6 week checkup

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Chapter 40: Six week check up
September 18th 2019

It's been a little over 6 weeks since Eli was born, and now it was time to head back to the doctor for a check up.

Rory was a bit nervous about the visit, she has been feeling nauseous for the pass  two weeks, and she was scared that the doctor would tell her that she is pregnant, again. It's not that she didn't want anymore children, it's just that she wanted to take a break. She has been pregnant for the last two years, and with two children under the age of 2, she wasn't ready to have another one in nine months time.

Logan was already gone to work, and she was home with Anna and Eli. She was happy that they decided to have a live in nanny once Eli was born, due to the fact of being back and forth to the hospital with Anna.

Today, wasn't just a 6 week check up for herself, but it was also another check up for Anna. Eli also had to go in for his 6 week check up as well. He was getting so big.

Life has changed so much for Logan and Rory, when they welcomed baby Eli into the world. Logan has cut back his hours at the office, he is now working from home more. Rory allowed herself time everyday to get back to writing her book. She wanted to have this book finished before Eli was born but with the hospital appointments between herself and Anna, she only got to sit and write a few hours a week. But now it's been a couple hours a day, so the book has been coming along very well.

Joshua has started his senior year of high school, and has started thinking about university. He isn't sure what the plans are right yet, but he has become more interested in Logan's line of work more than ever. But he still always thought he would go into accounting, like his Grandfather Smith. He still had time to think about it, since school just started a little over 2 weeks ago. It was something he wanted to discuss with Logan and Rory. He knew they both went to Yale, and even though he didn't think it would be somewhere he would go, but with the changes over the last several months, and having a routine, going to school everyday and actually focusing on his school work, he thought maybe going to Yale wouldn't be such a bad idea. 

Rory's six week check up wasn't until 3pm, while Anna's appointment was at 11am. Rory figured she would take them both to Anna's appointment, then meet Logan for lunch before heading off to the six week check up. She was going to see if Logan would be able to bring Anna home as well. 

Before Rory knew it Joshua was out the door for school, and she was running around gathering everything she would need to get out the door on time to make Anna's appointment at 11. She wanted to be out the door by 10:15am, just to give herself a few extra minutes, where she would be bringing both children with her. 

Before long Rory was heading out the door with Anna and Eli. 

Logan had a few meeting in the morning, but he promised himself that he would make it to Anna's appointment, but he didn't mention anything to Rory. He didn't want to have her disappointed if he couldn't make it. He knew Anna's appointment was at 11am. He had two meetings to get through before he was able to get away from the office. 

HPG was trying to join up with a few more newspapers but it seemed like everything was coming to a stop - every time it seemed like Logan was getting the green light, the light turned to yellow at the very last minute before the deal went through. There was always something stopping the deal. But Logan was determined to sign the papers today to at least two out of the four potential new companies HPG would be owning. 

It was now 10:30am, he was still sitting in the board room trying to work everything out on the second company. The first meeting went smoothly, and he was happy to say that HPG had another company signed underneath them. 

"I don't understand why this has to be so hard to understand. HPG is looking to sign on the dotted line now, to make sure the Arizona republic doesn't go under. The numbers over the last several years have been really low in sales, and we at HPG want to make sure those numbers rise." Logan says, hoping to seal the deal very soon, so he can get out of here to make the appointment. 

"We understand where you're coming from Mr. Huntzberger. It's just a big risk." Mr. Jefferson replies. 

"It's not a risk, if you would actually break even at the end of the year." Logan replies. "It would be in the companies best interest to sign these papers, and make sure your company doesn't go belly up within the next couple of months." 

To Logan's disbelief Mr. Jefferson pulled out his pen from his jacket pocket and signed the papers that were sitting in front of him. 

After a few hand shakes, Logan was out the door. He accomplished what he set out to do this morning when he left his house. He had twenty minutes to get the clinic to meet Rory, and he was determined to get there. 

Rory was sat in the waiting room with Anna and Eli - waiting to get called in for Anna's appointment when someone sat next to her. She didn't bother looking to see who it was, she was watching Anna play, when suddenly Anna turned around and a huge smile came across her face.

"Daddy!" Anna screamed. 

"Anna, daddy isn't going to make the appointment." Rory sweetly replies.

"Actually, I made it." Logan whispered into Rory's ear. 

Rory quickly turned at the sound of Logan's voice, she was so happy that Logan made the appointment. He has never missed any of Anna's appointment, but she honestly didn't think he was going to make this appointment, because he didn't mention anything this morning before he left for work. 

"What are you doing here?" Rory said with excitement in her voice. 

"I finished all my meetings and I had time to get here before Anna's appointment." Logan said with a smile. 

"How did the meetings go?" Rory asked. 

But before Logan had the chance to answer, Anna was called in.

After some blood work, they got the news they were looking for. Anna was now in remission, but she wasn't in the clear just yet. The cancer was gone, but it was still possible for it to come back. But they were glad that Anna wouldn't be back and forth to the hospital over the next couple of weeks. She was to return again in six months time to do some more blood test, and hopefully with good results. 

After Anna's appointment, they all went for lunch. Logan told Rory all about his meetings, and Rory told Logan all about her morning with the children. By the time they finished lunch, it was almost 2pm. 

Rory and Eli decided to head to Rory's OBGYN, while Logan and Anna went home. It was just a 6 week check up, just to make sure Eli was growing, and for Rory to get on some form of birth control. 

They had an hour before the appointment, so Rory decided she was going to go and get a few items that they needed, before heading to their appointment. After picking up the few items, Rory headed to the appointment. 

Sitting in the waiting room, Rory looked around her. There were a lot of other women there. Some with bellies and some with little babies. It was amazing what a woman's body goes through to bring another tiny human into this world. 

Before long, Rory and Eli was getting called into the doctor's office. 

With a quick check up with Eli - who was growing like the weed - it was time for Rory's check-up.

"First of all, Rory, we need to do a pregnancy test." The OBGYN said, handing Rory a cup. "The washroom is right there. I can keep an eye on Eli for you." 

Rory went to the washroom, and a few minutes later came out with the cup. 

She handed the cup to the OBGYN. The OBGYN quickly did a pregnancy test. 

"Well, it seems like you won't be needing any birth control." The OBGYN said. "It seems that you are pregnant." 

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