Chapter eight - We'll Have To Try

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Me and the boys were all sitting in the kitchen, discussing video ideas for the sidemen channel, a thing we did very often. It'd been about an hour and a half since we left Harry upstairs, and none of us wanted to wake him up. We weren't sure how long he hadn't slept for, but you could tell it was a while. When he came round I saw him leaning against the doors with his eyes closed before he knocked, I was wondering why but now I know, he's very tired. I know it's not the nicest thing to say, but he looked kinda zombie-ish. There were massive bags under his eyes and they were red, I don't know what caused that. My main guess would be that it was from crying, but then again, what would Harry have to cry about? Another mission we needed to get to the bottom of. All in all we are just really worried about him, a few of us know that he has his own struggles sometimes, but we don't really know what they are. He's just been acting really different recently, he has been a lot more distant, less energetic and also more, I don't know, moody I guess.

It's simple. I'm worried about Harry, we all are. Though, we were trying to think about other things for a while. "What if we do the chase? Everyone has been asking us in the comments to do it for months now you know?" Jj spoke, and me, vikk and Simon all nodded in agreement, as I added it down to the list. "We've done yoga, and that got a good reaction, so why not try something else like that? Like a dancing class or something where we all have to learn a routine together" Simon joked, yet it actually seemed like a good idea, so I secretly added it to the list, knowing the boys would tell me to take it off.

A few more hours had passed and we had now relocated into the garden, just kicking around a football and doing some tricks, it was a warm day so why not go outside and get some fresh air. After a while we all sat on the grass and I layed back, closing my eyes and I happily sighed. It's days like this where I realise how greatfull I am to be here, just the little things like this. After a few minutes, I sat back up, opened my eyes and looked down to my watch and saw the time. 3:27pm. Harry had been here for a while now, and had been asleep for hours, but we still didn't want to wake him up yet. "I'm actually starving!" Jj exclaimed, as we all turned to him "you always are" Simon quietly said whilst sat next to me, but somehow, jj still managed to hear it from where he was. "IM BULKING!!" He shouted as a football flew in the direction of Simon, but still missing him. We all erupted into a fit of laughter, before heading back into the house, to order something to eat.

"Should we get Harry something?" Vikk asked, while typing out our orders into his phone. "Yeah just get him whatever your having" I spoke, not really paying much attention to their conversations as I was reading a message I had just received from Freezy.

Hey josh is bog with u. He's not answering our texts or calls and Lux is worried bout him.

I read the text and quickly shot a message back, deciding I should probably go and wake him up now,  knowing that the food would be here soon, and that he needed to speak to the cal's.

Hey yeah he's here, he hasn't answered because he's been asleep upstairs, I'm gonna go wake him up now, I'll tell him to give you or Lux a call.

I went up the stairs and was just about to go into my room but I stopped as I got another text so I turned round and headed back down the stairs, starting to read it out, readying myself, after seeing it was a long one.

Hey it's Lux now, if Harry is asleep please can you leave him that way? It's just that we don't think he's been sleeping much recently, and yeah. I'm kinda worried about him, he's not really speaking to us much anymore and he's been acting a bit off. Any chance you know what's up with him? He's been round the sidemen house quite a lot recently, and if he is ever home with us then he's just in his room. We've tried to speak to him but he just brushes it off and says he's fine, but I don't think he is to be perfectly honest. Sorry to bother you about it but, it's  just that we want to know what's going on with him and shit like that.

I read the message twice, and then told the boys about it. "So something is definitely wrong with him" Jj said whilst staring into my eyes, then Simons. "When he wakes up we're gonna have to talk to him. Like, seriously, have a proper talk with him" Simon sighed. "I mean, we'll have to try. He won't speak to the cals about it, so he might do the same with us. He'll try to push us away." I said, and we all sighed simultaneously. We were speaking for another hour and a bit, about how we would talk to Harry. We wanted to get this right.

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