25 Years Later

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Chapter 42: 25 Years Later
November 2042

Years have come and gone, but there was one thing that never changed. The love shared between Logan and Rory. They have had amazing years together with their children. Now they were empty nesters at the ages of 60 and 57. The children have all grown and are now, living their own lives. They have a bigger family now, with five children, and three grandchildren.They had a lot to look forward to, and they couldn't wait to be able to spoil their grandchildren, but what means the most to them, is that they are all together.

Rory, was finally able to finish her book - The Gilmore Girls - which was based on her mother's life of becoming pregnant at the age of 16, and raising Rory as a single mother and it continued up until Rory finished high school - and the book became a big success. Rory Huntzberger became a New York best selling author. And by the time she was 52, she published another four more books. All books were related to her life. Her second book - Gilmore Girls 2, College Days - was based on her life at YALE and falling in love but also losing the love of her life. Book three - Not the life she expected - was based on her life after YALE, from going on the campaign trail to finally getting the love of her life back. Her fourth book - Living the life - was based on her married life, all the highs and low of becoming a mother and wife. And now at the age of 57, she was finishing up her fifth and finally book - Years of Love - which is based on their life as a family. From Anna's cancer, being a step-mother, to welcoming three more children into their crazy life, but also becoming a grandparent.

Logan, ended up becoming a very successful business man. He turned HPG into a multi-billion dollar publishing company, within the first five years of taking over, at the age of 40. It was stressful for him, trying to make this work so he could make his parents proud of the man that he become. He wanted and got the best life possibly for his family. But he always remembered that family always came first. He would make sure, especially after Anna was cancer free that they would do a couple trips a year, a trip down south for him and Rory alone. But then he made sure that his children got to see the world as well, and they did. By the time they all graduated high school, they been to almost every part of the world. Logan, was so proud of Rory and all her hard work getting her books published, but also doing it while running a household, being a mother of five and one amazing wife.

Anna is now 24 and has been cancer free for 22 years. She doesn't remember battling cancer, due to the fact, that it was the first two years of her life, but her parents told her countless stories about those years of hospital stays and visits. But once she got the final testing done at the age of 2, saying that she was cancer free, all the weight her parents felt was lifted. Anna was finally able to live a normal life - well as normal as a Huntzberger could anyway. Before long, Anna was starting school, and within a blink of an eye she was graduating High School and going off to University. But not just any University, it was YALE, of course. It was the University that her parents went to, and fell in love. During Anna's YALE days, she also meet someone, who she fell deeply in love with. When Anna's University days came to an end, she was beaming with pride from the success. Anna was proud to say she graduated with honours and at the top of her LAW class. It's been two years since she finished YALE, and she was now running a very successful Law Firm, called Huntzberger Legal. Within the first six months of running it solely on her own, she end up hiring two more lawyers and another secretary. Her business was thriving so well, that by the two year mark, she had to purchase a new building. But also at the two year mark, the love of her life, Andrew, proposed, and she said YES!

Eli is now 23. He had a pretty easy going life. He was really into cars, old cars and decided when he finished high school that he wanted to become an mechanic. He went to trade school, right after high school. And just like a regular school year of ten months, he was a mechanic. But every year, since those first ten months he as went back to keep upgrading. Each time he went back it was for eight weeks. After several upgrades he became a Journeyman Mechanic and the best mechanic in New Haven. He worked for several years at the best mechanic shop in New Haven. Then within the last 6 months, he finally ventured out and opened up his own. With the help from his girlfriend of 6 years, Tessa. They both took the jump, and opened a business together.

Mackenzie is now 22 and is just finishing up at YALE where she became an English teacher. They all assumed she would go into publishing like her father, with her love for books, but also having a soft spot for children she knew she wanted to become a teacher. Mackenzie at the age of 16 finally came out of her closet, and told her family that she was a lesbian, and that she was dating girls. Logan was a little upset, but finally realized that Mackenzie was still the same beautiful young women that he raised, Then at the age of 21 Mackenzie and her high school sweetheart, Ashlyn got married in Vegas. She didn't tell anyone, they just went and did it. Rory and Logan was so disappointed in her, but not that she got married so young, but because she didn't tell anyone. After a while, they accepted it, and they end up throwing them the biggest party New Haven ever seen. And now, both Mackenzie and Ashlyn are working as teachers at Chilton.

Xavier, now 22, was and still is a pretty laid back person, and a HUGE hockey fan. He started playing hockey during his years in elementary and high school. During his final year at Chilton, he realized that hockey was something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. So when it was time to start applying for college, he decided on Hockey School, so he could get drafted into the NHL. Hockey was his life, and he knew that the only way he was going to get drafted, was to work his butt off doing what he loved, and he did for eighteen month. He became the top in his class. Then at the age of 19 he was drafted to the New York Rangers. It's been four years, and he has taken the Rangers to the Stanley Cup Playoffs four times, and out of those four times they have walked out of the stadium three times with the cup! He not only made a name for himself, but he also scored himself one hot lady, Abby, a supermodel.

Joshua, now 40, followed in his father's footsteps. He finished high school, and went to YALE. He done journalism at YALE, and quickly realized that he loved it. He now is in the stages of taking over HPG, since Logan decided it was time to step down and spend the rest of his days with his wife, children and grandchildren. Joshua found out he was going to be a father, at the age of 21 and just before his 22nd birthday, he welcomed his son - Nathan - into the world. At the age of 23, he proposed to his girlfriend, Abby, and she said yes. And a little over two years after they got engaged they got married, Joshua was 25 and Abby was 24. Two months after they got married, they found out they were expecting their second child, and in six months time they welcomed their daughter -Annabel - into the world. Then at the age of 28, they welcomed their third child, another girl - Natalie - into the world.

Rory and Logan's life, has been filled with a lot of happiness, but also with sadness. But after all the ups and downs of their relationship, they made it.

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