Chapter 32 - Old Habits

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Cal opened the door for me and I immediately ran past him and straight to my room, ignoring them both calling my name. I wanted to be alone. So that was what I was going to do. I locked my door and headed to my draws. I dug deep through my boxers until I felt the cold metal on my fingers. I fell back into old habits as I picked up what I had missed so much and threw off my jumper, tossing it next to my bed. I held the sharp blade to my arm, and sliced into my skin, not bothering to care how deep I went. I cut into my forearm, enjoying the pain, as my blood dripped onto the floor below me. Feeling light headed, I out the blade back and picked up my jumper. As I put it on, I walked back to my bed, and flopped onto it. The only way I could get a decent sleep.

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