Welcome Home

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Chapter 21: Welcome Home 
Monday, December 3rd, 2018-Tuesday, December 4th, 2018

Rory and Logan endured another 24 hour flight back home, and when they landed in New York, they were met by Frank, who informed them that they were to spend the night in New York to rest up, for a fun filled family day in Stars Hallow the next day. Rory was surprised that her mother and Luke had something planned for them in Stars Hallow, but they were both looking forward to it. They knew that Lorelei and Luke had Anna, so they figured they would pick her up, before going back to Hartford. Rory wanted to skip the hotel for the night and just head to straight to Stars Hallow, but Logan convinced her to get some rest before running back into the swing of things. With a pouting face, Rory gave in as Frank took them to their hotel for the night. Once settled into their suite, Rory and Logan called it a night, since it was almost 3am.

The next day, Rory woke, showered and dressed before Logan - a normal thing - Logan hates mornings, even though it was almost noon before Rory woke, and it was close to 1pm when Rory decided it was time for her husband to wake up and shower so they could get on the road to Stars Hallow. Logan groaned, as Rory called his name several times to get him up. But with a little sweet talk and bribery he gave in. He quickly took a shower, grabbed a coffee to go and they headed out to the waiting car.

The ride to Stars Hallow was long, they were itching to see their daughter.

As they began to see the Stars Hallow sign, they started to notice other signs as they drove. Each sign was different. The first one said "Hope" then the next one said "you", and the next one said "guys" and it continued until it read "Hope you guys had an amazing Honeymoon. We are so glad you are back. Anna missed you." Rory began to tear up, as Frank finally pulled into her childhood town, she looked out the window and noticed that the town was decorated with banners and all kinds of fall floral, even though it was the beginning of winter. They were surprised when they seen everyone running around, as if they were preparing for something big. But Rory didn't really pay much attention to what everyone was doing around the little town, all she wanted was to get to her childhood home to see her daughter. 

As they pulled up to Rory's childhood house, it was decorated with a WELCOME HOME banner on the front porch. Rory smiled as she stepped out of the car and bounded for the front door, only for it to be pulled open as she reached the handle. Logan and Rory was greeted with a loud "WELCOME HOME" by all their family and friends. Everyone was there to welcome them back home. 

Rory and Logan was surprised by the amount of people in the house - Luke, Lorelei, Anna, Lane, Zack, Steve, Kwan, Mrs. Kim, Jess, Mitchum, Shira, Honor, Josh, JJ, Kyle, Paris, Doyle, Gabriella, Tim, Collin, Juliet, Finn, Rosemary, Miss Patty, Babette, Gypsy, Robert, Lucy, Krik, Lulu, Taylor, Emily, Sookie, Jackson, Michael, April, Christoper, and GiGi. - But they were beyond words for the amount of love and joy they felt in their hearts. 

As soon as Anna see them she was calling for them. 

"Ma-ma, Da-da" Anna called from the comfort of Grandpa Luke's arms. 
"Baby Girl!" Rory said as she walked to her with out-stretched arms with Logan right hot on her trail. When Rory reaches Anna, Anna glows with happiness in seeing her mother for the first time in twelve days. Rory hugs her close, giving her kisses. 
"Can't daddy have some hugs and kisses too?" Logan asks his daughter. 
"Da-da." Anna says as she reaches for Logan. 
Logan takes his daughter and squeezes her, "Oh baby girl, daddy missed you so much!" Logan says as he hugs his daughter tightly! 

Rory has moved on to mingling with everyone, while Logan got to cuddle his daughter. 

Before long Lorelei is asking everyone to gather around. 

"Well I know why we are here today and that's to welcome back Rory and Logan from their honeymoon." Lorelei begins. "I am very happy to have my daughter and son-in-law back where they belong, and that's with all of us and their daughter. I do hope they had an amazing honeymoon in Bora Bora. But right now, we are here to celebrate their return." 

"So I think what Lorelei is trying to say," Luke interrupts, "is Welcome back Logan and Rory and now let the family fun day begin." 

And with that everyone started cheering. 

Lorelei passed around a schedule of events to everyone. 

The events included:
Hay rides by the Dragonfly Inn horses. 
Roasting Marshmallows over an open fire. 
Hot Chocolate & S'mores

There wasn't a large list of events, since they knew that Rory and Logan wouldn't be arriving until late afternoon, and once they arrived she knew that everyone want to catch up with the happy couple and to hear all about their honeymoon. 

The first activity of Hay rides started at the Dragonfly Inn, and it took them all over Stars Hallow, and brought them back to the Dragonfly Inn where there was a big open fire started. Tables were lined off with sweets made by Sookie, along with bags of marshmallows, chocolate, and graham wafer cookies. 

Rory and Logan were speechless to be welcomed back with such a special event planned for them. 

After everyone grabbed a cup of hot chocolate, some marshmallows, chocolate and graham wafer cookies, they all headed towards the campfire, where logs were placed all around for everyone to sit on. Logan, Rory and Anna sat on one log. Anna was sat on Logan's lap cuddled into his chest, while Rory had her arm hooked through Logan's left arm with her head resting on his shoulder. 

As everyone gathered around the campfire, there was so much chatter. Rory just looked at everyone as they all mingled, and couldn't believe how much has changed since her first encounter with the Huntzbergers, Mitchum and Shira was so rude to her, and didn't want her with Logan. They done everything possible to keep them apart, but their love was too strong. Yes, they spent many years apart, but her heart ached for him. She longed to be in his arms, to be able to wake up in the mornings next to him, and when she seen him in Homburg three years ago, she knew that she had to have him, but only to find out that he was engaged. But she couldn't let him go right away, they did the "vegas" agreement. but she quickly knew that it was going to lead to heartbreak when the time came for them to part for good. After deciding to end things in New Hampshire, she knew she would have to begin a new life without him, as much as it hurt her to admit it. But what she didn't realize after walking away from him in New Hampshire, was that he was going to be back in her life eight weeks afterwards. 

Rory's thoughts are interrupted when Logan speaks. 

"What's going on in that mind of yours Ace?" Logan whispers into her ear. 
"Just thinking about how life was when we first meet, and everything that has happened leading up to tonight." Rory admitted as she looked into those chocolate brown eyes.
"I know, Ace," Logan spoke. "We have been through a rollercoaster in the pass 14 years, but we finally made it. Just look around us. We are surrounded by everyone who loves us. But what's most important is that we made it. I couldn't be happier than I am right now. With you by my side, and this beautiful blue eye, blonde hair little girl in my arms. This is where I was meant to be, even if it took 13 years for both of us to realize that." 

Rory didn't respond, she placed her hand on his cheek and pulled him in for a kiss. 

After a tender moment between them, Lorelei announced that the fireworks were set to begin. 

Rory unwrapped her arm from Logan's arm, as she stood. Logan stood with Anna in his arms, who was now asleep. He took Rory's hand as they stood. 

Rory spoke to Anna, just before the fireworks began. 

"Baby girl, you want to see something pretty." Rory softly whispered to Anna. 
Anna slowly opened her eyes, and when she did, the fireworks began. Anna's eye lit up and she saw all the colours in the sky. 


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