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Chapter 43: Background
17 years ago  February 16th, 2002

Whitney POV
It's been one month since that terrible day. One month since I lost the person I looked up to the most. I still had an older sister, but she was way older than me, who spent her time abroad and hardly ever came home. It's hard growing up with "old" money. There was always fancy parties to go to, and special events that would happen. I started to become sick of the same old parties, even the high school parties started to become boring. The boys there were useless, and all they ever wanted was to hook up. I wasn't ready for it, I just wanted to go get drunk and high.

After what seemed like forever of trying to escape another boring party of my parents, I finally escaped and joined a few of my older friends, who were heading to a college party.

I know I shouldn't of been going, I am only 14, but what the hell. This last month as been painful, and it seems like I am the only one grieving. My parents are acting like nothing has happened, only a month ago. While my sister has hardly spoken to us. She came back for the funeral, and only stuck around for an extra day. It was like she came home for a weekend like it was no big deal. Joshua, always made sure that I didn't get into any trouble. He was always there for me when I needed him to be. Then when he was killed I started acting out. I didn't want to be around my parents, all I wanted to do was to be out partying.

The first week after Joshua's death, I just sat in my room. But by the end of the second week, I just needed a way to escape from the pain I was feeling, and it seemed like I was the only one feeling it. My parents were gone back to their usual ways, planning events, going to events and just living life like nothing happened, and that Joshua was just away at college.

The second week, is when I started to sneak out of the house to head to parties, and not high school parties, it was college parties. And it seemed like every college party I attended it was at the same house, with pretty much the same people. And there was one guy there that always caught my eye, but I was too shy to speak to him. He was a hottie, with dirty blonde hair, and deep chocolate brown eyes, he was mouth watering. I would ask people about him, and they would all say the same thing about, "he's the playboy of YALE, but he knew what he was doing when he got you in bed." I wasn't sure I wanted that, well I knew I didn't want that. I was 14, and he was way older than me.

Once again, the college party, my friends and I attended was at the same place, and those familiar faces. And that one face in particular was of course in attendance. When I got there, he was completely wasted. But after a few drinks, and a couple of joints I finally had the courage to go over to him, well I just wanted to walk by him to see if he would be interested or even notice me.

As I was walking towards the group, he smiled at me, and I smiled back. This gave me the edge to continue walking towards them. As I got closer, the boy spoke, and what a voice. It was a drunken dreamy voice, and it made me hot.

"Hey, you want some?" He asked me, as he held up the joint.

I just nodded my head and finally made my way to the group. He handed me the joint, and I took a couple of hits then passed it to the next person.

As we were waiting for the joint to come back around, the boy started to flirt with me.
He kept whispering dirty sayings in my ear.

"I would love to have my face between your legs."

"Those titties need my hands squeezing them."

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