Chapter 58 - Humiliation

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I woke up to an empty room, and yawned tiredly. As I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, everything from the previous night came back to me. I sat silently, humiliation washing over me, as I realised that they all know about it. Jj will think it's funny, Vikk will be annoyed, Ethan just won't care, Josh will go all protective over me again, Tobi just won't say anything to me, and I hurt Simon. He definitely hates me now. I don't blame him, I hate me aswell.
I opened up to him, telling him things I've never told anyone before, and now he thinks I'm pathetic. He probably thinks I'm some crazy person, and I don't want that.

I sat in complete silence for around an hour, before I picked up my phone, and opened twitter. I don't know why I do this to myself, it's basically just asking for hate. Every tweet I send out, gets the
same types of replies. People grilling me about uploading, and people telling me that I'm a disappointment to the sidemen. Every single time. But of course you can't forget the occasional gay slur, the homophobic comments and the classic 'kys' you get every once and a while. It's literal torture. I scrolled through my feed, whilst I sat there with a blank face. I read it all, of course I did. All of the horrible things people say to me, it makes me feel like shit, and it's so addicting. I liked a few random stuff, mainly about fortnite and shit like that, before I turned my phone off, and almost on cue, Tobi and Ethan appeared at the door I didn't even realise was open. "Hey," Tobi spoke softly as they walked in. "Why are you crying?" His voice sounded so sweet. I looked at him in confusion, before I realised I actually was crying. I instantly sighed in defeat. "Guess that's something I just do all the time now?" I questioned, not really sure of my answer. He looked down as he sat at the end of the bed, trying to find something to say. "Last night," Ethan mumbled from beside me, now also sitting himself down "I don't want to talk about it." I whispered. "You'll have to at some point." He spoke sadly, and he had a point. This isn't going to just be forgotten about, especially by Josh. I wiped away the tears from my eyes, and then leaned against Ethan, as he stroked my hair.
I closed my eyes and started to think. What's going
to happen to me now?

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