The Results

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Chapter 27: The results
Monday, December 10th, 2018

"Well, the results are in.." Dr. McRoy began. "Joshua is your son, Logan."
Rory began to cry, she couldn't believe it. They were all telling the truth. Logan was in pure shock, he had a 16 year old son and he didn't even know about him.
Now, what will happen?
They all thanked Dr. McRoy for rushing the results and they left his office in silence. No one spoke, what was there to say? What happened 17 years ago happen, and now Logan had 16 years to make up for.
"Well..." Joshua began. "Now that I know the truth about my father, I guess we have to get to know each other. Maybe, we can get together some day this week?"
"We?" Logan asked. "Just me and you?"
"I mean, you, mom and me." Joshua said. "You guys have a lot of catching up to do, you guys will be together now."
"Wait a minute here." Logan semi-shouted. "We didn't go through all of that, just so your mother and I could be together, Joshua. I did it because I wanted the truth. Now, that I know your my son, I will take responsibility. But I also have a responsibility to Rory and Anna. Rory is my wife, and that's not going to change."

Rory was taken back by what Joshua just said, her hand let go of Logan's hand and she just started to walk away. But instead of heading towards their car, she just walked towards the street and onto the sidewalk. She needed to get away from all of this. She didn't need to be hearing that. She didn't want to hear Joshua say that Logan and Whitney could be together, like it was no big deal. She was standing there, holding onto her husbands hand, as Joshua spoke. Why would Joshua assume Logan was going to leave Rory to be with Whitney.

Logan was outranged by Joshua's assumptions. Logan had no intentions of being with Whitney. All he wanted was Rory, she was the only woman in Logan's life that mattered to him, well besides his mother and daughter. But no one, would ever replace Rory.

As he Logan was realizing what was happen, he realized that Rory wasn't holding on to his hand anymore. He began to look around, when he took sight of her he was stunned. She was walking away, and not only was she walking away, she was walking towards the street, she didn't even turn back, when she made it to sidewalk. She just kept on walking.

"ACE." Logan called out, and he kept calling out until he couldn't see her.

Rory heard him, but she didn't answer him. She just kept walking and walking, until she couldn't hear him.

Logan turned to Joshua and Whitney.

"Just leave." Logan said. "I'll be in contact Whitney. Joshua you had no right to say what you just said. I may not have been in your life for the past 16 years, but that didn't give you the right to say what you just said."

"I just thought that maybe you guys could be happy together." Joshua replied.

"Joshua, I am happy, with Rory." Logan said. "I've been in love with her for a very long time, like 13 years. She is my true love, and nothing is going to change that. But I got to go and find her. We have to go to my parents house."

"I'm sorry." Joshua replied.

Whitney just looked at them both, and then pulled Joshua by the arm towards her car.

Logan could hear her mutter a few words to Joshua, but all Logan was worried about was finding Rory. He knew that they were only 10 minutes from their house, and she went in that direction but also in that direction was his parents house. But they were 20 minutes away, and if he knew Rory at all, if she going to go anywhere, she was going to go home.

Logan quickly went to the car, jumped in and headed towards their house.

When he arrived, sure enough Rory was sat on the porch. She didn't bring her keys with her, since they went together.

Logan quickly put the car in park, and without turning it off, he jumped out and ran towards Rory.

"NO." Rory shouted. "Don't come near me."

"Ace." Logan whispered as he came to a complete stop just a foot away from her. "Talk to me. What's going on in that mind of yours?"

"What's going on in this mind of mine?" Rory shouted. "What the hell do you do think is going on in this mind of my, Logan, eh? That your son thought he was going to get his mom and you together, and he just blurted it out in front of me and he didn't just a damn. That's all he wanted. He wants to take you away from me and Anna. And if that's what you wants to do, then do it. But you may gain a son and another woman, but you would be losing the best two things that every happened to your life."

Logan was down on his knees sobbing. He couldn't believe that Rory thought that. "I don't want Whitney. Your my wife, your my soul mate, your my one true love." Logan sobbed, "Why can't you see that. Your the only one for me Rory. You, Anna and I belong together."

"What about Joshua?" Rory asked. "Where will he fit to in all of this?"

"We will figure it out." Logan sobbed. "We just found out. Let's not worry about what's next."

"Can you go get Anna yourself?" Rory asked.

"But i thought we would go together. I told dad we would have supper with him and mom." Logan said, he was heart broken, that Rory didn't want to come.

"I honestly don't think I can handle seeing them, or hearing you tell them about Joshua." Rory honestly said. "I just want to go inside, get a nice hot bath and relax. This day as been crazy and it's only 3pm."

"I'll unlock the door for you." Logan said. "You go in, get your bath. I'll go get Anna. But I am not staying there. Maybe we can order in for supper tonight?"

"Okay, but I really think you should tell your parents. Your father already seen Joshua. You knows he is going to ask you questions about it, as soon as you walk into the house." Rory said.

"I'm going to call them on my way there." Logan said as he unlocked the door. "Tell them to have Anna ready, and that we can't stay for supper."

"Fine." Rory replied, as she went inside.

"Ace?" Logan said.

"Yeah?" Rory replied while slipping out of her coat and boots.

"I love you." Logan said with a smile.

"I love you." Rory replied.

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