Christmas Part Two

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Chapter 35: Christmas Part Two
December 25th, 2018

"What's going on?" Logan asked Joshua when Rory was out of ear shot.
"We can talk about it later, dad." Joshua replied, hoping that his father would let it go.
"I want to know what's going on Joshua. What were you and Rory talking about." Logan demanded.

But before Joshua could reply, Rory was walking towards them.

"Everyone's here." Rory announced as she came into view.

"We'll talk later." Logan whispered to Joshua.

"Merry Christmas." Mitchum said as he walked towards his son.
"Merry Christmas dad." Logan replied.

After what seemed like a million merry Christmas' to their guest, they were all seated in the living room, around a large Christmas tree which was surrounded by a ton of presents.

"Merry Christmas everyone." Rory began. "This isn't how I expected to be spending Anna's first Christmas, with having to head back to the hospital in a few hours. But we are going to make the best out of a bad situation. So before we start opening presents, Logan and I have a few things to tell you all."
"Well first of all," Logan began. "I want to introduce to you all to my son, Joshua."

Logan gestures towards Joshua who is sat on the floor with Anna.

Everyone says hi to Joshua, and Logan makes it a point that everyone can chat to him afterwards.

"I didn't know about Joshua until about two weeks ago." Logan continues. "He showed up here on December 9th, staying that I was his father. The next day myself, Rory, Joshua and Joshua's mom, Whitney went to get a DNA test done. Within an hour we had the results back and it was positive that I was Joshua's father. We are sorry to those of you that are just finding out, but when we told our parents, Anna got sick."

"What the hell, mate?" Finn pipped up.

"I know Finn." Logan replied. "It happened on the my 19th birthday that you had for me. I am not proud at all, and I honestly don't remember much about that night."

"Who's Whitney?" Finn asked.

"Whitney Smith." Logan replied.

"You mean Megan Smith's younger sister?" Honor speaks up. "Oh my god, Logan. Josh and I have been married for 12 years this past February. And at that time Megan's sister was only nineteen. So if Joshua is 16... that would of made her..."
"Fourteen when she got pregnant and fifteen when she had me." Joshua finishes the sentence. "I was born just a few days after mom's 15th birthday."

Everyone gasps.

"Logan, how could you?" Shira asks.
"Mom, honestly I didn't know she was that old." Logan calmly replies.

The room went silent. No one knew what to say. Everyone was in shock.

"Well," Mitchum began. "Joshua, welcome to the family. We have another grandchild."

After the shock of introducing Joshua to all their family and friends, there was just one more thing on the list to tell them.

The room was buzzing with chatter. Everyone was getting to know Joshua, but Rory knew she had to interrupt them, so they could tell them the news about baby #2 and to start opening presents.

"If we can have everyone's attention." Rory began. "We have one more announcement to make before we start opening presents and have a quick bite to eat before Logan and I have to head back to the hospital with Anna."

Everyone quickly quieted down, and all eyes where on Rory and Logan, once again.

"Well, this news may be shocking, but it's also good news." Logan began. "We are having another baby."

"Oh my's" and "congratulations" were said.

"So much news." Lorelei said.

She was in complete shock. She really wanted to speak to Rory alone, to see how she was feeling, but she knew that this wasn't the place nor the time to do so.

"I guess it's time for presents." Finn announced as he bounced up from his seat and headed towards the tree.

Finn began handing out presents. He began with the children. And in fact there was Anna, Joshua, Paris' two children, Honor's two children, Lane's two children, and Sookie's three children.

As the children finished opening up their gifts, which were mainly from Logan & Rory. But there was a few there from
Mitchum and shira, Lorelei and luke, Emily, Robert, Colin and Finn. Finn began handing out the few gifts that were there for the adults, there wasn't many but everyone had at least one or two gifts to open, besides Logan and Rory, who had a few more, since it was there house.

Once gifts were open, they all went to the dinning room to have breakfast, which consisted of pancakes, waffles, bacon, toast, eggs, and ham.

Once everyone was finished, Rory and Logan walked their guest to the door to see them off, so they could head back to the hospital to make Anna's 9am chemo.

This is a short one guys, I wanted to finish up Christmas Day and for Logan & Rory to tell everyone about their pregnancy and to introduce Joshua to everyone. I have outlined the next couple of chapters.

Chapters to come:
New Years
Anna's results
Huntzberger Baby #2
6 week checkup

This story is starting to clue up now - After these 6 chapters there may be one or two more, which will be time jump chapters.

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