Chapter 75 - Harry Lewis

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Nervously, we sat in the sterile waiting room, as Josh filled out forms for Harry. Surprisingly, there wasn't many people in the hospital, which did help a lot. Harry was still crying, and I felt really bad for him. He obviously did not want to do this, but I guess he knew it had to happen. He had tried to run away from us twice now, once when we had gotten out of the car, and also when we walked through the doors of the building. I think it's just the thought of what's going to happen to him, and I don't blame him. What is going to happen though?

"Harry Lewis?" A nurse called as she walked into the quiet room, and the boy next to me paled slightly. I nudged him gently, but still, he didn't move. "Harry Lewis?" She spoke again, looking round the room. "Is there a Harry Lewis here?" She quickly grew impatient. "Yeah, sorry." Josh called out, helping a shaken up Harry out of his seat. With all his force, the injured boy tried to pull away, so Ethan stood to help. Finally, he was on his feet, and slowly walking, with the help of the two men. I watched carefully, as they exited the room, and continued to stare, untill they turned a corner.

"This is fucking shit man" I exclaimed, leaning back into the wooden seat and rubbing my eyes. I looked over to Vikk, as he just nodded in agreement. He looked tired, and incredibly worried. Their friendship is so underrated, Vikk and Harry's, that is. They are a lot closer than I am to either of them, so it's hard to even imagine how he's feeling right now. I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, which he then smiled to.

With the help of Ethan, I had finally gotten Harry out of his chair, and onto his feet. Slowly, we followed the nurse ahead of us, going down many corridors, which all seemed to look the exact same. Finally, we had reached a room, and Harry was instructed to sit down. "I'll be right back" the doctor kindly stated, as she walked out of the door. Me and Ethan shared a look, then directed our gazes to the boy infront of us, sat on the turquoise bed. No words were spoken though. After telling us to wait for another nurse, the woman walked back out through the door. The crying man on the bed slowly looked to the exit, to his arm, and then back to me. Knowingly, Ethan stood up and made his way to the door, so if he did try to run away again, he would be able to stop him. Around five minutes had passed, and we were still waiting for someone to come through and see Harry. The silence we sat in was rather awkward, though I didn't really care, after all, we had bigger problems to deal with.

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