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Monday, November 19th 2017

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I sit up in bed as I wipe the sleep from my eyes.

He just stares at me as he begins to walk towards me.

"Logan, what are you doing here?" I say sleepy.

"You know why I am here, Ace. You don't just say your pregnant and hang up. We need to talk." Logan whispers as he sits at the foot of my bed.

"I don't want to talk Logan, your marrying Odette in two weeks. You should be in London with your wife to be. I can do this on my own plus I have a whole community who will support and help me. Just go Logan. I don't need your pity or your money. I just want to move on."I say as tears begin to fall.

"Rory, I'm not marrying Odette...we called it off before I headed here. I told her everything. I told her about us. I even told my parents..."Logan begins to explain but I interrupted him.

"You're not marrying Odette and you told her everything? You told your parents about us?" I ask him in shock.

"No, I am not marrying Odette, she overheard the voicemail I left you after I called you back. So, I came clean with her. I told her everything. I told her that we been seeing each other for 2 years. That you would come to London whenever she was in Paris and that you would stay with me while you were in London until she moved in, where you came to London just once and stayed at a hotel. Then I told her about my trip to Stars Hallow that ended in New Hampshire where we slept together for the last time. I told her we didn't use protection and that we conceived. I told her that I didn't want to be in London that I wanted to be back here in the US with you and that's all I ever wanted."Logan explained as he moved a little closer to me. "So, I packed an overnight bag with some of my clothes and booked a flight. Then I went to see my parents. I told them everything I told Odette. My mother once again said all those horrible things about you, like the first time you met her. But I told her that's why I love you, because you're an independent woman. I told them about the baby and that I was leaving to come back here to see you and that there was nothing they could do to stop me."

"What did they say? They must be furious with you. They never did like me even when we were dating in college, and they must hate me now that I got knocked up with your child." I say as I sob.

"They asked how I managed the affair for so long, and I explained to them that you would come to London whenever Odette was in Paris and that you would stay with me. Then I told them about the phone call when you were upset with your mother about the book you wanted to write, and how you ended it over the phone. But I didn't like the way it ended so I came to Stars Hallow with the LDB and we ended up in New Hampshire and that's where we conceived. My father asked about HPL. I told him that it was his decision on what he wanted to do there, but I knew I had to come back here to figure out what we were going to do. Then I told him he could cut me out of the family business or transfer me to Hartford." He explained with a very serious look on his face.  

"But what did they say about me and the baby? About HPL? What are they going to do?"I asked.

"They stared at me for the longest time speechless and in shock. Mom asked if I really wanted to do this and if I was sure the baby was mine. I told them yes that I was sure I wanted to come back here to try to make it work with you and that I should of did this a long time ago, but also that I knew the baby was mine. Then she just said to keep them posted on their grandbaby. Dad was proud that I came to them and told them everything instead of just leaving. Also, he is transferring everything to Hartford for me when we get everything figured out between us. That all he ever wanted was for me to be happy and that if you're the one that makes me happy then that's where I should be. Also, he said that he knew that you made and makes me happy. He could see it when he seen us at the restaurant in London." He explains as he reaches for my hand while looking into my eyes. "After talking to my parents, I caught my flight at noon – London Time – arrived in New York at 1am and drove here. Ace, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have walked away from you when we were in New Hampshire. I should have told you how I was feeling. You still amaze me every day, Rory Gilmore and I still don't know a-lot, but I do know that I still love you and I want to be with you forever. That's only if you would give me another chance to make this right."

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