Christmas Part One

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Chapter 34: Christmas Part One
December 25th 2018

After an eventful Christmas Eve, it was finally Christmas morning. Rory didn't sleep well as she was too excited. The whole gang was coming a 6am, since Anna had to be back to the hospital for her treatments by 9am. By 5am Rory was out of bed, showered and down stairs.

When Rory went down stairs she headed for her office, she figured it would be a great chance to get a little writing done before Logan, Anna and Joshua woke up, but also before anyone came. But unfortunately that wasn't the case, she wasn't sat in her chair five minutes, when a light tap came on the office door.

"Come in." Rory said. She was a little upset that she probably won't get to write, but then she figured she might if it was Logan. But she was wrong, because when the door slowly opened, Joshua poked his head inside.

"Hey." Joshua quietly said.
"Hey." Rory replied. "I hope I didn't wake you."
"No, I couldn't sleep much last night." Joshua replied as he made his way into Rory's office. "I got a lot on my mind."
"Is there anything I could help you with?" Rory asked, even though she figured he wouldn't want to talk to her.
"Actually, that's why I am here." Joshua said as he took a seat in one of the chairs in front of Rory's desk. "I've been thinking about things these past couple of weeks, and before I bring them up to dad, I wanted to make sure you would be okay with it."
"Oh," Rory replied a little shocked. "What have you been thinking about, Joshua."
"Well, I was hoping that you and dad would take full custody of me." Joshua replied.

Rory was at a lost for words. She didn't know what was going on, because when they first found out about Joshua, all he wanted was for Logan and Whitney to be together.

"W-why the sudden change?" Rory asked. "When Logan first found out about you, all you wanted was for your mom and him to be together."
"I know, but I quickly realized that mom has been trying everything to get back at dad because of what happened between them seventeen years ago. But she can't just put all the blame on him. She is just as guilty, she knew what she was doing when she opened her legs for him. And I can't blame dad for not being around, since it was mom who didn't tell him that she was pregnant in the first place. But I also know that he really and truly loves you only. I can see it in the way he looks at you, the way he holds you, and the way he speaks to you. I don't want mom to come between you both." Joshua begins.

Rory goes to speak but Joshua holds up his hand so he could continue, "Rory, I had a really crappy childhood. Mom never done nothing for me. I was always left with a sitter when I was younger and when I was able to stay alone I would be left alone. She would always be out partying. She would often come home in the early hours of the morning with a man, and they would just go into moms room. And well, I guess I don't have to go any further as to what would happen. This would happen every night, but it would be a different man every night. As I got older, and started to realize what was going on, she wouldn't come back to our house, she would go to motels with the men she would sleep with, sometimes leaving me for days before returning."

Rory looked at Joshua in shock. She couldn't believe what Joshua was telling her, did he really have a crappy childhood?

"I spent most of my infant, toddler and young school age bouncing between sitters. It wasn't until I reached twelve before mom started leaving me at home alone. I spent many night alone. When I turned 15, I started to ask more about my father. And she kept telling me that he didn't want anything to do with me, that he laughed at her when she told him she was pregnant." Joshua continues. "And when I finally turned 16, I realized that I wanted to know my father. That's when I started asking more questions about him. When I realized that he lived close by, I knew I had to meet him. Then after doing some research I learned about you and Anna. I learned that you and dad both attended Yale, and that when dad graduated from Yale he went to London but returned 6 months later to start his own business. Then on his birthday he got news that his business went under. Then on your graduation from Yale he proposed to you, and you said you couldn't. And he gave you an ultimatum that it was all or nothing. And you still said you couldn't do it."

"Wow," Rory said in amazement. "You really did do your research. And everything you found out about us is true."

"I just know that if you both took full custody of me, I would have a better life for myself. That I would be better off. Mom doesn't make me go to school, even though i do go, and my grades are good." Joshua begins again. "I know you both have a lot going on right now, especially with Anna. But I would like for you to think about it."

"Yes, we do have a lot going on with Anna, and plus we have another child on the way." Rory replies. "But I can speak with Logan about this. Then we can both sit with you to discuss it further. You know it will be a while before it can happen, and I honestly don't know if we would get custody of you. The mother usually always wins a custody battle."

"I'm going to have another sibling?" Joshua said with excitement. "I know it's going to take time to get everything straighten out, and I can get some information on mom for you both. I just don't want to be with her anymore. Yes, I will still visit her and whatnot, but all she is worried about it partying and hooking up with different men every night. I just don't see how that's a suitable living environment for me."

"Well, Joshua," Rory began. "You are a very mature teenager and it shows that you really want this. I will speak to Logan in the coming days, and we will get our friend Colin to get the ball rolling on the custody case."

"Thank you Rory." Joshua replied as he stood. "I really didn't think you would want to take on the responsibility of having a teenager."

"Joshua, all of this is new to me. And it's new to your father. But I am trying my hardest to be there for him, and for you. I'll be my best to be the best step mom for you and I will always stand by Logan for whatever he wants to do." Rory replied as she stood as well. "Well I believe it's time to get your father and sister up, everyone should be arriving within the next twenty minutes or so."

Rory and Joshua left the office together. As Rory shut the door, Logan and Anna were coming down the stairs.

"Good morning Ace." Logan said with a huge smile. "Morning Joshua."
"Good morning." Rory and Joshua said in union.
"Is everything okay?" Logan asked as he reached them.
"Yeah everything is fine." Rory replied, as she looked at Joshua with a smile. "We will fill you in on what we were talking about soon."
"What's going on Joshua." Logan asked. "I want to know."

Logan was getting a little frustrated with them. He knew they were talking to each other about something and he wanted to know now. He didn't like being left out. Joshua was his son, it was bad enough that he missed out on 16 years of his life.

"It's about..."Joshua began, but before he could continue a knock came to the door.
"Our guest are arriving now." Rory replied. "I'll get the door."

Rory walked off towards the front door, leaving Joshua,Logan and Anna by her office.

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