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Chapter 18: Reception
Tuesday November 20th, 2018

The next morning, Rory wakes alone and naked in bed. Then it hits her, the wedding reception is this evening. So she slowly slips out of bed, grabs her robe and heads to Anna's room. She was some happy that Anna slept through the night, and was still sleeping.

But when she got to Anna's room, Anna wasn't in her crib. Instead Logan was sat in the rocking chair with Anna in his arms, and they were both fast asleep. Rory watched them for a few minutes and then quietly slipped away, so she could get a shower and begin preparing for this evenings event.

As Rory, slipped into the shower, and as the hot water hit her body, she begin to relive last night. Making love to Logan, never seems to amaze her. From the first time at her dorm at YALE to last night, every time its amazing and meaningful.

After finishing up her shower, she is standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror, naked, while brushing out her hair.

She doesn't hear Logan come into the room.

Logan leans against the doorframe of their bathroom, admiring the view that is in front of him. Rory is stood their naked, while brushing her hair. Logan's sweatpants he is wearing starts to become tight across his crotch.

He clears his throat and Rory jumps.

"You scared me!" Rory says when she realizes its him.
"I'm sorry, Ace." Logan replies with a smile. "Happy Anniversary!" 
"Happy Anniversary Husband! But is someone a little distracted?" Rory asked with a small smile, as she walks over to him.
"How can I not be, with you standing there naked." Logan says as he pulls her into him.
"Where's Anna?" Rory questions him.
"Finn took her." Logan says. "Remember the boys are staying here."  
"Oh my god." Rory says. "Did they hear us last night?"
"Ace, they stayed in the pool house." Logan said with a smile.
"Right!" Rory says as she begins to walk away. "I better start getting ready."
"Ready for what?" Logan teases.
"Our reception." Rory says with disappointment.
"You have hours to get ready, Ace." Logan says as he pulls her back into his chest. "And Anna is with Finn."
"What are you saying Huntzberger?" Rory questions him.
"Maybe we can have a little time to ourselves." Logan replies, as he pulls Rory into a very passionate kiss.

Rory moans into the kiss, and her hands reach down into Logan's pants.
With just a graze of Rory's fingers across his harden member Logan goes weak in the knees. This woman in front of him, is just mind blowing and she never ceases to amaze him.

"Something bothering you Huntzberger?" Rory questions him as she slowly strokes him as he melts into her arms.
"N-no." Logan stutters.
Rory just smirks, as she drops to her knees and brings his member to her mouth, licking the tip of him.
"Fuck..." Logan says as he sucks in a breath. Rory laps her tongue around him while wrapping her arms around the back of his legs, then eventually takes his member into her mouth.
Logan's fingers digs into Rory's hair, holding her still as he moves his hips, thrusting into her mouth.
"I could stay here all day with your lips around me." Logan moans as he thrusts a little faster causing Rory to tighten the suction of her lips around him, and Logan curses again.
"I'm going to come." Logan says as he pulls at Rory's hair a little more, and she begins to feel the muscles in his legs tighten under her hands. He moans Rory's name repeatedly as he releases down her throat.
After a few ragged breaths, Logan helps Rory to her feet, and kisses her forehead.
"Well I wasn't really expecting this when I walked in here." Logan says as he helps Rory to her feet.
"I wasn't expecting to see you leaning against the doorframe with a budge." Rory smiles as she licks her lips. "But now I have to finish getting ready."

A few hours later, guests begin to arrive.

The place is decorated very simple but very elegant. It is just a simple cocktail reception, with some finger foods and drinks. All Logan and Rory wanted was a relaxing reception for all their family and friends, to help them celebrate their one year anniversary and for everyone to enjoy themselves.

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