Chapter 77 - Adressing Him Personally

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I looked away for the most part, and so did Harry. All that I could think about was Ethan, and why was he being such a dick? He's supposed to be here for Harry, but instead he just walks out the door?
I mean, it's kind of pathetic to be honest.

Finally, when the doctor had finished up, she smiled to me and Harry. I know I definitely should have listened to what she said afterwards, as it was obviously important, but I couldn't keep my mind off of Ethan. My blood boiled as I smiled kindly to the doctor and thanked her, before walking out to the other boys with Harry nervously stood behind me. "Where the fuck is Ethan?" I exclaimed, trying to keep my voice down, not wanting to disturb the other groups of people near by. The others looked to me in confusion, then to Harry. "What? Did he leave you guys?" Jj questioned, tilting his head slightly. I nodded in annoyance, and scanned the room, eager to find the man. "I'm so fucking pissed" I muttered under my breath, just loud enough for the four men to hear, receiving a mixed reaction. "Josh just rem-" I instantly cut off Tobis words, though it would probably be good advice to listen to, as I saw Ethan walk into the cold waiting room. "What the fuck Ethan?!" I angrily spat, apparently no longer caring about causing a scene. "Why the fuck did you leave? Harry needed you in there, and you just fucking left! You're so pathetic!" I spoke my words, as he just looked to the floor in obvious shame.

"I'm so sorry," he finally spoke, though not to me. He walked closer to Harry, addressing him personally. "I wanted to be there for you, I really did. It's just-" His apology was cut of by the younger man hugging him, slightly swaying from side to side. "It doesn't matter Ethan... I'm just glad you're here now." He kindly spoke, loosening his grip on the older man, now standing back infront of him. The two stood there for a moment, as I digested what had just ensued. Why did he forgive him so easily? Honestly, I was extremely pissed off, though I guess I'm glad that Harry is okay.

"I shouldn't have created a scene back then, I am sorry for that Ethan." I confessed as we all walked back to the car park. "I'm so sorry bog" Ethan said again, as he put an arm of comfort around him. So he's just going to ignore me now?

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