Chapter one - Over Slept

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Harry woke up to his tedius alarm clock ringing next to his head. He sat up in his bed, turned the it off and sighed. He looked at the time and saw it was 11:30 in the morning.
"Fuck" he silently exclaimed to himself, realising he had slept through the alarm he had originally set for 10:00am. He slowly climbed out of bed and clambered over to his wardrobe and picked out his infamous blue sidemen crest logo hoodie and a plain top and put them over his bare chest. He then grabbed a pair of black tracksuit bottoms and slid them on. Just as Harry was about to walk into his bathroom his phone started to ring, he walked over to it and shakily took a deep breath in. He hated phone calls as they really riled up his anxiety. He picked up the phone and pressed it to his ear.
"h-hello?" He asked nervously
"Bog wher are you?!" Ethan's voice sounded through the phone, slight annoyance laced his words.
"S-sorry mate, I-I slept through my alarm"
"For fucks sake, just hurry up and get over here"
Harry opened up his mouth to speak but as he was about to, Ethan hung up. He now felt really bad for annoying his friend, he was late for recording a new sidemen Sunday.
Harry quickly went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth and then walked to his front door, slippping his shoes on and slid out of the door and left the house. On his way to meet the boys, Harry couldn't help but think about how he had dissopointsd his friends, and how they would be annoyed at him for being late. The thought ran through his mind constantly, until he had reached the sidemen house.

Harry shakily held his fist up to the door, and waited a few secconds until he knocked on the door twice. Josh opened the door and welcomed Harry inside the house. With no words spoken he silently followed josh into the kitchen, to see the boys sitting at the huge kitchen counter. Harry felt uncomfortable as they all stared at him, he wasn't good in social situations as it was, and the fact that he had annoyed them made it even worse.
"Uh I-I'm sorry I'm uh late" Harry said worriedly, as he looked at each of the boys sat infront of him.
"It's alright, Tobi isn't here yet eaitehr," Vikk's voice beemed from near the sink, as he poured himself a glass of water. "Want something to eat?" Harry's head darted back up to Vikk as he was asked the question. "Uh, no, no thanks I-I'm good" Harry weakly smiled as Vikk nodded to him in response. After realising that he was still awkwardly standing away from the boys he made his way over to them and took a seat.
Even though him being late was forgotten by the boys, as tobi still hadn't arrived, Harry couldn't help but feel bad about it. Whilst lost in his thoughts, staring at the counter, he hadn't realised that tobi had now walked through the door and all the boys were greeting him.

"Bog?" Tobi spoke from across the room as the others had already gone into another room to start filming. "Harry" he tried again, and after no reply he walked over to him and patted his shoulder.
"Oh h-hey Tobi, your here" Harry said as he looked across the room to find it empty. "I have been for about five minutes bog," tobi silently giggled to himself and looked back to Harry who was now getting up out of his chair and heading to the other room. "Harry you okay?" He asked but by the time he looked back to him he had already gone to join the other guys.

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