Chapter fourteen - Hey, What You Up Too?

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We all stared at the sight infront of us, almost everyone in the room was silently crying to themselves. It was, well, disgusting. To see so many scars, new and old, all over his body was such a terrifying sight and I wish I could just erase it out of my mind. We all continued to stare at him untill josh and jj pulled his bottoms completely off, just leaving him lying in his boxers. They then simply covered him with the quilt and ushered us all out of the room, following us quickly behind. We all silently made our way back into the kitchen and sat down. As soon as I was in a seat , my head hit the table softly and I stared to cry out loud. My actions were mimicked by the others, as a few of them did the same. "What are we gonna do," I spoke out, after a few minutes of silence. "We can't exactly just forget what we saw, can we?" I said slightly angry. Yes, I'm deeply upset and still in shock, but I just can't stand the thought of Harry doing that to himself, it sickens me. "Talk to him?" Ethan suggested. Me, josh and Tobi glared at the man. Is he stupid? He gave us a questioning look back. "Well we can't exactly do that again, look what happened last time you tried that," Vikk started, drawing our eyes away from Ethan and to him instead. "I'm not real-" he was cut off by Lux sighing rather loudly. He sat up a bit and spoke. "Shouldn't we just take him to the hospital? Come on, he's obviously not okay, like, mentally, and I really hate seeing him like this you know. He's far from happy, stable or even healthy. If we take him to the hospital we could easily get him the help he needs... the help he really does need." We all nodded in agreement, a few sighs coming from the group.

I woke up, only to find myself almost naked lying in a bed. I took in my surroundings, and after a while, I realised I was still in the sidemen house. I got out of the bed, a slight pain in my wrist as I got off of the bed, most probably caused by me falling down the stairs earlier on. As I stood, I looked into the mirror infront of me. Disgusting. After a few seconds gathering my head and thoughts together I remembered that I was wearing clothes when I was last in here. Oh no. Oh shit. The boys have seen it all now. They took my clothes off of me whilst I was sleeping and they think I'm crazy. No, no. I probably did get undressed before I fell asleep and I just don't remember because I was really tired. Now, thinking of it, I don't even remember falling asleep. Maybe nothing bad did actually happen and I'm just worrying for nothing, I tend to do that a lot anyway.

After a few minutes, finding and putting my clothes on I leave the room and slowly make my way down the stairs. I don't know how long I slept for, but it must've been a while, because I could see that the cals where here when I was waking down. I put a smile on my face and was just about to walk into the room, I stopped when I heard they were speaking. "If we take him to the hospital we could easily get him the help he needs... the help he really does need." I heard a voice, definitely Lux's.
Their talking about you Harry.
They're gonna take you to the hospital.
But why? I'm fine, they have no reason to do that.
Are you sure your fine Harry?
There's nothing wrong with me, yes.
If you say so.
Fuck off, just leave me alone.
Ha. It's gonna take more then that.
After a few minutes of hiding
behind the door, I shook my head and walked into the room, pretending I hadn't heard a single word of their previous conversation. As I walked pass them I walked to the cubord and got out a glass, then cautiously made my way over the sink, and poured myself some water. I took a sip, then a small breath, and turned around so I was facing them. As I looked round the table, they were all staring at me, which only made me want to sink into the floor and regret not staying upstairs. Though, nervously I spoke up. "Hey, what you up too?" I asked casually, surprising myself, with the fact my voice didn't crack and that I didn't even stutter - a usual occurrence for me. They all just continued to stare at me, a longing look in most their eyes. I didn't know what to do.
Just act normal Harry, be confident.
You could argue that this voice in my head is not nice, and is horrible to me constantly but I would probably disagree. It's helpful to have someone to tell me what to do sometimes, especially in situations like this one.

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