believe me don't you?" 

"I don't know what to believe anymore, Logan." Rory sobbed. "This is just all to much to take in. You have son, who is 16 years old. You don't know him or even if he is actually your son. But all I know is that when I seen him, I had a feeling that he was related to you. That he was going to cause some form of trouble between us." 

"I am going to get in contact with Whitney tomorrow. We, you and I, are going to go meet with her, to get the details of that night and we are going to push through this. If he is my son we will deal with it and if he isn't then we will just move on." Logan said as he held Rory in his arms. "I don't want you to be getting worked up over this. This could be just another page or possibly another chapter into our crazy life together. We are going to be fine. I am not leaving, I want you by my side through all of this. We are in this together aren't we?" 

"Yeah, we are in this together!" Rory quietly repeated as she looked up into his deep brown eyes, and she seen nothing but pure sadness, but she also saw love, the deepest kind of love that anyone could feel towards one person. She knows that he loves her with everything he has, and there are going to be times in their marriage that it's going to get rocky, but they have to become one, and fight whatever war is coming towards them. 

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